Dollars BBS | Missions





















1 Name: Ezdberdah : 2017-01-10 09:37 ID:el7oFQmW [Del]

Hello people, so I was thinking at a mission for dollars, since we are so many and unkown, we can can do many things togheter right? And we can be a real band, ok not like in Drr, we ain't messing things, but we can show our presence, andlet's identify who is who in there, who is loyal to this thing, who is not. Let's all make a big D on our left hands in Friday, and not care about what will other think, but as a rule, don't talk to the others who are having the D on their hands, just look at em, and smile to each other, and then walk as usual or come back to your activity. Let's have a lot of missions, let's change things!! I saw a post about this theme on the main page and I found it awesome!! LET'S BE DOLLARS

2 Name: kanra : 2017-01-10 12:10 ID:3bY9m5Lq [Del]

Lets do this

3 Name: Sebasuchon : 2017-01-10 15:03 ID:FAbEKn9z [Del]


4 Name: TheVanishingSnowDove : 2017-01-10 15:24 ID:idgVuee6 [Del]

Heck yes, I'm definitely doing this!

5 Name: Julian : 2017-01-10 15:42 ID:8i6BB3BB [Del]

Im going to try this too but i am pretty sure none else in my city is a dollar...

6 Name: howl : 2017-01-10 16:00 ID:QPrTFph+ [Del]

sounds like fun I'm in

7 Name: Emani : 2017-01-10 16:58 ID:hTj0E4AR [Del]

This looks awesome! Definitely doing it! Also~


8 Name: crazykitana : 2017-01-10 17:18 ID:Bd0SgJu/ [Del]

I want to do it too!

9 Name: TimidTori <Blossoms> : 2017-01-10 17:23 ID:eLp+0Lez [Del]

Count me in! <3

10 Name: Amatha : 2017-01-10 19:43 ID:iXexXs2i [Del]

I'll definitely be participating ♪( ´▽`)

11 Name: Erza : 2017-01-10 19:44 ID:5h8dxqz4 [Del]


12 Name: Andy : 2017-01-10 19:47 ID:ezOwUnik [Del]

I'll give it a go, I suppose.

13 Name: MissDirected !gC5cxNKTkI : 2017-01-10 21:21 ID:i2B8FShP [Del]

Hey, can you put what Timezone you mean please? Your Friday might be my Saturday...

14 Name: Darocin : 2017-01-10 21:59 ID:udWl4fGs [Del]

How about a simple, $, instead I love the idea but the $ would be a a lot easier to notice

15 Name: Asil : 2017-01-11 17:49 ID:ffn8Ag4o [Del]

Yaaa count me in

16 Name: SetsunaOne : 2017-01-11 18:50 ID:p30dMpHe [Del]

Count me in :) no one within ten miles of me will know what it means but I still want to be a proud Dollar

17 Name: Lisp : 2017-01-12 22:37 ID:z7vzAR/M [Del]

So which is it? $ or D? Cuz I'll do either one tomorrow!.

18 Name: Fenin : 2017-01-13 11:16 ID:Kx3YFSQC [Del]

I have a D on my left and a $ on my right.

19 Name: Darocin : 2017-01-13 12:47 ID:udWl4fGs [Del]

I'll do the same as Fein ^^^

20 Name: anime_otakugirl : 2017-01-13 14:10 ID:XDJ7FxsG (Image: 283x283 jpg, 29 kb) [Del]

src/1484338203534.jpg: 283x283, 29 kb
i shall do that as well. ^^^ ;P
also, are there many English people here anyways?

21 Name: SetsunaOne : 2017-01-13 14:32 ID:p30dMpHe [Del]

I had a D on my left hand the entire day ^~^

22 Name: frank-the-waitress : 2017-01-13 15:23 ID:XDJ7FxsG [Del]

i shall try this out
shout out to all those that i hope to see

23 Name: that headphones girl : 2017-01-13 15:57 ID:ZEMDIrVy [Del]

how about we make it next friday as well ? you know like for those who didn t see this thread will have another week !

24 Name: anime_otakugirl : 2017-01-14 17:00 ID:XDJ7FxsG [Del]

that sounds like a good idea

25 Name: Kayano : 2017-02-24 02:23 ID:M5CCYshD [Del]


26 Name: FyreWall : 2017-02-24 02:44 ID:uAhuusuz [Del]

Let's make this a weekly thing, I want to meet another dollar!

27 Name: Alice : 2017-02-24 05:44 ID:O6mjocWs [Del]

You know it would be better to do it daily since we could wait months before meeting another dollar, especially in small towns like mine(And in France in general :'( ). I'll probably start searching for a pretty key chain with a $ sign on it so maybe I'll be asked if I'm part of it or why am I wearing this specific sign and so I'll be able to make some advertising :p

28 Name: Emani : 2017-02-24 06:50 ID:hTj0E4AR [Del]

I made my home screen the dollars sign, and my friend asked me about it. Now, she is a dollar! If we just do little things like this, I am sure we can recruit some, and hopefully meet some other already-members!