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Daddy's Girl (6)

1 Name: Schir : 2011-10-18 09:47 ID:sAUbkVky [Del]

Nine year old daughter of a Michigan father was driving for her dad as his D.Driver. Civilians were worried and had the cops pull her over. Though on the "Today Show" she was quoted when she was pulled over she asked the officer,"What is wrong, I was driving good."

2 Name: Phantom : 2011-10-18 19:27 ID:uW/pWobm [Del]

Trust me,I dont know why people make a big deal over this kind of stuff. There are alot of things that could be done at younger ages but people are too stupid to even consider it.

For instance...WHY THE HECK is there a sex education class in Highschool/College? Im pretty sure most people have been on the internet by that time.And shouldnt Parents be the ones to teach them this stuff?

The same goes for driving and other things.Do people think AGE matters in this stuff? Age and Maturity are completely different.Just because someones the age allowed doesnt mean they are mature enough to handle it.

Heck,I know a 14 year old who is more mature.I mean...geez...she manages to make most of the adults shut up and listen even.

3 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-10-18 23:09 ID:aJO+t5// [Del]


- The internet should not be teaching children about sex. That's just retarded.

- Parents tend to not bring it up, or be all "sex is bad; never do it." They don't explain how to do it safely, so when their kids inevitably do go behind their parents' backs, they end up with STDs and pregnancy scares.

- It's done in high school because that's when the sex drive is activated. Lrn2Biology

4 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-18 23:41 ID:cnlkfp1h [Del]

Age is proportional to experience. Yes, there are some prodigies and special cases where one learns earlier than they should, but the law sets the driving age to a certain point as an assurance, not as a warrant of global distrust and discrimination of an age group.

Take a poll. How many 9 year olds do you know that are great drivers? Now how many 16+ year olds do you know that are great drivers? No law enforcer is going to take the time out to trust that whoever drives is a good driver. Everyone has an ego, and people are stupid by default. Combine those and place little to no restriction on it, and you are left with an incredibly dangerous situation.

5 Name: Mumulan : 2011-10-19 03:47 ID:Cq0jZ3M1 [Del]

Ha ha, I saw that on the news this morning while getting ready for school...

6 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2011-10-20 12:31 ID:4IgkjNWN [Del]

I heard about that yesterday they told me that the dad when he gets drunk he makes his daughter drive him. I ts amazing what some one can learn by them selfs.