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Her eyes were shining diamonds....literally. (13)

1 Name: マシンガン : 2011-08-04 23:23 ID:YZuD/aHm (Image: 400x195 jpg, 22 kb) [Del]

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The Shekhar Eye Research Center in India had discovered a new way to bling up your look. For a mere $15,000, you can buy diamond encrusted contact lenses with a gold finish.

Creator Dr. Chandrashekhar Chawan told Today he got the idea for diamond contact lenses after his wife had the precious stones implanted in her teeth. His new La Ser eye jewelry line features contacts with 18 diamonds adorning a yellow or white gold ring around the lenses. He uses Boston Scleral lenses, which are typically used to treat eye illnesses, to prevent the lenses from touching the cornea. Only 3,996 sets will be made, and Chawan hopes to sell them outside of India. Experts, however, are skeptical about their safety.

Sal Riggio, a licensed optician at Manhattan Grand Optical in New York City had never heard of the diamond contacts until we brought them to his attention, but he dismissed them when he learned they were not FDA approved. “I don’t know if they’re comfortable and I don’t know if they’re healthy,” Riggio told us. “When they’re FDA approved and distributed in this country then we’ll learn about them, but it sounds ridiculous and unreasonable to me. Do I see a purpose? No, but today’s generation under 30, they do a lot of crazy things to their bodies. Tattoos, piercings—they probably would try it.”


2 Name: *insertnamehere*!k9qxQrkkz6 : 2011-08-05 00:42 ID:Kq3cCC7v [Del]

Officially creeped out.

3 Name: Blahsome : 2011-08-05 01:10 ID:1kcnAS1S [Del]

They look painful.. her eyes are red.

4 Name: Pineapplez : 2011-08-05 01:20 ID:ce6WYcc1 [Del]

I'm scared

5 Name: Natalea Frost : 2011-08-05 04:08 ID:4aHUQMEM [Del]

Wouldn't the light reflected, and defused from the diamonds hurt the eye or cornea?

6 Name: Deiguru : 2011-08-05 16:13 ID:Z1N9exE4 [Del]

She looks like she has fish eyes. Sorta gross actually.

7 Name: Save : 2011-08-05 21:02 ID:F7d7Akw6 [Del]

Saving this!

8 Name: マシンガン : 2011-08-07 17:34 ID:YZuD/aHm [Del]

>>5 They don't know that yet. They most likely won't be sold in the U.S. until more is found out about them. It's like how circle lenses are illegal in some places. They don't meet American safety regulations.

9 Name: BleepingSeauty : 2011-08-08 14:56 ID:V3vBwKZd [Del]

Is it just me or does something look wrong about the white of her eye?

10 Name: Xion_Kytori : 2011-08-08 15:03 ID:sflctcIN [Del]

Looks like her eyes are fallin out??

11 Name: Kaori : 2011-08-08 17:35 ID:v4BoDbiX [Del]

>>9 hahahha, she's just trying not to cry from the pain of diamonds scathing the whites of her eyes. and yeah, they luk gross and painful

12 Name: yuuki : 2011-08-11 08:35 ID:1IkKBcA7 [Del]


13 Name: Zelyka : 2011-08-11 13:45 ID:ARavLz5m [Del]

i dont know how that would be healthy ._.