Dollars BBS | Missions




















COVID-19 Panic (10)

1 Name: Stefan : 2020-03-13 15:41 ID:XB/V9V0h [Del]

So as some of us may be experiencing and others may be seeing, currently COVID-19 is causing a great deal of panic amongst people. Things like Toilet paper is becoming a valuable resource and people are beginning to show agression towards eachother. It's becoming a greater issue than anyone could have expected because people are scared.

So where do we come in? We are the Dollars and we want to help people. Currently there are families without toilet paper and others who are hording it. People who need things they cant obtain. What I hope we can do is become a way for the people who dont have what they need, to ask and recieve.

There are many ways to participate in this mission, but the first step would be to talk to your family and friends, and try to gather information on who needs what, and whats becoming a rarity. If a friend or family member needs help, give them what they need and mention us and our website. The more people we can get on here the more we can begin to help others. Our first goal is to let the world know that the dollars are ready to help.

Once we've got more people on board, our next step would be starting a regional help thread for people who can't obtain something they need. People could make a post about being unable to obtain something in their area and a dollar who can would be able to help them. We'd also be encouraging people to put up our name around places so more people will be able to find out about the help we can give. Currently people are afraid of the government, so a independent anonymously run group like us would be able to be reliable since we dont have anything to gain.

Apologies for any typos and such but this is my mission that I hope we as Dollars can execute together. TLDR Help, recruit, help more, thats the goal. In times of fear, we have to rely on eachother or risk the chance of turning into eachother and losing the type of compassion that drives us to work for the dollars.

2 Name: Viridian : 2020-03-13 21:20 ID:RKpUs79P [Del]

That is a great idea! People everywhere have been freaking out taking more than what they need from the people who actually need them. The panic is getting huge and the supplies is going out. I am definitely participating in this.

3 Name: firi : 2020-03-15 04:25 ID:heCMcM00 [Del]


4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Erva : 2020-03-15 07:45 ID:Q/Kwnali [Del]

I'm in. Hopefully we could do any change to help lessen the panic and aggression. Despite the COVID-19, we should try to all be positive and work together, cooperate and do whatever we can to help others, even if it's just a small gesture such as giving one mask to a person.

We've fought against many diseases and viruses, so we can also win against the COVID-19 war!

6 Name: Boric : 2020-03-16 11:46 ID:rnRGoM9q [Del]

If you have elderly neighbors, and are healthy, check in on them and see if there are any errands that you can help them with that they would have to leave their homes for, such as buying groceries. The less exposure to groups of people in public will keep them safer. Young individuals are far more likely to survive the infection if they are to get Coronavirus, so do your part and help the elderly avoid the public. But be sure to disinfect yourself before interacting with them.

7 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2020-03-16 16:56 ID:lcbQYzqc [Del]

Need something missing on shelf? You can order online from the stores website if they do free in store delivery it won't cost much more than regular shopping and you can get the things needed it's in your name and you have claimed it yours so nobody can take it from you just go into the store and receive the things you purchased online!

8 Name: kanra : 2020-03-18 20:25 ID:3d3XUMAV [Del]

I’m in, I’ll be looking out for anyone in need of supplies.

9 Name: kanra : 2020-03-18 20:38 ID:3d3XUMAV [Del]

Also if you’re in need feel free to message me at

10 Name: KusaMochi : 2020-03-19 11:57 ID:E6KFc32s [Del]

No sé qué dice, pero tiene razón (?).