Dollars BBS | Missions




















Welcome to the Real World (36)

1 Name: Sen : 2018-10-21 22:43 ID:9bAsnBwU [Del]

Okay this whole dollars things is losing its purpose. Lets just forget about the anime, the drrr thing and creat a real world without any of us relying on anime hypocracy. What I'm saying is instead of this website being just a communication website, we should just get on with it and do what it was made for. Almost every people here just discovered this website and act all like Kanra/Izaya and just daydream that they're a dollars but no, lets change these kind of stupidity. Let us create a dollars group for real. Like talk about rumors and real crime investigations going around your area, and not some weaboo sh** you see everyday. Its just cringy to see people here named from characters of the anime talking about weab stuff. Seriously dollars are supposed to be more than this. I hope someone would actually understand thi

2 Name: Priscilla : 2018-10-22 00:00 ID:xXCy0VAx [Del]

*Grabs Popcorn*
Lets see how this goes.....

3 Name: Shiroi : 2018-10-22 00:16 ID:xXCy0VAx [Del]

As if that thing is going to happen lol....
I see your point but come on you said it yourself...
this is the real world

4 Name: Lee : 2018-10-22 01:02 ID:s5lKLSBV (Image: 128x128 png, 20 kb) [Del]

src/1540188164583.png: 128x128, 20 kb
Agreed with Shiroi. Even the whole, "talk about real crime investigations going around your area" is a ridiculous idea because:

1. Not enough people will answer, due to the fact that this community is so tiny that most of everyone will be living far apart. Many in small towns with not much happening.

2. Most people in this community are children, or fresh-into-their-20's adults, who will not know much about criminal investigations beyond what is put into the news. Real informants are busy working with the police and/or integrating into real gangs. The chances are of them watching anime, let alone coming onto this BBS to leak information all while working for the police force/FBI, are next to null. It's so dangerous it'd be astronomically stupid to do. Anyone who says they know anything are 99.99999% lying, and if they somehow knew someone involved with the crime, they undoubtedly won't know much. If the police hasn't caught them already, all that person would have to do is file a report, not post about it on a site. And even if they did, who says Dollars is gonna be the first BBS they think to post on?

"Real Dollars" will never come to fruition. Ever. The only time it will is in a fictional series, because the idea in itself is entirely unrealistic.

So yes I understand, but there seems to be more that you need to understand.

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9 Name: Shiroi : 2018-10-22 02:00 ID:xXCy0VAx [Del]

fukin weaboos pretending to be anime and stuff, oh wow u think ur cool... ohohoh
I watched the anime and yeah it was cool
I visited this website and yeah it was cool
But the people ughhh pretending like they're the real characters from the anime.. ughghgh
yeah i get your point we should deff talk about
what goes around som areas
but stay safe lol

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Lee : 2018-10-22 04:46 ID:s5lKLSBV [Del]

Looks like I missed some stuff.

12 Name: Nonymous : 2018-10-22 09:13 ID:EVdUTiux [Del]

Lots of deleted posts.

Honestly, the idea is good, but it's impossible. If you want the Dollars to be a gang, just go make your own gang and bring them into the Dollars. It's not that hard. I've done it with my "gang" of friends.

13 Name: Sen : 2018-10-22 09:54 ID:HsWEyIDm [Del]

Yeah its impossible I know
Its not like people in here gets the point though
I've been sharing my ideas in the wrong place
Go on and make this place what you want it to be (ugh)
Sorry for interrupting.

14 Name: Izuma : 2018-10-22 11:58 ID:GKvnHyZ+ [Del]

My email is
Please email me the minute this happens

15 Name: Val : 2018-10-23 09:08 ID:Yr4GJUFr [Del]

Hiya!! Your dude Val here
Is our conversation not enough like what the f*** you're really serious about this huh...

16 Name: Wishview : 2018-10-23 13:14 ID:RmoApY+z [Del]

I agree that we should do that and we need to do more we need to find others and create our own little squads

17 Name: Boric : 2018-10-23 18:15 ID:LHqpGjaW [Del]

You don't need a group to make a difference in the world. As the only active Dollars member that I'm aware of in Japan I don't have the luxury of having a group behind me, but it doesn't stop me from doing what I can. I often volunteer at local orphanages and elementary schools in hopes that the children that I help grow up to be good people. Just do what you can to make the world a better place.

18 Name: Alterns : 2018-10-24 18:53 ID:tEsqrdl1 [Del]

Sign me up, I don't see why not

19 Name: hannah : 2018-10-27 15:58 ID://QudzsP [Del]

when I first watched the anime I thought that the website would be used how it was meant to be used in the anime such as good deeds and stuff like that.when I came to the website I didnt find that the website was how I imagined and more just about people talking about different subjects which i do enjoy reading. so i would very much so like to be part of this group or squad.

20 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-10-27 23:55 ID:i6+suwYN [Del]

>>19 Or you could just do good deeds.

I'll never understand this argument. The phrase "be the change you want to see" applies here more than most places. The power is already in your hands. It has been the whole time.

People act like splitting off from the bbs will change anything, as if the bbs is unwelcome to these ideas, but the truth lies in the userbase. Most users don't do shit simply because they don't want to. It's no more complicated than that.

If you, a user, want to do shit, do it then.

21 Name: Noel127!dl6f4LGQew : 2018-10-29 07:39 ID:xytzR2l5 [Del]

there is a job for that and you can apply for it.

getting involve with this kind of things only make things worst without no one acknowledging it.

If you keen to do it then, my suggestion is do it properly like having a connection with the local authority, security, police force, anything just drop by and make a good conversation with them, and treat them some nice food ( cheap or expensive) and coffee maybe.

