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Debbie's Facial Feminization Surgery Fund (8)

1 Name: leo : 2021-09-13 12:50 ID:9KXjCtUT [Del]

Please donate to Debbie Crankin's facial feminization surgery fund!!! Black transgender women are overlooked all too often in the LGBTQ+ community and just in general. She only needs about $6000 more dollars to reach her goal, please donate if you are able to!

2 Name: ligma : 2021-09-15 15:18 ID:AHVs+6xZ [Del]


3 Name: leo : 2021-09-15 19:10 ID:9KXjCtUT [Del]

keep it to yourself then transphobe

4 Name: Jerk : 2021-09-19 17:14 ID:grVhcl0P [Del]

Immediately turning to name calling because you're not getting money?

There's 100 reasons why this shouldn't be posted here, and it being for someone transition process isn't one of them.

I doubt that anyone who's asked for any denomination of money on here has gotten it. Especially if they're gonna be a Jerk about it. I dont care what your cause is if your self righteously arrogant about your own capacity to be "phobic"

6000 dollars is in incredible amount of money. I could afford medication for an illness that will kill me without choice. I could feed a hell of a lot of people. I literal cannot imagine being able to afford the LUXURY of getting out of the skin I hate so easily.

Good luck, honestly. I have no good reason to disrespect what people want for themselves. But you came here asking for money. How can you possible expect anything at all, and then be a Jerk when you don't get what you want. You're literally going to let yourself walk away thinking everyone on this site is a transphobe because we won't pay for your luxurious surgery?

Keep it to yourself asshole. It doesn't matter who or what you are or want to be. If you're an asshole, you're an asshole.

People here don't exchange money. No matter if you're asking just just a dollar. Most of us don't have money.

We have to think of more creative ways to help people like reminding them that $6000 can help someone survive for a long time. No one with any reason will help your friend when there's suffering beyond your imagination in this world, where people don't have the wherewithal or freedom or time to think about who they are, let alone take action towards becoming it. There are people who don't have the choice but to face severe limitation everyday and are slaves to maintaining medication and insurance and their family and their job and somehow manage to pay for all of it. People who still have to walk where they need to go to have a meal and survive another day and haven't been able to raise a dime for treatment for diseases that will kill them otherwise.

Your friends journey is their own, if she cannot fight her own battles, this surgery won't make her happier. Other people doing the work for her while she piss and moans about being in the wrong body~ A body she can surely feed and clothe with little effort.

You as the individuals you are disgust me. I know much more respectable people that have not burdened others with their transition process. Shape up.

5 Name: Jerk : 2021-09-19 17:15 ID:grVhcl0P [Del]

And of course she's already fucking beautiful. I can't stand this bullshit. Delete this.

6 Name: leo : 2021-09-20 12:29 ID:9KXjCtUT [Del]

No one is demanding money or anything. Read my entire post word for word. If you don't want to donate, don't, but don't lecture me about "not burdening people with your transition" when I'm literally just trying to uplift and support another trans person. You are not being burdened by anything here besides choosing to respond to this post. That person's comment came off as transphobic to me because they took the time to comment "no" under the post when I legitimately said "please donate if you are able to". If it wasn't meant to be transphobic, then I apologize, but that's the way it comes off.

Don't fucking chastise transgender people for reaching out for financial support for life saving surgeries, that makes you just as shitty. And if you're so concerned about other people's medical needs and whether they can afford them, then make that your thing and utilize your voice on it. Don't just use other people's struggles as a way to invalidate someone else's, that's extremely shitty and it shows that you don't actually care.

7 Name: Jerk : 2021-09-24 02:40 ID:OvyXQDi8 [Del]

Then I apologize as well.

I do hope for your success. It's mostly high school kids on this site anyway. No jobs. But I hope me being an asshole got someone else here to give you money they dont have.

Sometimes there's shitty assholes who care too. I don't disagree that the other person's response was a bit brash, but I did not merit labeling anyone around here as transphobes. That's why I chastised you. For being a flawed human like the rest of us. I never said the word demand. I used the word ask. I understand its hard to separate the hate you get for who you are but were all human~ so I addressed you with no different hate than you addressed us. I still think cosmetic surgery is ridiculous and that youre actually giving your money to the people who don't care. Not my business, sure~ fuckin off now <3

8 Name: Unknown : 2021-10-18 23:49 ID:XNZQyV/Y [Del]

Hi, op!

I was just about to make a thread on this and was pleasantly surprised when I saw that someone already has. It's nice to see a Dollar supporting trans people, although I wish there wasn't such an initial hostile reaction to this thread. I'm going to bump this because Debbie's campaign is still ongoing. Here's to hoping she reaches her goal!