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ComiPo Manga Creation Software Comes to America (32)

1 Name: Xion !8/MtyDeTiY : 2011-09-11 01:15 ID:FVt2M6Bf (Image: 650x476 png, 523 kb) [Del]

src/1315721710632.png: 650x476, 523 kb
Big news for the MANGA fans or Mangakas out there now ComiPo Manga is now released in America

ComiPo, a program designed for non-drawing types who want to create manga, is now offering a trial version of its software for download prior to its full English version’s launch on September 15th.

Check out the demo link posted for a in-depth Engrish-heavy preview. More thorough information about the paid version is presented here.

and older version

I suspect many a horrible joke will be coming soon in comic form!!

Some parts of the Japanese ComiPo website are a little challenging to navigate, so you may be best to stick with buying it from one of their partners such as Crunchyroll or The software retails for $49.95.

Source: For more information:
ComiPo! Official Web Site:
Web Technology Corp Official Web Site:
ANN, Crunchyroll

2 Name: Kyoko : 2011-09-11 11:05 ID:e50oryiZ [Del]

Wah. So cool. I hope it will be released here soon.

3 Name: Fuzein : 2011-09-11 12:24 ID:eDTmWWMn [Del]

I've never heard of it, what do you exactly do? Is it like when people get on Microsoft paint or Photoshop and draw manga?

4 Name: Kitsune : 2011-09-11 13:08 ID:DX5WcnAC [Del]

I hope they let you upload characters too...I may have to edit characters from anime clips...i could make a fanfiction of naruto lol

5 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-11 16:49 ID:2zQfutQt [Del]

...This sort of thing has baffled me ever since I first heard of software like this.

In what way can a software be tailored towards manga creation, specifically? The anime and manga style is simply that - an art STYLE. There's no way an image manipulation software can emulate that short of simply copypasting already established styles... which is stupid.

The only thing I can think of is making it easier to draw panel borders and word bubbles. Which are already really easy to do.

To me, the whole thing sounds like a ploy to drain the money of lazy wannabe manga artists and anime enthusiasts and nothing more. Just use photoshop and learn how to draw, damnit.

6 Name: 7th Heaven : 2011-09-12 08:26 ID:+QZritsZ [Del]

WHOOAAAH!!!! IT'S MY FIRST TIME TO HEAR THIS!!! What's it like? Is it really like a Create a manga Program? Fill me with infoo!!!

7 Name: Yukio : 2011-09-12 12:58 ID:vFiVEax+ [Del]

>>6 watch the youtube video. truly amazing!

So when and where can i try the free trial?

8 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2011-09-13 06:03 ID:goeSdLod [Del]

Man that's awesome, I'll probably buy it.

9 Name: 7th Heaven : 2011-09-13 09:08 ID:+QZritsZ [Del]

>>7 Arigato!!!! Yuki-chan!!!

10 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-14 03:41 ID:RTAegos1 [Del]

Oh okay, I just watched the preview video for myself.

This looks incredibly stupid.

inb4 generation of artists who can't actually art. "I can draw manga but only if I use my copypasta program to drag and drop someone else's art!"


11 Name: H2O : 2011-09-15 20:44 ID:VJzkKnDW [Del]

This looks kind of cool to me, and I've just played around with it.
But...I agree with >>10...if you want to make a manga, you should illustrate it yourself.

12 Name: Yukio : 2011-09-16 21:01 ID:lj8Vl4f/ [Del]

>>10 and >>11 I do draw myself. im not too bad either. but the thought of a program that can do everything so simply is amazing to me!

13 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-17 03:27 ID:cnlkfp1h [Del]

Never did I accuse you personally of being unable to draw, it's just that the concept opens up the possibility for non-artists to produce art on the same level as real artists with little to no effort.

The program can't actually "do everything." It draws panels for you and lets you copy+paste templates. It's a glorified MS Paint, with an extra sprinkling of desu.

If nobody got the reference in my last post, it refers to a certain webcomic that employs a similar style. One that consists almost entirely of copy and paste, something that is not an exaggeration when WIP videos explicitly show the author copy+pasting things like heads, eyes, mouths, etc. in different combinations to make different characters.

Nothing against it, of course, if you're just using it for shits and giggles.. But I have a feeling this is schmuck bait for overly enthused anime watchers who will think this is a shortcut to learning how to draw.

