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Can men and women co-exist in a same society??? (6)

1 Name: Akane : 2021-08-19 14:49 ID:Erq4MK1o [Del]

So the question and point is that we all know that for the centuries going on women are always being suppressed by men they are always try to show dominancy over them just because they have a little more strength then women but that's not the case here, Brain is the only thing which dominates everything strength, power and everything rape, sexual harassment, killing of women due to family honor is common these days and trying to whatever they want to do with them is increasing they treat women as pets or toys so they can do whatever they want with them they can't tolerate women higher then them so the point is because of these circumstance women should get separated from these animals and there should be a separate community for them so they live their lives with the maximum freedom i want to know your views about it.... Thankyouuu......

2 Name: Anonymous : 2021-08-20 00:05 ID:GnPxSCun [Del]

this is not a mission, this is personal. saged

3 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-08-20 08:03 ID:80d9dw2p [Del]

>>2 Should've also told them why men and women CAN coexist within society, what the hell is that mindset even.

4 Name: Asher : 2021-09-05 20:17 ID:rNotawvC [Del]

I’m a trans male so I don’t know if I really have too much privilege to speak for us dudes but I think that everyone should co-exist. I’m not too educated in this topic but maybe if we taught people that it’s wrong to do that stuff at a young age it might make the problem less severe. My brother was treated differently than me when it came to romance, my dad kept telling him to get a girlfriend and telling me to stay away from boys at all costs (although I’m pan and I just dated girls later anyways). But I think this problem comes from how we are treated as kids, and we need to educate others.

5 Name: Ayrti : 2021-09-06 21:24 ID:7uoKnIkF [Del]

Yes. We can.

6 Name: Perpetual : 2021-09-07 11:54 ID:zl9/dgXX [Del]

As a Male I feel like I'm not the one you want responding. Anything I say will be wrong. If I make a point, would you consider it? Does it matter what nature chose for me at birth? Is my whole experience and understanding invalid because of something I had no choice in? Will you always paint these ideas onto every man woman and otherwise that you meet?

I fall into this blanket thought a lot myself. Assuming the whole population is shite. But I know that the woman men and otherwise that your post is trying to pack into a depraved little box simply do not encapsulate All Men and Women and otherwise.

Your question does not represent all people.

And there is sure no possible way you can think a Man is not capable of submission, and a woman not capable of oppression.

There's too many labels and boxes your trying to shove us all into here and frankly it will be hard to meet respectful people when looking and speaking through those lenses.

Yes it can happen, but when you treat a perfectly good human being like they're a prehistoric beast before you even get to know them AND expect them to respect you at all... well you get whatever experience you got. Not every man is gonna disrespect you. Not every woman will agree with you either. But I'm just a guy so I wonder how you would take this if I lie and said otherwise. I wonder if I'm lying about my gender now because otherwise you might not get the point.

You wont find coexistence if you presume ALL MEN will fit your description.

I'm sorry about the people that let you down. And I'm sorry that for centuries men have treated women horribly. And I'm sorry it still happens today in wildy horrible and unbelievably despicable ways.

But those of us who don't beat women on the streets because their eyes are showing - let alone even thinking such a concept could be a very current reality - let's not assume each and every one of us harbor the same level of depravity.

This All or Nothing thought trap is an internet favorite these days.

Either every man is horrible or none of them are. You will always meet horrible men with this mindset.

I'm sorry if you live in a place where this kind of violent oppression exists.

But the fact is: there are places where we already coexist.

Accept that into your reality and hopefully things change for you. Hopefully you will meet more respectable people.