Dollars BBS | Missions




















Notes to Make the World Better (12)

1 Name: ALIAS : 2017-09-02 12:45 ID:8m/digxS [Del]

This may involve getting out of your house.

This is a small project, one I do a lot.

I write notes, happy things to people, and leave them places which a) won't be harmful to nature, and b) no one will trash them.

Like at school.

I write compliments about people. I don't need to see them, or anything. I write a bit about myself, without a name. Then, I write for them to do the same. A small project, with big differences. Reply if you've done it yourself, and tell me about it.

I wonder if anyone will do it...

2 Name: blynndoo : 2017-09-02 13:06 ID:uZdO0LDK [Del]

My school has done something like this before where students from different grades leave sticky notes on every locker in the school writing a nice message (Like- have a good day and smile!- something simple like that). I know it made a lot of people smile so it's effective.

We could even write 'from the Dollars', as this can be a dollars mission. Just a suggestion thought- you don't have to if you don't want to.

3 Name: ALIAS : 2017-09-02 16:23 ID:8m/digxS [Del]


from the Dollars would be perfect!

let's do it then!

4 Name: 34 : 2017-09-03 00:14 ID:qozQN00t [Del]

I'm in and I would love to see more missions like this good work and idea

5 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-03 07:10 ID:tPeA0MIO [Del]

This is actually a good idea. At my school, students looks down and depressed lately. That's why I'm cheering them up by doing this, and also so that The Dollars should be more known. I'll be observing some of the students tomorrow.

6 Name: ArwenHd : 2017-09-03 11:44 ID:WSHdpNEU [Del]

Wow this is a great idea
I will do it, this will people make more happy :)

7 Name: Amore : 2017-09-05 17:48 ID:eUPuMClC [Del]

I like your idea 8/, I do that as well.we can also write a back note to join the dollara

8 Name: ALIAS : 2017-09-05 22:14 ID:8m/digxS [Del]

that would be so cool!
maybe we could also have a thread where people who joined the Dollars (if anyone does) can talk about it!

It's going to be awesome!

9 Name: kida : 2017-09-07 09:53 ID:dQ52Tkx5 [Del]

Sounds good ((((: I'll update about it later <3

10 Name: Aiko : 2017-09-13 15:47 ID:8ab0yKgn [Del]

Hmm...I really want to do this for my school. But how would a describe myself (About my life, how i look, or my personality)Do i say stuff like (don't give up, you are awesome, and etc.)

11 Name: Aiko : 2017-09-13 15:57 ID:8ab0yKgn [Del]

I am not really good at describing but I would like to help others so kinda want a little more details... Sorry

12 Name: VISION : 2017-09-14 22:49 ID:Mdb0oS1Q [Del]

Humans wordl is goin to burn and Amagedon shalt come upon thou humans sacrifisce!