Dollars BBS | Missions




















Help start up the dollars again. (31)

1 Name: Owen01 : 2020-02-05 14:50 ID:w8gKq5pn [Del]

I want to start the dollars up again, because we have been slowly dying.
Our first step: Spread the word.
We have 196 members on the mailing list right now. But we need more if we want to make a big difference. Help spread the word. You can make pamphlets, put up signs, or just tell people online or IRL.
With your help, we can help the world.
"Because the world isn't as bad as you think." - The DOLLARS

2 Name: Fishy : 2020-02-05 14:51 ID:bs5Y1fPv [Del]

I'm on it.

3 Name: Owen01 : 2020-02-05 14:52 ID:w8gKq5pn [Del]

I also emailed this to all the members of the new mailing list, and only 96 of them actually had working emails. The other 100 failed to receive it.

4 Name: Akira : 2020-02-06 19:46 ID:lI33IfyQ [Del]

Copy that!

5 Name: Vivaldi !IDhVqjN6uk : 2020-02-06 20:03 ID:1fRETPDn [Del]

How do I get on the mailing list?

6 Name: Akari : 2020-02-12 09:58 ID:3wY3eWZ0 [Del]

Do i also have to get a new email to fullly join or what? ;-;

7 Name: Zenji !GX94fecCeA : 2020-04-12 14:27 ID:Hyf7S+OH [Del]

Should be able to get added to the email list by going to the "Chatrooms" page. Near the bottom of the page should be a link that says "Submit Email Here." You don't need to make a new email, but if you want to stay anonymous you should.

8 Name: That guy : 2020-04-12 15:05 ID:smlYnP35 [Del]

should we give out the password to this website, or should we leave it to the drrr fans

9 Name: R : 2020-04-13 00:43 ID:ib0n4dmB [Del]


10 Name: someone : 2020-04-14 07:39 ID:fitlk+wt [Del]

write me on instagram I need help for about this ( )

11 Name: Karisu : 2021-05-05 02:10 ID:IEJISfpd [Del]

Yes Ma'am/Sir!

12 Name: atrupb : 2021-05-05 04:06 ID:GasUGzjH [Del]

>>8 i think we should. after all, they did give it out in the anime and not everyone knows what durarara is so they wont know how to search and maybe they wont want to bother. If we want more members we have to male it convenient for new people to join

13 Name: Koizumi Tomoko : 2021-05-06 18:34 ID:KV5Ocnl8 [Del]

Well I can try! I really want to spread this gang and I think we can do it! But to be clear I don't know if we should just let random people in just because if we start letting non fans in I'm afraid it will turn into bad people joining because they don't know truly what the dollars is

14 Name: Izanagi : 2021-05-07 01:18 ID:eywVTEwM [Del]

Hay que volver
We have to go back

15 Name: atrupb : 2021-05-07 16:35 ID:+qSMC01y [Del]

>>13 you are very right there too. we don't want to make the same mistake the people in the anime made and converted the dollars into the wrong type of gang. i didnt consider this, but we need to think of something that's both convenient and won't invite any baddies.

16 Name: Koizumi Tomoko : 2021-05-11 22:33 ID:N5kTwu9M [Del]

>>14 Maybe instead of inviting people to the dollars, invite them to watch durarara first then introduce them! That makes it easier for both people I think

17 Name: Geiko : 2021-05-12 14:56 ID:wT8U+PK6 [Del]

i'm a bit late but i will help

18 Name: Raka : 2021-05-29 18:06 ID:YngFpAeo [Del]

>>15 It's a little different though, since in the anime a LOT of people were part of the Dollars, to the point where they were very well-known. In the real world, our Dollars will never reach that level of famous. At most we'll get a couple trolls, but that won't be too difficult to take care of. There will be no one running around kidnapping people in the Dollars' name, since in real life most people are too scared to actually do something like that, and there's no reason to.

19 Name: kyo : 2021-05-29 22:35 ID:GmoDVsFe [Del]

YAY Awesome let's show the world what wx can do

20 Name: fnlpk : 2021-06-11 02:32 ID:0rXAKuR+ [Del]


21 Name: Asher : 2021-07-04 16:27 ID:E5WdwgVb [Del]

I think we should try to bring the dollars back though. I'm looking through some threads and there isn't really anything new. I think we can bring it back by selecting people that we know and letting them know that we exist or doing some old missions to let people know we still exist. Idk.

22 Name: bag : 2021-07-07 10:01 ID:bMNMUwKG [Del]

i would love to do this

23 Name: kaiki fan boy : 2021-07-07 12:33 ID:CwWfuKyL [Del]


24 Name: bag : 2021-07-07 15:02 ID:bMNMUwKG [Del]

what does based mean???

25 Name: imo_hamster : 2021-07-08 14:00 ID:AEBkMKlN [Del]

thats mean get do something be a fun

26 Name: bag : 2021-07-08 16:48 ID:/8hU6Jql [Del]

OOH that sounds cool count me in!!!!

27 Name: Xonjet : 2021-07-09 15:17 ID:PGJlqxJt [Del]

How do I check to see and or get added onto the mailing list I want to stay active but I don't even know what other members are near me

28 Name: bag : 2021-07-10 02:38 ID:CkSEBXYl [Del]

idk but i want to figure it out as well also is there private chats like in the anime

29 Name: ShadowWolf : 2021-07-11 21:13 ID:SFgtdSPm [Del]

I'll see what I can do to spread the word and everything I wouldn't wanna see the dollars die at all

30 Name: bag : 2021-07-13 13:24 ID:K1gBG1oq [Del]

same here

31 Name: Zuki : 2021-07-23 19:43 ID:XSSwat4S [Del]

No quiero que los Dollars mueran :(