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Small Child Run Over And Left. (25)

1 Name: C.Anon : 2011-10-17 22:50 ID:uLV4W1bX [Del]

recently in china, a small girl was run over by a van, and ignored in the street. several passerby ignored her and refused to call for help and then she was run over by another truck. here is the link.

2 Name: Fynch : 2011-10-18 00:28 ID:HZvF0efp [Del]

That's the Chinese for you.

3 Name: Radetz : 2011-10-18 01:34 ID:X/4jOpgf [Del]

Well, That was disturbing >.>

4 Name: Kikkuri : 2011-10-18 07:10 ID:ayHTuN94 [Del]

... You can't be serious...

Talk about diffusion of responseability.. but this is just too much. If I were that guy in the goddamn Van, I'd get out of that thing and check what I just ran over! But NO! The bastard just HAD to keep driving EXTRA CAREFULLY so that his tires won't get damaged, or WHAT?!

Oh yeah.. I couldn't take the rest of the video..

Also the news report pisses me off. Why? The goddamn music! What the hell is wrong with you?!

5 Name: Juumonji : 2011-10-18 12:19 ID:iPDhZuaW [Del]

Terrible, just terrible... but unfortunately, it happens, even if we wish it didn't.
And then people comment (on the Huff post site) on how they don't even want it on the website. What's with that?

6 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2011-10-18 16:23 ID:zuzV5Fas [Del]

Funnily enough, there is a twisted reasoning behind those other people not stopping to help. I've been informed that recently there have been several high profile cases where good Samaritans who helped people were then blamed by the very people they helped and had to pay out a massive amount of damages. Simply put - most people in China now won't help those in trouble because they might get their arses handed to them in court simply for trying to help.

7 Name: Setton : 2011-10-18 18:53 ID:2brWa215 [Del]

that is really sad. D= i almost started crying.....those retarded bastards >:(

8 Name: Ran : 2011-10-18 19:09 ID:zoFdFimM [Del]

wow... effed up :s

9 Name: tsukiginkoneko : 2011-10-18 20:58 ID:w1G70+Q+ [Del]

when i saw this i was so mad, sad, and horrified. to think some one could watch a child, not only watch her die slowly but also that one truck ignored the child and ran her over again. i dont care about being sued or even sent to jail, a child is dieing infront of me, thouse people would be lucky i did not find them and hang them for running her over. *seriously pissed, storms off mumbling curse words and plans, goes takes cold shower to cool off*

10 Name: Mental : 2011-10-19 09:22 ID:3fgMt3O5 [Del]

That was sick and inhuman.
Thank goodness someone finally decided to help the child.
When my mom saw the vid, she was in disgust and shock on what the people did.
I hope the guys who ran the girl over get caught.

11 Name: Power : 2011-10-19 09:30 ID:GENgbzPY [Del]

That was terrible and inhuman.And truck driver who ignored the child and ran over her. Sick man.

12 Name: 7th Heaven : 2011-10-19 14:06 ID:+QZritsZ [Del]


13 Name: aswome2 : 2011-10-19 14:38 ID:L5kr0JQn [Del]

I just saw it....i hope the poeple who ran her over , and ignored her will die alone and die ahorible death.

14 Name: Kamberlai : 2011-10-19 15:46 ID:717b3KZL [Del]

That was horrible. How could you ignore someone like that. However, stuff like that happens a lot. That's the scary part. People are doing the most horrible things, not just in China. Here bad stuff happens too. :(

15 Name: Color : 2011-10-19 20:47 ID:Y3IAH+cn [Del]

That just horrific. Why would people not even notice this? It's terrible. How could people be like this??? I can't believe it. ;( And I'm not trying to put blame on the parents but where were they when this all happened?

16 Name: Ta-kun : 2011-10-19 21:05 ID:K7FE2UZ6 [Del]

I hate to say it but its was most likely becuse she was a girl that happend.

17 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2011-10-20 12:35 ID:4IgkjNWN [Del]

I agree with you since the chinese dont mid loosing girls. I bet if it was a boy then no one would ignore him. Thats mest up!

18 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-10-21 13:53 ID:CKsSBCp8 [Del]

>>6 At first I was thinking it may have been the bystander effect. But what the hell? It's like "Hey, thanks for helping me! Now I'm gonna sue your for all you're worth!" What assholes! I've heard that a lot of Chinese can be really condescending to other races, but this is just infuriating!

19 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-21 18:52 ID:zD0wR1Aq [Del]


20 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-23 16:30 ID:Oaal3jwF [Del]

bringing this up not cuz of 'bump' but cuz stoopid yahoo jist posted this and since i was gone and was on an all yahoo diet, i never sawd this. :<

That really was disturbing, and really creepy when the car ran her over SUPER slowly and then her legs and then the mom was carrying her limp body. That was disgusting, reminds me of those dead baby jokes =,="

21 Name: Xion !8/MtyDeTiY : 2011-10-23 22:24 ID:FVt2M6Bf [Del]

she died recently if you guys didn't know haven't posted news lately cause of school :)

22 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-10-23 23:25 ID:5d4s/hWr [Del]

>>20 Fuck dead baby jokes. Jesus, why would anyone even find them funny?

23 Name: Ribon !/u7dT3gKM2 : 2011-10-24 05:44 ID:IEH/fuIS [Del]

While this is horrible and I feel really bad for the poor girl and her family, I don't appreciate comments like >>2 - that was really rude.

24 Name: insanity : 2011-10-24 19:33 ID:zU7Shvnw [Del]

i feel sick...
that was just horrible.

25 Name: GrellSG : 2011-10-25 00:51 ID:DTtlEXxU [Del]

>>6 That seems to be the running theme now. People will only help out if they are positive there is some tangible benefit for them. Being afraid to help others is sad to see. I always felt that it was human nature to help each other, Not just be on the lookout for #1. ~_~