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Chinese Railway Disaster (43)

1 Name: Enni : 2011-07-29 11:48 ID:/qf3l59i [Del]

It's 8 in the evening of 23rd July, in Zhejiang province. The nearby villagers relax and unwind after a day of work when out a the blue, a sound as if the sky has cracked open. Villagers and laborers rushed to the source of the sound, which turns out to be the tracks. They arrive at a scene of total carnage; trains were wrecked beyond recognition and the tracks destroyed. Immediately they began the rescue mission, with nothing but their bare hands and crude tools.

Eventually, people from the Railway Department arrived. The workers were relieved! They thought help was finally here and the people inside, dead or alive, were going to be taken out of the wreck! Little did they, the heavy machinery brought wasn't for rescuing people, but instead, to bury them alive.

The people around the scene who are not fucking assholes were outraged!
They tried to reason with the officers from the Railway Department, and finally, an officer to go into the wreck and save a two year old girl. She looked to be dead, but after intense life saving measures, she lived! Did that deter the Chinese authorithies? Not a single bit.

They swiftly buried the wreckage, and their right to call themselves human beings. Trains were resumed 26 hours after.

Sorry if everything seems incoherent and too emotional for a report, bit it's the middle of the night and I'm pissed and drunk.

2 Name: Kannerz : 2011-07-29 12:03 ID:G7K9v0eB [Del]


3 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-29 22:31 ID:/1Vyc7c7 [Del]

...the hell? why would they do that? that's just inhumane.

4 Name: Kaori : 2011-07-29 23:13 ID:bUfX1HIx [Del]

>>1 cute drunk angry mr. enni :3

thas be horrid, das lyke saying that there aint no life in peepoh. plus das be realleh creepy to board a train after dat, and den ride over dose tracks O^O

5 Name: Enni : 2011-07-30 06:15 ID:nTm3c5IT [Del]

>Chinese government
>don't give a shit about human rights

6 Name: Darkangel5 : 2011-07-30 16:36 ID:3nCvJYKt [Del]

>>1 The worlds fucked up beyond repair. It'll only get worse there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. Alot of worse things then this happen everyday, the world is just a giant bomb of disaster waiting for someone to fully light the fuse and start whats been on the edge of happening to happen.

7 Name: Anne-Nonymous : 2011-07-30 20:21 ID:xwQr18hi [Del]

>>5My mom showed this to me last night and all I thought was, how DID it happen? It told of people dying, but i didnt know anything about the burying people alive! This is a huge violation!!!

8 Name: Anne-Nonymous : 2011-07-30 20:26 ID:xwQr18hi [Del] and theres more articles about it.

9 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-07-30 21:04 ID:k+lDr8by [Del]

>>6 Wow calm the fuck down, post-apocalyptic joe.

This just happened in China.

10 Name: Enni : 2011-07-31 02:53 ID:nTm3c5IT [Del]

Not in China, no such rule.

11 Name: Darkangel5 : 2011-07-31 13:38 ID:3nCvJYKt [Del]

I'm saying alot worse shit happens in every country the world is fucked up. its going to die out at some point it might be soon or be be later i dont know but its going to some serious shit when we finally reach the point of in-humanity.

12 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-07-31 18:57 ID:k+lDr8by [Del]

Finally reach it? Hell, until relatively recently we were incredibly inhuman, far beyond things like this. In somewhat recent American history we just got over slavery and segregation and in other countries they've been committing genocide since ancient times. It's only recently we've developed the level of what we now refer to as humanity. The shocking bit is that this is a developed country that hasn't let go of such immorality, not that they would do such a thing in the first place. It's both horrid and out of place in modern society.

13 Name: Darkangel5 : 2011-08-01 00:29 ID:3nCvJYKt [Del]

Lots of places are fucked up individually some more than others china? that's always been pretty bad with human rights and stuff. But still if you would make a list of whats wrong with everything today its going to be a freaking big as crap list.

14 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-08-01 02:55 ID:k+lDr8by [Del]

Again, you misunderstand - those places have always been pretty immoral, it's just not as talked about. It's not like this is a new thing that's happening, we're just all breaking away from old habits slowly. If anything, the world is getting better, not falling to pieces.

15 Name: Darkangel5 : 2011-08-01 14:31 ID:3nCvJYKt [Del]

Yes were getting better from the old ways but were just going to make new bad habits, it's just one big cycle that cant be broken, and that's going to collapse upon itself one day...

16 Name: Enni : 2011-08-01 18:04 ID:/qf3l59i [Del]

Wow, why so negative?

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Darkangel5 : 2011-08-01 22:19 ID:3nCvJYKt [Del]

Sometimes I'm negative, sometimes I'm positive...

19 Name: Kaori : 2011-08-01 23:14 ID:v4BoDbiX [Del]

>>18 thats not so good to here when you get STD's....

but on a happier note, yes things lyke dis also duz happen in all countries, it's just news ya'll thurz nuthun much to it so lez accept it and understand it. Every country learns frum its mistakes and uthers mistakes as well. I think this was a horridable thing to happun obviously, but it will help deh country grow, and uther countries lyke us who see their problems :I oh i makun sense?

