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Puerto Rico's Status (3)

1 Name: Mr N0b0dy : 2017-04-03 21:21 ID:SbJ/IXGc [Del]

Puerto Rico, a colony of the United States. Yes, some say we aren't but the truth is our relationship is not as equals but as superior and inferior, meaning the Free Associated State (ELA) of Puerto Rico has been compromised, this is something that affects millions of lives with a United States citizenship, I feel it is our duty, as "Americans" to help Puerto Rico's status problem, if they aren't a state or a republic what are they? What are we, as a Puerto Rican myself I feel a need for this to be clarified, please help us, we are facing a huge financial crisis caused by people who invested in us knowing we had nothing, and irresponsible governors who used the money for self benefit, please help so that people can become aware of this situation and not treat us as another country, we "belong to but are not part of the United States" as stated in the case of "Balzac vs the people of Puerto Rico" I hope this causes some awareness

2 Name: Eclipse : 2017-04-04 09:19 ID:pvm8Ou4e [Del]

perhaps there's a petition to include Puerto Rico as a state instead of a colony, if so I would most definitely sign it. I personally hate politics so i'll make this brief as I can. The meaning of colony is as follows:

A country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country.

The definition of a state is:

a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government.

I don't live in Puerto Rico so I can only understand this so much, but I believe the reason the states don't help much is because of the fact that you're in a colony. I don't know if the states have total power over your government or not however that could be well why they are hesitant to work.

hope this helped ^-^

3 Name: KidaKloen : 2017-04-04 10:12 ID:Ewm7YVxe [Del]

As much as this is important and needs to be adressed, I don't think we could get help on a presidential level. Although President Trump wants to make Mexico pay for the "wall", this would put you into a deepening financial hole.

If I could have that much control or authority, I would start by doing small things, such as: getting better resources or cleaning up. If we stopped depending on oil and gas, that can cut down out imports a bunch. Instead, use solar electricity and wind electricity as a new resource. There are plenty of creations that are better than wind turbines that I have found doing research.

Another things is, you could form a group that can slowly clean areas one part at a time. The cleaner something is, the more people appeal to it.

I hope this helped^^.

Stay Awesome cause Things get Better.