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9/11 Propaganda (27)

1 Name: Forte-Kun : 2011-09-10 13:38 ID:SQx+KS12 [Del]

Let's get some thought provoking topics in here. Before I begin, let me say that I an sorry for anyone who lost someone in the attacks of 9/11 and I pray that your pain fades quickly.
Anyway, in less than 24 hours it will be the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the WTC. Idk..but is it just me or is anyone else sick of hearing about it. I feel..that its time for America to stop crying in the dirt, brush it self off and get its head back in the fucking game. I know people were killed, I know how important those buildings were, but it happened 10 years ago.And no, Im not telling people to forget their loved ones, but there is a time and place for everything, and if you continue to dwell in the past, how can you look forward to the future, and how can you appreciate the present? And on top of this, I dont understand why we have to build two new towers, that are even taller, and have absolutely no protection against another attack of the sort. To me, its a waste of money and its like we are trying to just rub something in the face of Terrorism. Furthermore, if we continue to dwell on this event, arent we doing what the terrorists want us to do?
to cower in fear, and remember how they hurt us so Terrorism is a concept, and the only way we can get rid of it is by waging war on the fear in our hearts, not killing some extremist leader, or invading another country. You can kill a concept. Its like trying to get rid of religion. IDk...I kinda felt like I rambled but I wanted to get that out of my system before I go insane guys have any thoughts Dollars?

And one last thing, I also commend those who helped dig the the rubble and destruction to look for survivors, and the firefighters and police women of NYC.

2 Name: Forte-Kun : 2011-09-10 13:39 ID:SQx+KS12 [Del]

excuse me..can't kill a concept. *ahem*

3 Name: Natalea Frost : 2011-09-10 14:28 ID:hZBjXtph [Del]

I understand the point you're making but the way you're going about it is all wrong. I don't know how old you were when it happened, but your facts are all wrong. First, of all America is not crying in the dirt as you say. We cried 10 years ago already, we dusted ourselves off as you said 10 years ago, and have been fighting a 10 year long war on terrorist groups responsible. We have been looking toward the future since 10 years ago, and we are appreciating the present by thanking those who risked their lives on United 93, NYPD, fire department, and regular citizens trying to save others at the Pentagon and World Trade Centers. These people saved a lot of others with their acts. Secondly, we are not building two new towards even higher than the original World Trade Centers. We have been making a memorial for the past 5 years. The areas were the towers stood will be turned into reflection pools with the names of the thousands who died on September 11, 2001 engraved in bronze. Finally, we are not cowering in fear of the terrorists. What do you call this 10 year long war our men and women of service have been fighting? What do you call all these men and women who've died defending this country overseas? Are you saying their deaths have all been in vein? As for killing extremist leaders we had to do it. We had to find Osama Bin Laden, and capture or kill him. He was the one responsible for other attacks around the world, and America before September 11. Like I said I don't know how old you were when this event happened, but I was 13. I remember vividly watching the second plane crash into the second tower at the school's office early that morning. I remember watching the news as we heard about the plane crashing into the Pentagon. I remember watching in class the Twin Towers collapse into dust before my eyes. I remember hearing on the radio about United 93. You do not forget these things because they are so burned into your mind. To forget, and to not dwell on it for at least one minute in your life is not right. How dare you compare the sacrifice these people made with their lives to propaganda. This is not some fake news story to scare the living day lights out of people, and put fear into their minds. This was a real event that happened before the entire world. People lost husbands, wives, daughters, sons, friends, etc. If you are younger than me right now then I don't know what they are teaching you about this day. But however, they are doing it is wrong. If you are older than me then you should know better than to compare it to propaganda. If you are near my age then again you should know better because you are old enough to remember everything clearly, and not go off what you've seen in the media or conspiracy theories. Again innocent people lost their lives so have some goddamn respect for them, and their families.

4 Name: Natalea Frost : 2011-09-10 14:33 ID:hZBjXtph [Del]

towers* sorry

5 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-09-10 17:44 ID:SrdjHlxX [Del]

Just because OP made a wall of text with no formatting doesn't mean all the intelligent replies need to be in the same format, Natalea.

It may be a pet-peeve, but if you keep it properly spaced then it encourages people to read it and then have a good idea of whether they agree or disagree.

On that note - 10 year war? Against the 9/11 guys? Oh man... The war ended fairly quickly. For it to have been a war, they would have needed to continue striking back at America. After the troops got over there for a couple months, the entire affair was reduced to pathetic attempts at guerrilla tactics.

