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Target;Hunt (22)

1 Name: [UNKNOWN] : 2017-01-21 00:13 ID:ipnaLRcu [Del]

How many are willing to do a hunt? Target? Donald Trump, he is too close to the nuclear warhead armer.

2 Name: Shiro !Pp7dD1O/Wg : 2017-01-21 08:07 ID:nHyqQ5dn [Del]

Dude, he isnt going to be starting a nuclear war.
Its been one day. Most of us here are teenagers, pretty sure none of us can preform an assassination.

Give the man a chance before you want to kill him


3 Name: pin point : 2017-01-21 17:04 ID:uJGifEEi [Del]

I don´t know I´m ready to hunt him down if he tries anything

4 Name: [UNKNOWN] : 2017-01-21 18:37 ID:ipnaLRcu [Del]

I dont trust Trump, pin point atleast understands the point.

5 Name: ANNONYMOUS : 2017-01-21 18:47 ID:jvvX6gkO [Del]

i'm in for assassination... not the first time in my life but of course if you can find me kid... i'll tell you one hint im in europe for the time being but soon will be the change of location so be fast or no deal

6 Name: Ragz : 2017-01-21 18:51 ID:RFnvrs4Q [Del]

I'm in. It wouldnt be hard to create a distraction these days

7 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-22 13:03 ID:laPH+lAY [Del]

This isn't really what the Dollars should be promoting...
We all might not trust him or want him in office but that doesn't mean we should plan and take the man a life. Even if you don't like him, he has a family and millions of supporters. You WILL be caught and he WILL be missed.

8 Name: [UNKNOWN] : 2017-01-23 03:35 ID:ipnaLRcu [Del]

Thats what you dont see in Me

9 Name: Ddman : 2017-01-23 09:58 ID:Xjm5M2Vc [Del]

So, we just have to stay quiet while he starts to destroy the ''peace'' with his ''ideology''. I'm sorry for my english, i'm an immigrant so 8 be pretty shitty

10 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-01-23 10:24 ID:Euvg/x30 [Del]

Fucking edgelords and their delusions of grandeur.

Don't get too excited kiddos.

11 Name: Exter : 2017-01-23 11:14 ID:/Ug/K8zB [Del]

Wow. Didn't think I'd ever agree with FindMuck out of all people.

Calm down everyone. If he is too bad, he'll die anyways. Just enjoy the show.

12 Name: 田中さま : 2017-01-23 21:19 ID:ePWtC0kx [Del]

A headhunt for a President worth Billions? Haha have fun...

13 Name: My Pledis Girls : 2017-01-23 21:39 ID:5R/Wjo3x [Del]

Although I do not agree with most of the stuff that Donald Trump says or does, congress cannot impeach him unless he does something drastic or something that everyone hates (which is basically the same thing).

14 Name: SolidusSnake92 : 2017-01-23 21:49 ID:3tHlekhr [Del]

I am most definitely not a Trump supporter but if something like that were to happen then it would defeat the purpose of democratic principle. Maybe organized protests are the way to go with this.
Creative protests is what I have in mind. Something like this can be possible if we can get some Dollars assembled.

15 Name: Exter : 2017-01-24 01:25 ID:/Ug/K8zB [Del]

>>14 Completely agree, but that would not suit the tastes of [UNKNOWN] I fear. It's too rational and not overdramatic enough. Oh, and it makes sense of course.

16 Name: sT10 : 2017-01-24 02:23 ID:aQ3fe4aa [Del]

>>7 I agree, The DOLLARS are a organized group of people around the world trying to help thoes who need it.
Killing Donald Trump is only going to paint us as something akin to a terrorist organization.

The DOLLARS should be helping people. Not killing them.

17 Name: Silence : 2017-01-24 07:48 ID:gTghLPjo [Del]

>>16 I'm glad someone else pointed that out, I greatly enjoy the peaceful message of the DOLLARS, but killing someone in political power would make us look bad.

18 Name: Andy : 2017-01-24 08:22 ID:opfww0ZE [Del]

[UNKNOWN] is trying waaaaay too hard to be somewhat like Izaya. Seriously, don't do that. =/

19 Name: Rin : 2017-01-24 08:58 ID:2eTqf+O/ [Del]

Please be realistic. If anything, don't pay attention to huge things like politics. Why not you all observe your surroundings and try to do something about it.

20 Post deleted by user.

21 Name: Eclipse : 2017-01-24 09:09 ID:pvm8Ou4e [Del]

Execution of a political figure is terrorism, Although you may have strong feelings of dislike for the united states president just stating that is considered terroristic threats. You have the right to freedom of speech however please keep in mind many people do not agree with your idea. And please stop replying to this post. /sage

22 Name: SolidusSnake92 : 2017-01-25 21:34 ID:3tHlekhr [Del]

There are numerous protests being organized against Donald Trump.Find it out if there is one near your city and spread the word about the Dollars. I probably will attend a protest as soons ad I deal with my personal issues. I hope you all attend to any anti-Trump protest.