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Don't Cry (You may have seen this on the main board) (11)

1 Name: 深い 切る 引き下げ 血液 : 2017-08-28 01:51 ID:A3BIrGlL (Image: 500x888 jpg, 30 kb) [Del]

src/1503903103620.jpg: 500x888, 30 kb
Hello everyone. I need help, I fear for my life. In the recent past I was involved with a game known as 'Don't Cry' the source who started the game unknown. The game involved a sort of 'hide and seek' feel. The person behind it knew almost everything about me, using that to their advantage. They'd do things like coaxing my friends into forcing me to do terrible things, all to achieve what they called 'game over'. What game over was is not proven, although it's a 83% chance it was my suicide/death. I don't know what this person had against me but there are a few distinctive symbols and phrases linked to them. The person who was behind 'Don't Cry' was killed, although it was not by me. I am not a murderer, I'm just afraid. The person who was behind 'Don't Cry' and messaging me was not the one who started it though, they were either paid or convinced to carry out the plan. If you think you may know something about Don't Cry or their whereabouts please respond to this thread. I will contact you in person, going into more detail on certain symbols used to mark the person and phrases as recently said. If you are just a genuine good person and would like to help, also feel free to contact me. I will respond to all threads, this is a cry for help make no mistake. I didn't know where else to turn. Please don't feel bad about ignoring this message, I understand if you don't want to get involved.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2017-08-28 02:49 ID:eKvrZYNf [Del]

They might complain again. Just post on random.

3 Name: Salty Opti : 2017-08-28 03:23 ID:qCql+SEj [Del]

cough cough Ahahaha, I was totally not going to complain cough cough

4 Name: mar mar : 2017-08-28 10:33 ID:lZnAkY0D [Del]

kk i'll do what i can

5 Name: mar mar : 2017-08-28 11:07 ID:lZnAkY0D [Del]

i'll help anyone

6 Name: DarkFish : 2017-08-28 14:33 ID:zVQzrO+P [Del]

I'll do my best to help but I'll need more details.

Email me:

7 Name: 深い 切る 引き下げ 血液 : 2017-08-28 15:03 ID:A3BIrGlL [Del]

Thank you all for the help and support, I'll be contacting you all very soon it means a lot. I'm afraid to go to authorites for reasons I will get into later, thank you all so much.

8 Name: The Boss : 2017-08-28 23:23 ID:A3BIrGlL [Del]

We can't leave this up for too long, the 'Don't Cry' may see...

9 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-08-28 23:59 ID:i6+suwYN [Del]

>>1, >>7, and >>8 have matching IDs.

Please do not roleplay.

10 Name: Opti : 2017-08-29 00:29 ID:9zxpfUqF [Del]

Muck you genius, I didn't realize that. No but please, no roleplaying here, many people may fall for this as an actual mission.

11 Name: The whale game : 2017-08-29 18:32 ID:qVH0/wTD [Del]

I've heard of something very similar to this called the whale game. It led to two suicides, the authorities were involved. Definitely report anything you may know.