20 Name: MKOLLER : 2011-08-01 23:15 ID:q+dYKPk7 [Del]

The allegations that they were buried alive are sensationalist at best.

Internet users and relatives of the victims have been angered by the government's apparent unwillingness to answer questions about the crash.

This has led to accusations of government "arrogance", amid suspicions of a cover-up.

The authorities have moved quickly to stem media coverage, urging reporters to focus on "extremely moving" stories, saying the overall theme should be "great love in the face of great disaster".

Chinese media have been ordered not to question the official line on the accident, but several newspapers have published editorials criticising the railway ministry.

In an unusually scathing editorial published in both its English and Chinese versions, the state-run Global Times on Wednesday said the government's handling of the accident aftermath was a "public relations disaster".

21 Name: XTealX : 2011-08-02 00:33 ID:JAcE21tD [Del]

What did I just read?

22 Name: Enni : 2011-08-02 06:21 ID:/qf3l59i [Del]

Why the Nationalists should have won and allow China to become a puppet state instead.

23 Name: Darkangel5 : 2011-08-02 10:50 ID:3nCvJYKt [Del]

>>19 Well your right about the first sentence lol.... But anyways all countries have something completely wrong about them and china's problem is human resources...

24 Name: Sirnak : 2011-08-02 18:10 ID:vI++jSmJ [Del]

>>12 Not really out of place in modern society. China only reached the place where it is now in the global economy by using such "unortodoxal" methods, like offering their gigantic population as almost-slaves to the worldwide industry.

I do not get shocked by such news; it's merely a method to rise in such a merciless world - you have to be as merciless and "inhuman" as the rest. If possible, more.

25 Name: Enni : 2011-08-03 07:16 ID:FfaxeskZ [Del]

I don't think just because it's something that they do often, means that it's something we should get used to.
...shit is still pretty messed up.

26 Name: Darkangel5 : 2011-08-03 15:43 ID:3nCvJYKt [Del]

>>25 That's the exact thought process that's going to get the world so fucked up, thinking that just because we don't do it and they don't do it regularly we should just ignore it. ( and Enni i'm not calling you out by saying this i'm just saying that alot of people think this way) and that is why eventually humanity is going to one day be just a joke.

27 Name: Enni : 2011-08-04 06:02 ID:nTm3c5IT [Del]

...what? I'm saying people should be more concerned with this type of human rights issue.

28 Name: Darkangel5 : 2011-08-04 07:13 ID:3nCvJYKt [Del]

Oh, Well I sort of misread your post....'-'....Akward.....But still my last still stands for what I believe.>>27

29 Name: Kohaku : 2011-08-04 11:32 ID:cDx5AeZO [Del]

What?! God, that makes me cry. Why kinds of assholes do that? There could've been survivors....there's gotta be something we can do...

30 Post deleted by user.

31 Name: brittany : 2011-08-05 16:15 ID:pZoZiNfX [Del]

That's horrible! How could they do that!!?!

32 Name: Save : 2011-08-05 21:01 ID:F7d7Akw6 [Del]

Saving this!

33 Name: Sirnak : 2011-08-05 21:20 ID:LPiupfX3 [Del]

>>25 I don't mean we should get used to it - how much it matters is a personal matter.

I just wanted to say it's not really something we should think of as "out of common" or as a "monstruosity anyone would commit". I can bet much worse things are done in zones of war or places like the worst parts of Africa.

34 Name: Darkangel5!mOjME62K9o : 2011-08-05 22:34 ID:3nCvJYKt [Del]

Exactly much worse stuff just never gets reported, it's sad really.

35 Name: Sirnak : 2011-08-06 11:41 ID:GSsW/N20 [Del]

>>33 God, forgive the "how much it matters is a personal matter". That hurt my own eyes after I saw it.

Well, it's still understandable at least.

36 Post deleted by user.

37 Name: Yukio : 2011-08-14 08:31 ID:RiKIMqRK [Del]

i was like huh, i never bumped this, but i saw the ID..
anywho, china has done countless things like this. look it up. with the highest population, they jump at the chance of killing

38 Name: *insertnamehere*!k9qxQrkkz6 : 2011-08-14 17:46 ID:Y0Y8ej79 [Del]


39 Name: blauherz : 2011-08-15 05:49 ID:/D6eRPbD [Del]

>>37 disgusting...

40 Name: Enni : 2011-08-15 07:42 ID:eTHa19y4 [Del]

What is?

41 Name: Yukio : 2011-08-17 00:17 ID:Cvmce1DA [Del]

>>40 39 is either talking about me saying that matter-of-factly, or the fact that china never rly cared for its citizens.

Look up tiananmen square protests/incident on youtube. That was the most famous one that got accidentally aired. CNN was threatened by the chinese to not air those clips. eventually their satelites connecting to the US got disconnected

42 Name: tsutomu : 2011-08-17 02:50 ID:4V4VW9Tj [Del]

wtf really kidding right !

43 Name: Enni : 2011-08-17 10:06 ID:x/aaWZ6C [Del]

Oh yes, I'm an insensitive asshole that jokes about the death and lack of human rights for my countrymen.