I don't think anyone in their right mind could honestly attribute a 10 year long game of hide-and-seek as war. America spent the majority of the time over there 'liberating' them into a state of governmental democracy as an excuse to buy time while they finished scouring the endless leagues of desert, mountains and caves for a figurehead of a small time religious zealotry group just so they could make an example out of him.

Forte may be completely off his rocker with the 'propaganda' thing, but calling that whole event a war? Pushing all the political back and forth off to the side, and the media's attempts to inflame the public for patriotism, all you're seeing is America getting hit once because their guard was down, and then the offender hiding while hurling insults.

It was like large-scale internet trolling.

6 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-09-10 17:55 ID:SrdjHlxX [Del]

As a sidenote, I don't remember much about 9/11. I mean, I was 18-21 when it happened - But none of the details ever got scarred into my brain or anything. Can't say I vividly recall jack happening... So it's not like it was an event that woke up the nation.

It just woke up the patriotic people in America. The rest of America just got involved because their families got pulled into it later VIA the hide-and-seek war.

I'm glad you respect sacrifice and all, but do understand that not everyone holds 9/11 in that high of a regard. It's not the first time something like it has happened, and it's surely not going to be the last.

I actually find myself needing to agree with some of what Forte said - It happened ten years ago. While its stupid to tell people that they need to just forget about, and it is something that people who were involved should keep close to their heart, I am tired of hearing about it and having it thrust in my face repeatedly.

My philosophy is that the more personally you remember something, the closer to yourself you keep that remembrance. Hold the memories and anniversaries close to your heart, not on the radio, TV, or any/every other broadcasting media you can talk into it.

Just my 2 cents though, and damn it I double posted.

7 Name: MKOLLER : 2011-09-10 18:03 ID:q+dYKPk7 [Del]

How is this news? This should go under Random.

8 Name: Forte-Kun : 2011-09-10 18:11 ID:SQx+KS12 [Del]

>>3 Belittling me because of my age/ calling me unintelligent IS Not what I was calling for, and I am tired of hearing that shit.
I was fucking 8 when it happened and I still, to this day cant figure out WHY someone would do that. AND I WASN'T CALLING THE ENTIRE THING PROPAGANDA. By propaganda, I mean all the news reports and everything they keep saying about it over and Over and OVER AGAIN.This does nothing but make the American people afraid. And that is exactly what the terrorists want.

And Yeah you are like" We had to kill extremists" Y'know what? I dont quite remember America hunting down the fucking KKK when they were lynching my ancestors. They were extremists!And then when we killed Osama, people partied in the streets. That shows something about us. We may be human, and care about the lives that he took, but he was also one of us. A HUMAN. I refuse to celebrate the death of a another. THAT is INHUMANE.

Call me what you will,Asshole,cynical,jackass,troll. Whatever. I am calling for intelligent discussion. Not name calling and mud-slinging or being condescending to someone.

I have never said it was something to scare the American people, nor do I say its dumb to remember it. But having the stuff shoved in your face is annoying. Like I said, It was a terrible day, and I respect service men and women and those who volunteered. My Grandpa is a veteran, so how could I not respect those who serve. But as>>5 said, it was 10 years of hide and seek. and that was wasted money, lives and effort, into trying to change a country that constantly refuses our help, and for killing ONE man. Out of fear we would get hurt again. During those 10 years we could have put all that effort into making ourselves better.


Anyway, like i said, call me crazy,"off my rocker" anything. Alot of famous/infamous people in history were first called that. Just because I think differently than you, does NOT give you the right to insult me. I go through that bullshit everyday at school.
Finally, I must say, I am not angry, even though I sound like it. I do enjoy long talks about important things and debating.

Also, sometimes, you have to stop being force-fed by the media and look around you. They only tell you want the feel like should be told. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but I like figuring things out own my own, not being force fed information, because during that journey to knowledge, is when we truly become wiser and smarter.

Continue your thoughts.

9 Name: Forte-Kun : 2011-09-10 18:12 ID:SQx+KS12 [Del]

>>7 The anniversary is tomorrow and its all on the news..I thought about putting it in random but I didn't know what types of responses I would get there.