14 Name: Kuro Taka : 2011-09-17 10:06 ID:U2iBOKm0 [Del]

I suck at drawing, but if I wanted to seriously start drawing a manga or comic, I'd wanna actually draw it. However, this ComiPo program looks incredibly fun to just play around with and make silly little comics with.

Someone posted this on Youtube: Looking at the options and stuff in ComiPo. There are a LOT of options, and there'll apparently be updates with more character options (hopefully more than just lolita bleh).

I think if I used ComiPo, it'd just be for fun. I mean, it looks hella entertaining, doesn't it? Except it seems a tad bit limited in the character creation department at the moment.

15 Name: Xissx : 2011-09-18 02:00 ID:v+GSNaVw [Del]

Is this even really news or is it just me?

16 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2011-09-18 02:37 ID:+MBiXvwp (Image: 552x800 png, 667 kb) [Del]

src/1316331445032.png: 552x800, 667 kb
Hey look what I made!

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: "Narkota !gvBJ9B7Hao : 2011-09-18 07:48 ID:v+TQZI/9 [Del]

I completely agree with Misuto on this.

I can just see groups of 14 year olds making shitty comic strips using this program and uploading the results onto DeviantArt and claiming the finished product as their own, original work.

19 Name: BH2 : 2011-09-19 10:05 ID:unnctn+s [Del]

where do i get the program?

20 Post deleted by user.

21 Name: Xion !8/MtyDeTiY : 2011-09-19 10:34 ID:FVt2M6Bf [Del]

Google my friend or buy from Crunchy Roll

22 Name: Yukio : 2011-09-25 20:56 ID:lj8Vl4f/ [Del]

Ya know, on further thought and seeing the comics ppl made...i change my mind. No actual manga could be made with this... little girlish? cute? no action?

23 Name: Kaori !czOIdatHE6 : 2011-09-26 22:27 ID:PSEA7yPQ [Del]

hope this comes in the cheap version. :U but then again, it'd prolly be made in mexico if it wus.

AHEM. well sure looks fun *u*

24 Name: SHsurreal : 2012-05-02 09:40 ID:uqou+35P [Del]

WOW! A new software for people who can't draw and have no originality.

25 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-05-02 10:55 ID:bu+gNHJ1 [Del]

I'll look at this when I get home because I'm at school.

>>5 I have to agree with you on this one...

When creating manga, you're suppose to create your own art style, panel borders, etc. A finished product of your own manga story on paper or other drawing programs is much more satisfying than ripping off someone else's art and adding color to the characters.

26 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-02 11:25 ID:1yeW65sN [Del]

Do you just suck at checking time stamps surreal, this is like the third time youve done this

27 Name: Chadoa : 2012-05-02 15:12 ID:mvU15lvu [Del]

Psshh... for surreal no such thing as.time stamps exist!

28 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2012-05-02 18:04 ID:6/VT80iX [Del]

whoa :O

29 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-05-04 08:11 ID:SGEGnAQU [Del]

Why do people take this program so seriously!? It's just something to have fun with; I know it's not real manga creating but people buy it for shits and giggles ya know? You guys are too uptight...

30 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-05-04 14:43 ID:izDel8I7 [Del]

>>29 It's moreso that it's a horrible waste of money for what it ultimately allows you to do. I mean that's your decision I guess, but it's also everyone's decision to be mad about something like that.

If someone was selling a golden spray-painted turd for $300 and everyone was scrambling to buy it, would you not be a little irked?

But on top of that, it's yet another thing in the mainstream market that perpetuates exactly what most people dislike in the anime fandom. Detailing what exactly this is would take too long, so I'll leave it at "weeaboos" - people whose tastes in anime are terribly shallow, obscuring their better judgement in social situations, and using easy-access tools to propagate their nonsense all over the internet.

I agree it's just for fun, and I don't rightfully give a damn about this anymore. There's always going to be something like this, and I've come to accept that I can't stay mad at weeaboos for being dumb. With that in mind I'm not bashing the comic you made in this thread either, or calling you a weeaboo, as that would equate to me being mad at someone for using MS Paint. But I hope this sheds some light on why other people "take this program so seriously."

31 Name: Riu : 2012-05-04 15:28 ID:EFjpEKjO [Del]

Oh that's awesome. I probably won't be good at it and it will be hundreds of dollars, but still cool!

32 Name: riku07 : 2012-05-04 17:55 ID:4XD+6CEL [Del]

hey me and if you heard this guy ps103 and one other are makeing a manga called fable legacy