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Hikikomori Kept Mother’s Corpse in Bag “To Buy Plamo” (28)

1 Name: Xion_Kytori : 2011-05-03 09:20 ID:FVt2M6Bf (Image: 640x480 jpg, 47 kb) [Del]

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A man living as a hikikomori hermit for the past 30 years has been arrested after it transpired he had hid his mother’s corpse for 3 years so he could use her pension to steal $80,000 to fund his plamo hobby.

The corpse of the man’s 80-year-old mother was discovered in the kitchen of their Nagoya home, sealed in a vacuum bag for storing futons. Her death is not thought to be suspicious in nature.

She had died 3 years ago, her 60-year-old son, who had been living as a jobless hikikomori for the past 30 years, hid her death so she could get her pension.

he succeeded in getting from $80,000 to $110,000 – aided by the fact the funds were transferred straight to his account.

Her corpse, still in its bag, was eventually found hidden on a kitchen shelf. LOL

2 Name: Xion_Kytori : 2011-05-03 09:22 ID:FVt2M6Bf (Image: 476x273 png, 47 kb) [Del]

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here he explains crime in this screeny

3 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-03 15:47 ID:gZTMxPax [Del]

This is moreso the true face of the label "otaku" - one with an unhealthy obsession that ultimately makes them do stupid shit like this. It transcends the milder term "geek" and becomes something bordering on social reclusion.
It's for this reason I truly hate it when people freely call themselves that, as if it's something to be proud of.

This article is lulzy, but also quite disparaging. Hikkikomoris, man. I never did think about what happens when they run out of funding from their parents.

4 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2011-05-03 18:16 ID:ooF9dPpJ [Del]

Why do you guys say it's lulzy? That's just fucking sad...

It's weired how people can get so fucking in the head.

5 Name: Mael : 2011-05-03 20:52 ID:tsRObs+A [Del]

I agree that its sad in a way, but its not like you cant find humor in it lol...

6 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-03 21:48 ID:gZTMxPax [Del]

lulzy is moreso the at-his-expense type of humor. It's admittedly kind of sick to laugh at it, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't. The sheer thought of this kind of thing struck me as ridiculous.

7 Name: Enni : 2011-05-03 23:38 ID:tvIB30ST [Del]

I thought it's hilarious how his breakfast cereal is next to the body.

8 Name: akemi22 : 2011-05-04 01:31 ID:J9LkXCY4 [Del]

>>3 What's wrong on being an "otaku"?? Doesn't mean one otaku is like that doesn't mean all otaku's are!! I'm an OTAKU and I am mighty PROUD of it.

>>5 haha, I find it kind of funny too.

9 Name: Nutty : 2011-05-04 01:52 ID:cWhCl8XZ [Del]

>>8 I agree with you, plus not all Otakus are Hikikomoris in the first place..

But this is pretty interesting to think someone would actually do this, well it doesnt seem like he killed his own mom though

10 Name: Joker : 2011-05-04 14:27 ID:HmIX7jzf [Del]

>>8 Good luck with that problem

11 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-04 14:40 ID:gZTMxPax [Del]

"In general colloquial usage however, most Japanese would consider it undesirable to be described in a serious fashion as 'otaku'; many even consider it to be an offensive term ... use of the label can be a source of contention among some anime fans, particularly those who are aware of the negative connotations the term has in Japan. Unpleasant stereotypes about otaku prevail in worldwide fan communities, and some anime fans express concern about the effect these more extreme fans can have on the reputation of their hobby ... While otaku in English-speaking contexts is generally understood to mean geek or even fan, this usage is not widely known in Japan and hence casual use of the term may confuse native Japanese speakers. Self-identification as an otaku may seem strange to them, and they may be offended if a gaijin calls them an otaku."
~Wikipedia article on Otaku

It's beyond my discontent with overusage of Japanese outside of Japan due to western anime fandom: it is, in fact, offensive.

12 Name: akemi22 : 2011-05-05 01:28 ID:J9LkXCY4 [Del]

>>11 Too bad, I'm not Japanese :P
and a lot of people like's being called one. All of my best friends are otaku's you know!!

>>10 I'm sorry, but I think you are mistaken cuz' I don't have a problem.

13 Name: Dainn : 2011-05-05 04:08 ID:j/WU0iqQ [Del]

you know, nerd and geek used to have the exact same negative connotations. They referred to an unhealthy obsession. Now, being a nerd is actually the cool thing. So who cares if someone calls themself an otaku?

14 Name: Xion_Kytori : 2011-05-05 14:05 ID:FVt2M6Bf [Del]

some japanese people do care cuz they find it offensive term :)

15 Name: el Toro : 2011-05-08 20:44 ID:tsRObs+A [Del]

whyd he keep her in the kitchen of all places...why not the garage...tiny japanese houses?