10 Name: Forte-Kun : 2011-09-10 18:28 ID:SQx+KS12 [Del]

Damn, I going to triple post (sorry Mods) but I read a bit further into Ayanavi was saying and I agree. The Media makes MONEY from broadcasting about that stuff. SO if you think I am bad for saying what I said, think about it. They are making MOOLAH, from reiterating,and repeating things that have already been said and heard, and simply talking about it. While I may have harshly worded it, I didnt mean it like this" Fucking forget about it and move on bitches" I mean, yes remember what happened, as a memory, but dont go talking about it everyday, or getting upset about it. Because I do believe in the quote " Those who do not remember tier past, are doomed to repeat it"
Its important to hold it as a memory, not talk about it everyday or bring it up whenever you get the chance. There is a difference between remembering something and DWELLING on it. And America, with all the media buzz about it, has been sitting on a broken egg, dwelling on it instead of moving on and reporting on good things, or something else.

I'm not a heartless ass. I do, really feel sorry for those who lost a loved one. And I respect all those who serve. Every damn time I see one, all I can do is look in awe. I want to salute but I dont want them to find it demeaning or anything. So if they catch me staring I just nod and let them know that I know what they are doing, and I respect that. Because I know that I wouldn't be someone fit to do things like they do.

11 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-09-10 18:30 ID:SrdjHlxX [Del]

Yay for properly formatted posts!

It's a touchy subject for people, but I guess it really comes down to how people are wanting to use the memory of the whole ordeal.

For those who want to respect and remember it, I think they are content keeping the memory close to themselves.

Bringing it up in the news is obligatory though. 10th anniversaries are important for one reason or another, so naturally it would be broadcasted - people would tune in, because ratings.

I think to clarfiy (what I believe to be) forte's feelings on the matter.

He's not saying 9/11 was propaganda, rather, he is of the opinion that ten years later the fact that we are still actively talking about it on the media can be seen as propaganda.

He is not disrespecting the event itself, but finds issue in how long the media has kept a hold on it so that they can keep recycling it - Either for more ratings, or just to get reactions out of people.

So, in a more "9/11 was serious business" friendly manner of speaking...

I believe Forte is upset about the way 9/11's memory has been paraded around and used as a tool to an end, rather than kept close to our hearts and treasured.

I actually don't give much of a shit about 9/11 though, so this will probably be my last post in the thread.

12 Name: Forte-Kun : 2011-09-10 18:34 ID:SQx+KS12 [Del]

>>11 BANG. That is exactly what I mean. Thank you so much for clarifying before I have guns pointed at my head. lol

Here is a simple analogy I can equate to it. Its like a scab. Stop picking at it, let it heal so we can move on. Picking at it makes the healing process longer, and is painful and messy anyway.

13 Name: Natalea Frost : 2011-09-10 22:00 ID:hZBjXtph [Del]

>>5 I'm not going off of what the media goes by when it says we were at war for 10 years. I know we were at war because my dad got deployed to Iraq two time for more than one year each time. It hurts me when people say there was no war because they don't understand the military side of the picture in this event. I know what happened on the military side of the story, and trust me it was no game. My cousin and his wife were part of the very first unit into Afghanistan, and they saw so much. My dad was shot at countless time, and I even heard it over the phone. He also saved a helicopter from crashing after it was attacked. (he was an air traffic controller.) As for the format sorry if it hurt your eyes. I won't apologize for it being a paragraph.

>>8 I was not saying you were unintelligent, or condescending you. I was not calling you any names either. If you ask some of the others on here like Shad, 10reapaer01, and MKOLLER they would tell you I don't call people names. I always provide an intelligent conversation. It's hard to have one these days because majority of people don't care about things. It's the way I talk that gives off the wrong impression sometimes. I was merely saying that if you were young at the time it might be hard for you to understand what happened 10 years ago and you were just being taught the whole thing all wrong. Trust me I know how political teachers can get over events. I was a student aid for a history teacher who still hated the Japanese because of them shooting at her dad in WW II. So needless to say some names and words were said in a history lesson.

On another note do I watch all these specials, and such they give? No I do not. I stay away from them actually because I feel like there is no reason for me to relive it visually when I have my own memories. Tomorrow what I will simply do is reflect on the event, how it has changed our world, and move on. I'm not going to cry, or anything because I don't get emotional like that when it comes to death.

14 Name: Fuzein : 2011-09-10 22:55 ID:eDTmWWMn [Del]

I do not mean to hurt or anger anyone but killing happens everyday. America is doing to much for something that we should just forget about. Why should we remember such a tragic day? Now I understand that people had loved ones die and I respect that. But America is just doing too much for 9/11

15 Name: Schir : 2011-09-10 23:14 ID:9nAzUpC6 [Del]

May I say that every nation grieves in its own way. For example Japan is making a monument of the town that was hit by the terrible weather. Berlin celebrated for days when the wall came down.

