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One Man's Good Deed (21)

1 Name: Mika : 2011-06-30 18:46 ID:avWseGmO [Del]

Brian Tapp, a 59-year-old florist from Sydney, Australia, had just been evicted from his shop. One morning last month, as he made a final trip to his flower shop to collect his possessions, he happened to spot a wallet and passport lying by the side of the road.

Most people in his position would be too miserable to give a second thought to helping someone else out. But Tapp put his own troubles aside to help out a stranger, pulling over to pick up the loose belongings before they were run over or stolen. Along with the wallet and passport, Tapp discovered an itinerary for a flight to Bali—which was due to leave in less than two hours.

The would-be traveler, Adam Morison, hadn’t realized that he’d lost his wallet and passport until he’d arrived at the airport, and was devastated by the mistake. By the time Tapp contacted the airline, Morison had turned around to head back home, his hopes of a surfing holiday dashed. But, while driving home, he received a call from the airline, letting him know that a Good Samaritan had found his possessions and was driving to the airport to deliver them to him in person. Morison turned his car around again, and sped back to the airport.

Thanks to Tapp’s good deed, Morison made his flight after all—but Tapp’s work still wasn’t done. When Morison noticed that some of his cash and cards were missing from his wallet, Tapp returned to the road where he’d found it. Remarkably, they were still lying there. “I found the money, a Medicare card, a MasterCard, and his barrister’s identification card,” said Tapp. Though Morison had already departed for Bali at that point, Tapp mailed the items to Morison’s home.

Morison still can’t believe that Tapp would go to so much trouble to help a total stranger, and is now trying to return the favor by helping Tapp pick up more customers for his floral business. But for Tapp, there’s nothing unusual about his generous deed: ‘‘It’s what I’d expect anyone to do,’’ he said. ‘‘I’m a person who really hates losing things, so I can put myself in the place of the owner.

2 Name: Mika : 2011-06-30 18:48 ID:avWseGmO [Del]

It's wonderful how one single person can change someone else's happiness. Make sure to help those around you, you never know how much they will appreciate it.

3 Name: Akito : 2011-07-01 00:43 ID:/1Vyc7c7 [Del]

Wow those botanists

4 Name: Red Denial : 2011-07-01 02:22 ID:8p3VDoI7 [Del]


5 Name: Enni : 2011-07-01 02:40 ID:nTm3c5IT [Del]

Man, these people are hard to find nowadays.

6 Name: Kaito-Chan : 2011-07-01 13:48 ID:KYy4PryN [Del]


7 Name: Ezzy : 2011-07-01 14:12 ID:9Ywsxexg [Del]

=0 awesome guy!!
Dollars invite needed for him!!

8 Name: Persona : 2011-07-03 15:19 ID:rpHrnjaK [Del]

>>6 YES!! that would be SOO AWESOME to have someone like him with the Dollars!

9 Name: Holden : 2011-07-04 19:49 ID:bZ6h5/0l [Del]

... I feel all inspired and what not...

God bless this man.

10 Name: Ame : 2011-07-04 22:39 ID:Zy4k7cMK [Del]

that's such a nice guy! most people would have probably pocketed the cash and left the wallet there...

11 Name: Bugs97 !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-07-04 23:26 ID:tc7J1HuY [Del]

It's good to know that not everybody would leave it for grabs! I really hope that good luck follows him!^-^

12 Name: Minato : 2011-07-05 00:32 ID:bysI3BaR [Del]

I'm gonna be totally honest.. I'd take the money if i spotted the wallet x3

Dun lie! I know some of you would too!

13 Name: henny : 2011-07-05 07:13 ID:qWYqSww/ [Del]

it's amazing that there are people this honest and helping in this world.

14 Name: AddictedToRamen : 2011-07-06 05:06 ID:n4fTBwQ5 [Del]

Its always nice to read stories like these now and again. Makes you want to be a better person.

15 Name: Incognito : 2011-07-06 11:56 ID:zV/SvXj+ [Del]

Pay it forward, guys. That's all I have to say.

16 Name: Uen : 2011-07-06 20:25 ID:3lWE9WXo [Del]

Makes me kinda feel bad though, I wouldn't have done that. Personally i would have taken the money and tossed the wallet away. Then again I'm a terrible person. Uen out.

17 Name: iKn0wz : 2011-07-11 21:45 ID:QpiwPbom [Del]

Ha, this is the kinda thing that makes ya laugh and think at the same time. I dunno if I would've done the same thing but its definitely something that should be done by the Dollars. Maybe not big things that change towns, but just small ones.

18 Name: Nix : 2011-07-11 22:45 ID:PgYLetj9 [Del]

I know for sure that I'm too passive a person to care much about somebody else's monetary loss. Reading this, I want to change that. I think we all should, non? It shouldn't be such a shock when people perform such good deeds. It should be an everyday thing, right? XD I must sound really naive...

19 Name: L : 2011-07-12 00:33 ID:h+B74aUu [Del]

What a good guy. xD Many people probably would have taken the money, others wouldn't go through all the effort and bring it to the home, instead of where the person is at the time. I wouldn't have stolen the money, I'd be too scared to do it. I couldn't bring it to the airport though. So I'd just bring it to his house.

20 Name: V2Blast : 2011-07-13 19:44 ID:fPQGEOT+ [Del]

And now my hope for humanity is temporarily restored.

21 Name: Clever : 2011-07-14 09:00 ID:MbeiHmDO [Del]

20... I fully agree with you~!