Dollars BBS | Missions




















Dakota access pipeline/sacred stone (13)

1 Name: Anri : 2016-11-19 22:07 ID:2aT7qXc1 (Image: 1361x2048 jpg, 85 kb) [Del]

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Been here at oceti sakowin camp for about a week. Brought over $1000, two tipis, winter gear, 600 lbs of meat, and myself to help fight the black snake. Any other dollars here or coming here? If I'm not the only one id like to make a dollars flag and create donation pages or have other dollars around the world go out and ask for donations; door to door, with family, at school, in front of stores, anything!! Food, propane, quality winter clothes, firewood and so much more are so scarce here. We were able to add on to the kitchen and finally get some floors in with the money we raised in the kitchen I'm helping in. Had a big party with the entire camp tonight to celebrate. Winter is coming! It gets cold here. Like real cold. I lost my voice the other day because of the cold and it was only 8 degrees out... It gets to negative 30-40 WITH 20-30 degree wind chills. We need all the help we can get. Contact me for more information, message us on our fb page Montana Stands With Standing Rock, or on this page. Keep this thread alive! Share and spread the word in your community! Raise what you can! Send what you can! Come and stand with us!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-20 20:58 ID:krRoxS7l [Del]

b u m p b u m p

3 Name: Izaya Orihara : 2016-11-21 16:19 ID:+rzxq0tk [Del]

i agree a dollars flag should be made! i suggest my face on it!

4 Name: grayhound : 2016-11-21 17:01 ID:WTXAJo2n [Del]

Someone should create a dollars flag, but why not just the symbol on a black background? And it's awesome that you're active IRL for the dollars.

5 Name: Anri : 2016-12-03 00:10 ID:B3Ls2nX3 [Del]

Lost my phone charger shortly after I made this thread! We are almost winterized, the kitchen still needs a lot of work, but the tarpy that the head cooks and myself are in is almost done! Our"front lines"is making soups back at camp. I've been going on some actions, got my press pass! One of these days I'll get to go somewhere with wifi to upload them. We've been getting an amazing amount of support, but we still need more :( we also have four thousand vets coming this week!! That's going to require a LOT more food. Message me so I can direct you to our kitchens donation page, or you can donate to the legal fund. If morton county does try to force us out on the fifth of this month we are going to need to bail out a lot of protectors. Although, they are going to have to hold all of us at gunpoint to get us to leave this land! Thank-you for all your support. Participate or organize demonstrations in your home town spread awareness if you can't come to stand with us!

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Anri : 2016-12-03 13:15 ID:6BPWz5oW [Del]

I'm going to make one and present it to the councel, we really just need other members to come stand or bring awareness in their home towns.

8 Name: Anri : 2016-12-03 13:23 ID:6BPWz5oW [Del]

Shouldn't have any problem getting the councel to approve the flag. I'll let you know when it's done!! Going to start making bandanas to for direct actions!!

9 Name: Anri : 2016-12-04 14:04 ID:27u9ep3m [Del]

It's been a few months since I've been active. Have we lost that many members recently? There isn't a lot of activity the missions board, at least not of people being active, just conversation. I'm not going to present this to the councel if I'm the only one activity doing anything about DAPL.

10 Name: Vex !29VjXEDWP2 : 2016-12-04 14:44 ID:Oald2KDV [Del]

Just a personal question, sorry. I'm just a HS student, so I can't really drive there to donate anything... Is there a way I can donate some money online, though? Thanks!

11 Name: Anri : 2016-12-04 17:48 ID:Iu732neg [Del]

So many options! The legal fund for bailing protectors out and other legal funds regarding permits and fines. There are several independent crowd funding pages. Some have been found to be scams. The kitchens need it more than anyone I feel. Especially now that thousands of veterans are now needing to be fed. Rachel and Maria's, or All Relations, kitchen is the one I'm working with right now. We are currently low on funds for winterizing our kitchen, we have a water buffalo that NEEDS to be put into a winterized structure as soon possible so we can have a reliable water source that doesnt rely on petrolium based plastic bottles. They are struggling to keep everyone hydrated so this is deffinately a high priority. Also, the elders dont have a winterized structure themselves. They have put all their energy into taking care of the camp and it's visitors. I should say, we don't need people to just come here and stand with us. To many tourist come here, eat all the food, use the firewood, and disrespect their culture. We need people who can bring things to help the camp as a whole. This is a village, it feads and houses thousands. Tourism may be helpful in the rest of the country, but there is no exchange of money here. Just helping out brothers, sisters, cousins and distant relatives in any way you can. That doesn't mean that money isn't needed. This is America. You can't really do anything without money. Anything that you, or anyone else can send will be put to good use, and will be life changing for hundreds, if not thousands of people. Find a crowd funding campaign that you want to support. Contact me further if you wish to donate to the All Relations kitchen. Thank-you so much for your support. Keep praying and remain peaceful relatives.

12 Name: Anri : 2016-12-13 04:55 ID:0zUz9P3+ [Del]

We're still here! And we're going to keep holding this ground all winter. Please don't stop spreading awareness and continue to aid us! Winter Is Coming!! Well, its upon us, but it's going to get like three times worse in the coming weeks. Our kitchen is holding strong! Just having some issues with freezing propane.... Can't cook without it... The counsel fires have been re lit as well. The Seven Counsel Fire has been going strong since October. Don't stop the actions in your home town. Research more sustainable practices you can bring into your day to day life. Get creative! Composting toilets! Compost piles in general! Solar Power! Walking or riding your bike! Making a community garden! Filter your own waste with plants and algae in your front yard! Use the algae in your combustible engine for more efficient, more sustainable fuel source! Experiment with Electrolysis of Water! Stop buying hamburger at your supermarket! Look at the ingredients on a box for substances that aren't being manufactured sustainably!!!! So many things you can do can change our world today. We just need to educate ourselves and others!!

13 Name: Anri : 2017-01-01 22:54 ID:YK90qRsJ [Del]

It's now January first. The investors can now pull out. But that doesn't mean they will. Twenty days from now one of the investors will become muricas next president. He has the power to end this fight over the pipeline by allowing it, and he can bring back other pipeline projects. Please don't forget about us. This fight isn't only about the oil in North Dakota, bit the whole world.