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Help your elderly loved ones! (1)

1 Name: Keiko chan !96YpW9A9gg : 2017-09-12 08:16 ID:1mMnvxUM [Del]

Hello everyone! :D I’ve been thinking about something and came up with an idea that may be interesting for some of you. So, this is the mission I came up with! But, before you read, sorry if I misspelled something. English is not my first language.

Most of the people who live in my area are 75 years old and older, and most of them feel lonely. No one goes to visit them for large periods of time, and some of them have special needs and no one is there for them. I think it’s very sad, and I usually imagine myself ending up like them, with no one there to help me if I need it. So, I thought maybe people like you could help to change a bit this situation. It doesn’t take much time. So, I listed some things that could help our elderly loved ones feel better.

- Maintain frequent contact. You don’t need any special reason to call them, and they may need your help sometime, so maybe a call a day or every two days will make them feel happy, or at least make them feel as if somebody truly cares about them.

- Visit in person at regular intervals. It is much better than a call because you can see what’s going on. If for some reason this isn’t enjoyable for one of you, make it brief, but regular.

- Consider hiring a care manager to check in on them. Maybe this option isn’t available for everyone, but is still an option.

- Ask them about contests and lottery entries. It may sound weird, but it’s important. A lot of people try to make money by scamming elderly people, and some of the elderly can’t tell a legitimate lotto game from a ripoff scheme.

- Cook. It’s often hard for them.

- Read. Many times he or she may not be able to see anymore, so ask them if they would like you to read them the newspaper or a book.

- Play a board or card game with them. They will have fun and it may make them feel younger for a while.

I think it’s important to take care of our loved ones. Elderly abuse is not a joke. It may not look the same as other types of abuse. Many of us would prefer that our elderly loved ones stay in our home, but it can be stressful for a family. Even so, they are people just like we are, and nobody deserves to be alone.