>>it is funny...sad yes...but anything this ridiculous has to be somewhat humorous
>> 13 id never call myself an otaku but that is an excellent point

16 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-08 23:36 ID:gZTMxPax [Del]

>>13 Wait, it's cool to be a nerd now? When did this happen?

A nerd is someone stereotypically socially awkward and book-smart in some way, while a geek is just someone with an abnormal obsession. There can be sports geeks and tech geeks alike. At least how I figure it, the social awkward connotation is still exclusive to nerd, but it's true the meanings were split relatively recently.

>>12 Hm.
>"Too bad, I'm not japanese"
>using japanese term as a self-reference
Can someone tell me the modern definition of hypocrite? The one I'm thinking of appears to have been lost to time.
I'm insulted. It's as if you didn't even read the article I copypasted for you, or you're feigning ignorance to it completely. If you read it as a flat-out attack on you and your best friends, then apologies for a misunderstanding - I was merely pointing out a social norm that's been misunderstood by people who fail to read into context. I'm sure you're familiar.
The usage of the term by any number of people does not diminish its connotation, it isn't evidence to the contrary.

17 Name: Dainn : 2011-05-09 10:21 ID:j/WU0iqQ [Del]

actually, yes. being a "nerd" is the in-thing right now. at least in a majority of the states, as far as I can tell.
no, they're not real nerds, but they claim to be nerds. The trend started I think about the time pokemon heart-gold/soul-silver came out because suddenly everyone played pokemon again and suddenly that was enough to qualify them as being a nerd.

18 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-09 12:27 ID:gZTMxPax [Del]

>>17 Ah. I guess I just don't consider that being a nerd then.
Maybe it's part of the hipster movement, being all different and whatnot just to make a statement. I play pokemon and whatever but I don't consider it nerdy, or even geeky.

Anyway, back on topic, it begs the question - why didn't he just dispose of the body completely? Did he really need her corpse to get the money?

19 Name: Xion_Kytori : 2011-05-09 13:14 ID:FVt2M6Bf [Del]

exactly right pretty messed right ... wh did he keep the body maybe souvenir like keep sakes idunno some people are messed

20 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-10 17:25 ID:WErp53no [Del]

wow, that's pretty smart, but cold...

21 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-10 17:25 ID:WErp53no [Del]

wow, that's pretty smart, but cold...

22 Name: Sad : 2011-05-11 12:00 ID:0rUER/5y [Del]


I think those "nerds" would just be hipsters/scene kids trying to look cool with that "geek chic." The kind of people who when you ask what their favorite Pokemon is, they default to one of the starters/Pikachu because they're the only ones they can recall. The kind who think Gen I. was best despite being horribly glitchy and broken.

As far as the talk of disposing of the corpse... well he is a hikki. Disposing of the body would involve going outside, which he'd likely be unable to do. He couldn't just toss the corpse out, as someone would discover the body and then he'd lose his income.

tl;dr He didn't have a reliable way to get rid of the corpse that he could do from home.

23 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-11 17:08 ID:gZTMxPax [Del]

>>22 One correction - they wouldn't pick a starter or pikachu if they were thorough. They would pick something weird that nobody bothers to use ever, preferably from first gen. If they picked the starter, it would be too mainstream.

Also, that's a good point about him not being able to dispose of it. Forgot that true hikkikomoris are really really shut in. Like, terrifyingly so.

Well, he COULD have let it rot normally, not like he gets visitors anyway.

24 Name: Sad : 2011-05-12 11:14 ID:0rUER/5y [Del]


Well, I don't know exactly how badly a rotting corpse would smell, or the proximity of his house/apartment compared to his neighbors, so he may have been worried about people outside reporting the stench.

25 Name: (ノ ಠ益ಠ)ノ ┻━┻ : 2011-05-12 23:28 ID:SIjubYUI [Del]

that was interesting and dumb at the same time
hiding a corpse in the kitchen isnt a smart idea lol

26 Name: Mael : 2011-05-13 04:35 ID:kooWffK0 [Del]

>>24 Well lol I wondered about that too, but i guess it wasn't an issue due to the fact that it stayed there for ~'3 years'~ xD Maybe they got used to it? :P

27 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-13 15:16 ID:gZTMxPax [Del]

>>26 Well it would only smell if he didn't store it the way he did. There's no way for the body to rot if it's kept sealed.
What I said was that he should've let it decompose, which is what causes the smell, which explains why it didn't work.

I stand corrected, maybe he really did think it through thoroughly.

28 Name: Mael : 2011-05-13 18:19 ID:tsRObs+A [Del]

>>27 Ah you see, i completely skipped over the line explaining the vacuum sealing.