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Can't afford your own andriod clone? Well now we have the solution! (13)

1 Name: マシンガン : 2011-08-03 15:53 ID:YZuD/aHm [Del]

Think the world needs another you but can't cough up the $225,000 for your own android clone? Japan's Clone Factory has an alternative in the form of little doppelganger dolls that will set you back a mere $1,770.

The Jibun-san (me) dolls won't model your voice, facial expressions, and upper-body movements like Kokoro's lifelike robots do. But they might make good gifts for friends, family, and fans who can't seem to get enough of you in person.

To get a doll made, you'll need to stop by the Clone Factory office in Tokyo's Akihabara district. The staff will take high-resolution photos of your head from multiple angles and feed the resulting detailed 3D model into a 3D printer.

It, in turn, will spit out a plaster head that's painted and styled to look like you, down to teeth, makeup, and hairstyle and put atop a body wearing clothes that reflect your style.

Clone Factory is pitching the dolls as souvenirs of special occasions, such as weddings. They stand up to 20 inches tall.

2 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2011-08-04 14:30 ID:CvJp1+l7 [Del]

Now I know what im going to do when I get to Japan in a couple weeks...

3 Name: マシンガン : 2011-08-04 15:19 ID:YZuD/aHm [Del]

xD Indeed!

4 Name: Kaori : 2011-08-04 15:30 ID:v4BoDbiX [Del]

seems creepy to me O-O it looks all.....REAL...

5 Name: Yukio : 2011-08-05 09:41 ID:tDMjCNvM [Del]

THIS IS PERFECT. My friend keeps trying to put make up on me and choose my clothes. i can just get her this and make her stfu :)

6 Name: Save : 2011-08-05 21:03 ID:F7d7Akw6 [Del]

Saving this!

7 Name: tsukiginkoneko : 2011-08-06 08:07 ID:kAO384XN [Del]

tsukiginkoneko used stalker distraction *throws doll*

8 Name: Namine : 2011-08-07 03:00 ID:gyW1jTtg [Del]

i wish i had one.

9 Name: Yukio : 2011-08-12 21:06 ID:RiKIMqRK [Del]


10 Name: *insertnamehere*!k9qxQrkkz6 : 2011-08-14 17:44 ID:Y0Y8ej79 [Del]


11 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-18 09:30 ID:GhEsxTdz [Del]

Danny Choo!

12 Name: Marianna : 2011-08-19 22:26 ID:ss1LFLZ4 [Del]

Weird and kind of creepy.

13 Name: Paine92 : 2011-08-20 01:09 ID:1D6oz2Xq [Del]

Almost sound like those chobits androids from the anime