I'm telling this cuz I did it a few years back during my final high school years and post high school days.

It was a great feeling to be in service or some help for the society once in a while.

I solved 2 stolen/missing item case
I solved a puzzling scene of a robbery case

the most dangerous I had ever undergone was being undercover to bust a drugs operation in a different state. Of course all I did was gather Intel, gaining their trust, look for their weak openings.

22 Name: Mashiro : 2018-10-30 15:47 ID:YUVDPg/m [Del]

Im agree bro

23 Name: NightWalker : 2018-11-02 22:59 ID:WjTizRhP [Del]

I full heartedly agree. Since we are all part of Dollars, I think we should make a change for the better. This world needs help and if Dollars can do it, then lets do it! If we can work as a team, we can change the world into a better place and possibly stop corruption.

24 Name: Locked : 2018-11-03 09:27 ID:NHXPFsSX [Del]

I agree!

25 Name: Kyeru : 2018-11-04 07:51 ID:xXCy0VAx [Del]

I you wanna do it then fine... go start it, don't ask other people's opinion about your idea. Don't ask them to do it. Do it yourself. And when you succeed the that's the time to go look for people with the same idea as you.

Don't go posting stuff like this. You were clearly motivated by the anime yet you deny so. Most people who want to create Dollars in real life are mostly those people who does not finished the show yet, or halfway through the anime. Basically they don't know the consequences of this actions. They just daydream the Dollars as being real since a fan made BBS of it is real.

Either way your idea was not bad, but don't propose such pipe dream ideas on this BBS. Go make your own one where shit gets real and not full of weaboos such as me, them and you.

26 Name: Songli : 2018-11-05 05:43 ID:YZoAQyuz [Del]

Yes, this is an absolutly great idea. But from now, I actually don't think it is possible. And you didn't consider the consequences of it.

27 Name: Santa Cartulina : 2018-11-07 15:11 ID:pCTM7Jx0 [Del]

Yo don't hate on this dude guys, that sounds like a great idea!!! Of course he's not gonna spend time typing up every detail in a simple invitation and concept post like this, ideas and creations take building and suggestions. If the whole world had only pessimism and un-hearing ears, nothing would ever happen. I respect Sen cause he's someone who thinks of something more, and I'm in to work on that idea brother

28 Name: Truth : 2018-11-16 11:26 ID:VdRFY/tK [Del]

Honestly, the whole purpose of the dollars is that it has no purpose. It translates to useless. That doesn't mean that the members can't try to do good things.

29 Name: Alokr : 2018-11-17 17:51 ID:IJG+Rcd7 [Del]

Well i like the idea but unlike the anime we are a world wide site, so it's way harder to do what the site did in the anime, besides, we don't go around hearing about gang wars and serial killers everyday, and we are way too small to do something that would actually mean a change, sure help people or do some cleaning and other stuff but we are so spread that it's kinda pointless, and there's also the fact that if we want to get a message out there we could use facebook for that, it has the bigger user number... soo yeah... idk how we can make this site a real thing...

30 Name: Monk : 2018-11-19 15:51 ID:dNQEpaUz [Del]

Well, think back to how the Dollars got started in the anime. It was small, and the Dollars started doing small acts of goodwill (like cleaning off graffiti). Do that and tie it back to the Dollars, get the word going around, and people will start joining in on their own.
Kinda like that one idea I saw of dropping money in random places for people to find in envelopes with the Dollars branding and website on it. Or do random acts of charity in your town. Or wear the gang name on your shirt, something.

31 Name: Alokr : 2018-11-20 07:58 ID:IJG+Rcd7 [Del]

Actually, i like the idea of dropping the envelopes with the Dollars logo and some money and also a link to the site, but other than that i don't think that we should display it in public like wearing the logo on your shirt or hat, than again cleaning a graffiti won't help much at the moment as we are pretty spread out, and also in the anime the gang started as a private site with invitation and link from the admins, we are a global stuff going on, in the anime they are a japan based group with few outsiders...

Annyyway i'll see what i can do about it... And also put some updates from 3 to 3 days (hopefully)

32 Name: Alokr : 2018-11-22 16:52 ID:IJG+Rcd7 [Del]

Update: no luck, i've set envelopes in my city, and in my area, in places that free runners go, and in places that are very populated, some just took the money and throw the envelopes others didn't even picked one up and just passed by, homeless people didn't even bother, just passed by, one actually looked at it and left it there, didn't checked what's inside... anyway, it was an unlucky 2 days experiment, this is the 3rd day, i've relocated the envelopes, hope it goes well!

33 Name: RoseCandy !4QqVbpH6bM : 2018-11-23 18:22 ID:Tjo/VhxP [Del]

Don't worry. I'm completely with you. And I'm working on it as well. <3 I want the Dollars to utilize their purpose too, and I'm glad to see such an increase in the people who want the same thing.

34 Name: Blank : 2018-11-23 23:15 ID:dnBEV6Hl [Del]

Yes I agree it is slowly, gradually losing it's purpose.

35 Name: Aqua Lilly : 2018-11-23 23:34 ID:cNSWbOVM [Del]

I had originally tried to use the phone app but it was all in Japanese so couldn't read any of it. My sister found this site and I was like, "Really?! Send me the link!" I wanted to be a part of something as great as the Dollars. I really do hope we can make a difference with this 'gang'. :) I actually just signed my first petition!

36 Name: Banana : 2018-11-26 06:18 ID:QeCS9+Eh [Del]

I agree with you, 3 years ago I expected more when I found out about this website but no, I got disappointed:( Sorry...