Everyone's life was changed during the 9/11 all over the world, maybe not majorly but so small you never noticed unless you look. For example no one in any airport in America can deal with a peaceful flight with out going through the most embarrassing detailed security search. In the US Today paper, someone wrote that security was "too detailed" when they started to put their hand between the wife's breast.

16 Name: Dark Kanine : 2011-09-11 08:18 ID:N09uAebF [Del]

I will remember it, yes but I don't have much a standing point toward it.

17 Name: Dread : 2011-09-11 22:21 ID:ZtY2c+xu [Del]

There is talk that some measures will be taken to begin to "move on" from the incident after this year. Mayor Bloomberg has called for the end of the usage of the term "Ground Zero" and I believe it has been proposed that the names will not be read there anymore after this year.

Regardless, while I can see and respect your point, I don't think I agree with it. Perhaps I would if there were memorials and such every day, but one day a year seems perfectly fine to me. Now, I do agree that the government has used the mantle of 9/11 inappropriately at times, but I don't think that's for this time or place.

18 Name: Yukio : 2011-09-12 13:05 ID:vFiVEax+ [Del]

Believe it or not, many people don't like hearing about 9/11. In a few interviews, one father of a victim said "We get it. We know well what happened. Just stop. Make it stop. Every year we get a reminder that our families are dead. How long are you going to do this?" Moving on will do better for those affected. Right now they're still living in pain and in the past.
It's good to know about 9/11 and be aware, but blatantly announcing it every year is painful.

19 Name: Ran : 2011-09-12 18:22 ID:zoFdFimM [Del]

I wanna know why there isn't anyone talking about how Bush let Osama's family out of the country on 9/11 when all the planes in the country were grounded...

20 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-12 18:30 ID:tptwBHjS [Del]

Because that sounds like complete bullshit.

21 Name: Ran : 2011-09-12 18:39 ID:zoFdFimM [Del]

Go look it up?

22 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-12 19:15 ID:tptwBHjS [Del]

"complete bullshit" was a link.

23 Name: Yukio : 2011-09-12 20:30 ID:lj8Vl4f/ [Del]

Ran, did you really think that with all the terrorism and such, Osama had a normal, happy, supportive family life? of course they had no ties.

24 Name: C0ff1n !uaU1DuqsI2 : 2011-09-12 20:45 ID:zxPAUQhf [Del]

Yes the media is blowing the thing out of proportion but that's what the media does. To let that cheap or corrupt what is a solemn day is a failure on your part. Remembrance of a tragic event is not living in fear but a reminder of why thing are the way they are. As broken record as this may be: 9/11 changed the world. There had never been a successful major attack on the US within its territory, terrorism was not taken as seriously as it is now, and thousands of people died. To forget and not learn from history would only doom you to repeat it. America is far from living in fear by remembering a tragedy. Just as people remember a brother that died in car accident or a murder victim, this day is mark to remember those lost and commend those that served. Just as we remember and commend veterans on Veterans Day.
You can't kill a concept or a religion, you can kill criminals. It would be wrong not to hunt people that organize violence against innocents because they are criminals. Plus you misunderstand the tactic of terrorism. It is a last ditch effort of a cause that is out of options. People enact terrorism, specifically suicide terrorism in an effort to entice terror, yes, but they also due it for publicity and to create a much cost to a government as possible. They hope to draw sympathy to their cause, think of the monks in Vietnam that light themselves on fire. Its most effective on liberal democracies that are in possession of colonies because people begin to perceive the cost of maintaining their territory and will push for withdrawal. The issue we face here is the ultimate goal of terrorist striking the US the way they did on 9/11 is pushing for America to remove itself from the world and change its "offensive ways". Simply put, this is impossible. The ideal situation Bin Ladden hoped for after 9/11 was that the US people would fear him and not come after him, that he would gain support and money from sympathizers, and ultimately continue to attack America.

25 Name: Ran : 2011-09-12 22:20 ID:zoFdFimM [Del]

I just wanna know why Bush let them out that's all whether they had ties or not is irrelevant....just why?

26 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2011-09-13 05:54 ID:goeSdLod [Del]

I can agree with Forte-Kun on how the media puts out the wrong image of 911, but im not surprised by it ether. That's America for you, always going to any lengths to get more money. The propaganda set on 911 is wrong, and should be stopped or at least made more respectful to the public. I joined the armed forces and I always remind myself why where in this war in the first place, and then to see the media doing an "unprofessional" job at covering it it pisses me off.

27 Name: TEME : 2011-09-13 06:30 ID:0wPKwTlC [Del]

I definitely agree, however sad it may be, it's just getting old. We need to move on. (: