Dollars BBS | Missions




















Project: Bring It Back! (31)

1 Name: anonymous101 !FzAyW.Rdbg : 2018-04-18 21:40 ID:AKojA1B9 [Del]

This organization is slowly dying!!!We Need to bring the name of DOLLARS back!! Do good deeds and if they ask just say "thank the dollars!", Try to spread the name out through social media, when donating to twitch chats mention the dollars! In my opinion I don't think we should give out passwords rapid-fire, but we should go back to the email system.

Here are some ideas on how to spread the name that we still exist!!

1. Do good deeds in your community under the name of the Dollars
2. Donate on twitch chat and mention the dollars in the text-to-speech.
3. Mention the dollars in online forums,youtube comments, etc.
4. Don't be scared to use the DOLLARS name!!!

Please do your best!!

2 Name: Blackbird : 2018-04-19 12:24 ID:pCTM7Jx0 [Del]

There are several threads like this already.

3 Name: Izaya Orihara : 2018-04-21 05:08 ID:d39+q0go [Del]

Download the app, Palringo from your App Store today and join the group [༼Dͥѳ̘⃑⃕ւ̫ͣ͡ւͫα̙⃐⃔rs༽] 🌐 We have over 200 members. Come join us.

4 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-04-21 17:50 ID:i6+suwYN [Del]

Please use the propagation thread.

5 Name: Unknown Mess : 2018-04-22 11:23 ID:As6K5If6 [Del]

You are right, we need to make our name heard again, the ways to spread the words are being slowly lost and we could still do great things! Come on, we are everywhere, it should not be this difficult to spread the word again.

6 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-04-22 18:03 ID:i6+suwYN [Del]

>>5 Please use the propagation thread linked above.

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: headphoneactor : 2018-05-01 00:39 ID:2jb7efgh [Del]

Signing ib

9 Name: Lucy : 2018-05-01 03:44 ID:X0b11hj4 [Del]


10 Name: 1004 : 2018-05-01 15:24 ID:rOZQXm2v [Del]


11 Name: SlothyGambler : 2018-05-01 16:33 ID:JbPugOAV [Del]


12 Name: EbayV2 : 2018-05-04 15:15 ID:j8/ZcDB3 [Del]


13 Name: Naga Sake !!LOWyrKpa : 2018-05-04 15:43 ID:o+1aurb9 [Del]

what do you mean give out passwords? this website doesn't use a password for each person. it's one passsword that a quick google search can find you

14 Name: L30_I/I : 2018-05-06 07:06 ID:DnxIE4Sg [Del]

I think we should start use the passwords.

15 Name: L30_I/I : 2018-05-06 07:09 ID:DnxIE4Sg [Del]

We should get more... elitar or something.
People like the secret organisations with passwords codenames etc.

16 Name: L30_I/I : 2018-05-06 07:11 ID:DnxIE4Sg [Del]

Maybe we have to make a stickers or other things like that

17 Name: Kamex : 2018-05-07 02:58 ID:uHGqn3xT [Del]

we already have password (i know it's easy bypassable) . But do we really need it? This site is going to die if we do nothing so adding password would only kill this site

18 Name: Mushiee : 2018-05-12 01:16 ID:7cYGaumH [Del]


19 Name: Julian : 2018-05-14 14:40 ID:877GpjzS [Del]

I agree with the fact we should become more recognizable as a organization. However people who have not watched the anime won't know what the DOLLARS really are.For example, in my class i looked it up today in science and people looking at me had no idea what it was.But i will try my best to spread the word. I am already recruiting members. And also the DOLLARS should be known for something other than being out of a tv show. I'm new but still ill be glad to help.

20 Name: Colin aka: Anonymouse : 2018-05-15 16:09 ID:/Ys0bMXD [Del]

I agree with you all. also btw, thank for letting me onto dollars, julian.

21 Name: Dollars Palringo HQ : 2018-05-16 00:40 ID:hOc523OB [Del]

Related Dollars thread:

22 Name: Jeremiah_Kenshin : 2018-05-18 12:18 ID:WAe0nkhe [Del]

I feel the same Way.And the dollars is dieing tho i will try my best to bring the dollars back :)

23 Name: Jeremiah_Kenshin : 2018-05-18 12:26 ID:WAe0nkhe [Del]

And i got 25 People thats gonna join the dollars.And i got more people so.And i will add 20 more people too

24 Name: Quadell Uchiha : 2018-05-18 12:59 ID:WAe0nkhe [Del]

We need more people to Join dollars get more people.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2018-05-19 09:08 ID:Ucab3MKe [Del]

umm some of you mentioned passwords and emails. I'm new here so i don't really know what you mean. and yes i read the faq and something about the tripcodes but i still don't get how that works. also you said something about emails, so are there emails hosted on this site? so can someone please tell me what do you mean? thanks

26 Name: MakoStrwlkr !zmXWgZsAIw : 2018-05-21 11:48 ID:S91LIL+Z [Del]

Yes! Thank the Dollars! I've recruited 10 members in a month by using this method! #SaveTheDollars !!

27 Name: NightShadows : 2018-05-22 02:21 ID:0jGHO8PP [Del]

I would like to join the Dollars. I've been wanting to join for a long time now. I'm tired of feeling like an outcast being in the dollars would be amazing. I'm usually quiet but give advice or help people as much as possible.

28 Name: Bānti : 2018-05-24 13:19 ID:nqJegAIZ [Del]

LET'S DO IT (ノಠдಠ)ノ︵┻━┻

29 Name: Mikia : 2018-05-24 15:07 ID:Jh5FVcG2 [Del]

I've been on and off in the dollars for the past two years and oof yes! We need to #savethedollars again! I'll try to get some of my internet friends to join

30 Name: метро : 2018-05-25 18:43 ID:jE6FX08M [Del]

Last time I was on here was 600+ days ago, came in just to see how things were. I was so into this site and tried to contribute. A few of us attempted to get more involved with one another, tried to figure out ways to meet up irl (not sure if the dollars map is still a thing). The reason I quit was that I felt like the admins were being oppressive. We followed the rules when making missions and polls yet our ideas got buried and saged. You may have numbers but maybe you guys should be going for quality rather than quantity. And if I sound dumb when saying that I'm talking on a standpoint of the dollars actually being change. I saw it as potential to change the world all over, not a bbs for dollars fans. I'm not sure what this site is supposed to be anymore but hey thats the dollars way I guess. Colorless, not on a single side. Anyways hope you all have a wonderful day, prob not gonna log on ever again. Maybe wait another 2 years n see what's up lol.

31 Name: Masaomi Kida : 2018-05-31 08:27 ID:ge4+bgNj [Del]

Download the app, Palringo from your App Store today and join the group [༼Dͥѳ̘⃑⃕ւ̫ͣ͡ւͫα̙⃐⃔rs༽] 🌐 We have over 400 members and are more than just a growing, thriving community. Come join us and what likeminded people. Be sure to spread the word across every corner of Dollars-BBS and support us.

Related thread source: