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Depression and other mental illnesses (7)

1 Name: Cynic : 2022-05-06 03:30 ID:IGiGotT8 [Del]

Hey guys, I've been struggling with depression lately and it seems like I got myself into a very annoying loop. I have trust issues that don't really help seek help and support from real life people who are close to me and all. Plus, I'm too shy and unmotivated to come to real life support groups. But this all is kind of a necessary thing to not kys in another emotional strike. I thought, how about making a support group within Dollars? Something like a chatroom or even a Discord server? After all it's known that people are more free to talk to strangers on the internet. And we definitely could try to make same thing work for another mental illnesses?

2 Name: RoadRunner : 2022-05-16 03:26 ID:uMUvmuSC [Del]

We actually have this now a discord for both dollars and support check chatrooms :)

This is a mission or a personal thing 🤔

We have a area for personal feelings to be expressed if you are up to it >_<

3 Name: Anonymous : 2022-09-20 18:03 ID:j9SikxlS [Del]

have you tried killing yourself you stupid slut? You fucking dont deserve to live wasting oxygen on this shit.

4 Name: Tsiba : 2022-09-21 17:23 ID:Q1zXMlMF [Del]

Did you try praying about it? I prayed about my chronic anxiety that was brought on by nothing and I was healed.

5 Name: Chipsa : 2022-09-21 20:56 ID:PKWVTKco [Del]

If someone could delete the awful replies that'd be great.

I'd try meditation and some self-reflection, and check out any self-help tips that are in your comfort zone. If you're timid as researcher I do suggest trying the safer sounding options and then move on to heavier self-searching if necessary, go slowly if it helps. Don't pay any attention to the people who say those things like up above this reply, just breathe and keep learning to love yourself and be a greater self, even if just step by step. Love yourself, stranger! :) <3 <3 <3 :) at least that's what would help me a little if it were me. Try finding what works for you... Thanks for reading!

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: lucasdking : 2022-10-01 22:20 ID:9ZZLgA4u [Del]

I think that's a great idea. I'd love to be a part of that.