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Seeking Information (12)

1 Name: GotchaGo : 2018-03-30 12:09 ID:wYYnqNAR [Del]

I'm currently looking into what causes mass shootings.
I'm not just looking at the U.S. I'm looking at the entire world. I'm looking for statistics mostly, but anything form of information would help. Let's all try to end this.
Please give me your sources.

2 Name: Oz : 2018-04-02 20:35 ID:inpJsOlZ [Del]

Well, I can tell you one thing, Video Games are not to blame here. Studies I cant source right now but I know I'v heard, talk about how when violent video games are on release date, there is a sudden loss of violence in the are of said game coming out. In other cases, the shooter is often the part of the populous that plays the LEAST amount of hours on any given "violent" video game. With school shooters the demographic of shooters is "young, highschooler, male" Just the same for "Violent" video games. So, when cases like school shootings occur, the "Violence" in these games is to blame, when in fact, it's the exact opposite. Think about other shootings when the shooter is an older male, why, in those cases, are video games never brought up? Because these arent the demographics video game companies are selling to, It's teens in high school. In ALL cases, not most, the topic at hand shouldnt be whether video games are to blame, it should be why he or she had such easy access to a gun in the first place. Thank you for listening, opinions are welcomed. I cant remember where this info is from but I do know it's all factually correct. thanks!

3 Name: Akihiro : 2018-04-03 17:22 ID:XMu/wG96 [Del]

I agree with Oz, I highly doubt it is video games it is the environment that the people grow up in and interact in every day. It could be because of drug highs that cause the user to lose most control. If we could fix these it would help tremendously.

4 Name: Ancapikitty : 2018-04-10 22:08 ID:YG01EG43 [Del]

Something for at least some of us to do research on; whether or not each shooter or a majority the shooters were on psychotropic drugs or not.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2018-04-11 02:58 ID:w7Pzv0HX [Del]

It's because their fathers aren't there with them they need a dad ir
pumped up kicks

6 Name: GotchaGo : 2018-04-12 19:13 ID:wYYnqNAR [Del]

Thanks for getting back to getting back to me. The psychology behind the shootings is a major thing to look into definitely. Maybe there are some patterns we can try to find. the whole Family Life area would be a good place to start I think.
Thanks again guys.

7 Name: XxloriryugamineXx : 2018-04-13 14:27 ID:6Cfhoira [Del]

its most likely because these kids live sheltered ass lives then when one person treats them badly or says something they dont like they have to make a huge scene and do mass shootings and this isnt the case for everyone but 99.9% of the time thats the case

8 Name: KiashaKota : 2018-04-13 18:26 ID:RwfwpuO/ [Del]

You've taken on a heavy task GotchaGo, I hope you can find the answer soon

9 Name: Ada : 2018-07-11 01:55 ID:DO9G4VkK [Del]

I'm thinking it has to do with mental illness. These days it's become taboo to have a mental illness making it hard to talk about and in turn get help. It's also seen that mental health records are sealed for the most part making it easier to access guns. I'm thinking a solution can be found if more people can support and offer assistance to live a happier life style and get rid of the negative connotation that comes with the term "mental illness" so that theres less stress around finding help.

10 Name: A r i : 2018-07-11 11:04 ID:eQeCYhZg [Del]

Bullying, adults not interfering/ignoring or not noticing, bad parenting. Even if they have bad friends with adult guidance and good parenting even a psychopat will not take action.

11 Name: Artison : 2018-07-12 11:25 ID:Ov1t1lfj [Del]

This is my opinion so I might be wrong. I think these things happen because of the person's social life. Like bullying for example, bullies tend to put people down by using physical or mental abuse. There can be multiple bullies and the person does nothing to make the situation better but if this person doesn't do something the situation gets worst and eventually the person wants revenge. But there are people who had bullies and did nothing but bit their tongues until its over. The people who cause these "shootings" doesn't have the support that he or she needed.

12 Name: Black cat : 2018-07-12 15:59 ID:idOwD/BU [Del]

It could be the fact that some people dont wanna deal with ppls bull anymore or that they feel like the world has turned on them and is against them so hey why not kill the world starting with a bull shitted thing called HIGHSCHOOL and also yeah mental illnesses can help push it but its mostly cuz of how they feel about the world idk if im right or anything...