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Drought (24)

1 Name: Frosty : 2011-08-11 09:31 ID:F1ar5nrq [Del]

So apparently Texas is going through its worst drought in history insight on this?

2 Name: Bystander!VENk5mkP7Y : 2011-08-11 13:34 ID:0pvQLjyT [Del]

I heard the drought was pretty bad, but I doubt it's the worst in history. Kansas has been dry for a while, but we're finally getting some rain.

3 Name: Yatahaze : 2011-08-11 21:19 ID:8J+AIykr [Del]

Some areas north of DFW had rain today, and I thought my area would too, but just a false alarm.
Which really sucks.

4 Name: Frosty : 2011-08-11 22:50 ID:JwbiwPOR [Del]

Sorry I meant in its history and im glad you guys are starting to get some rain. it may be a little, but its a start.

5 Name: Natalea Frost : 2011-08-12 01:36 ID:4aHUQMEM [Del]

It honestly depends where in Texas you look since it is such a vast state, and has many climates. The area around Houston while in a drought isn't as severe as West Texas around Midland, and Odessa because they've had more rain than the western portion of the state. There is also the human factor in the drought. Cities like San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, and Austin always act immediately upon water restrictions, and their violators. However, the same cannot be said for cities in West Texas where the idea of conserving water does not seem to exist. They only started to be strict over here when there was but a few gallons in the lakes. Now lakes such as the one near San Angelo are dried up, and cracking. Cities like Odessa, and Midland also are very lax with ticketing violators. So far all the have given out are warnings not to waste water, but people are still doing it. I see water being wasted on the sidewalks and street every time I'm around town in Odessa. Then there's talk about gassing the prairie dogs in Odessa as well because they are digging into water lines since the drought has dried up almost every water resource for them. I'm born and raised in Texas. I've lived in San Antonio, Houston, and now West Texas. It's true I've never a drought like this before as long as I've lived which is 23 years. Here in West Texas it's getting up to 118'F. It's so hot to the point where even the cold water is hot. I've seen the flood of 1998 and 2002 in San Antonio, and I was in Houston when Ike hit. All of that doesn't compare to this drought. I rather go through a hurricane all over again than have to worry about how close the next wildfire will spark up, or if I'll have enough water. Quite honestly it's going to take at least a category 2 hurricane, or 15 inches of water to put even a dent into this drought. Which we may not get because if La Nina comes back this fall then the drought will go on into next year. Thankfully we got a downpour of rain in Odessa for almost an hour today, but it's still not enough. Sorry for the long post. ^^'

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7 Name: Marianna : 2011-08-12 02:42 ID:hcDerydZ [Del]

Heck yeah I hate this drought i wish the oregon weather would lend some of their rain to us. Here in austin and round rock we havent had ANY rain!!! We may have had it and I just didnt notice, but if we did it wasnt enough to make any difference. T_T

8 Name: Yukio : 2011-08-14 08:36 ID:RiKIMqRK [Del]

Deal with it or stop the mess. Texas isnt the only one. China's gotten hotter, and Korea is going through huge thunder-lightning storms when the raining season passed a month ago, typhoons between korea and japan, the world is changing. if u dont like it, i suggest u donate to eco research, volunteer, or spam congress and the epa. im doing al three and more

9 Name: Pokjhdbnxw : 2011-08-14 12:30 ID:fCLiOgXb [Del]

I live in Austin, and it was over 100 degrees for like 60 days. Almost breaking records.

I recently flew to West Virginia to visit family and it was 90 degrees!
The perfect weather to me. I don't think I sweat a single drop the whole trip.

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Aelita : 2011-08-14 16:34 ID:FqBLznv3 [Del]

I also live in Austin. its pretty hot here but New Mexico has it worse. Still, a little rain would be nice...

12 Name: *insertnamehere*!k9qxQrkkz6 : 2011-08-14 17:47 ID:Y0Y8ej79 [Del]


13 Name: KdogKingOfRock : 2011-08-14 23:55 ID:YFQ1DymU [Del]

Well here in eastern Texas, its hotter than hell. My swimming pool has lost almost all the water in it because were on a water restriction and im freaking tired of the heat. Its like walking into an oven when you step outside, no lie. Its been over 100 degrees every freaking day all damn summer. Im ready for winter already

14 Name: Aelita : 2011-08-14 23:59 ID:FqBLznv3 [Del]

It's been like this for, what? Over 4 months?

15 Name: Akito : 2011-08-15 01:10 ID:/1Vyc7c7 [Del]

nothing much to say other than its hot. yeah, >>14

16 Name: Michishige : 2011-08-15 09:26 ID:iv8OoSJq [Del]

Im in west Texas, and the drought here is really bad. It has effected wildlife and farming. The lakes are drying up, so of course natural wildlife cant get to water as before. Farmers are having to pump more water for their crops, which costs more money and decreases their profits. Its been 100's for weeks now, and its August. I hope we get some rain or it at least gets cooler.

17 Name: Addelay : 2011-08-15 23:32 ID:0BzCIyTg [Del]

Yeah, burn bans have been issued so as to not spark any additional fires. The heat may be an issue, but we're also in hurricane season. Mother Nature can really be vicious. :/

18 Name: Cadeyrn : 2011-08-16 01:35 ID:wnOU/csr [Del]

Its super hot thats all I can really say for sure.
I work at six flags and they didn't allow the park to set off fire works for a long time until recently.

19 Name: Natalea Frost : 2011-08-16 15:15 ID:5loDXZKU [Del]

>>14 It's been like this in Texas for over a year now. All we can do is hope for rain.

20 Name: ENRIQUEDRRR : 2011-08-16 17:09 ID:eavDswb7 [Del]


21 Name: *insertnamehere*!k9qxQrkkz6 : 2011-08-16 17:12 ID:Y0Y8ej79 [Del]

>>20 This isn't a goddamn Durarara fansite, we don't revolve around it.

22 Name: Aelita : 2011-08-16 17:24 ID:FqBLznv3 [Del]

>>19 Up north its raining like crazy though. I wish they could send that water here[but thatd be waaaay to expensive]. I used to wear jeans all year but now i cant or i'll pass out in the street.

23 Name: Yukio : 2011-08-17 00:13 ID:Cvmce1DA [Del]

>>20 leave and go to a DRRR fan page. We dont need another obsessed fan here.

>>1 its global warming! I WARNED EVERYONE AND THEY DIDNT BELIEVE ME. THE END IS NEAR!!!! *goes to hide in box*

24 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-08-18 03:18 ID:kooWffK0 [Del]

>>1 Hey it rained yesterday.

Btw. I live in Texas. Yeah this drought fucking blows...