Dollars BBS | Missions




















For All Those in America Right Now (17)

1 Name: Yen : 2016-11-09 07:25 ID:I294c8AG [Del]

I know this isn't really a mission, but I want you to stay strong. Make sure to support each other through this mess, and remember that there are still people out there that can help you. Donald Trump may be president, but you don't have to accept that. Just remember to stay safe and strong.

~ Peace and Love from Canada

2 Name: Newdirek : 2016-11-09 07:42 ID:krRoxS7l [Del]

I feel really bad for America. It must be so embarrassing for them. I'm also scared that Canada's going to be affected. We're all praying/wishing for your safety.

~Peace and Love from Canada (again)

3 Name: KiashaKota : 2016-11-09 07:47 ID:KuRIuebU [Del]

Thank you for your kind words

~ Peace and Love from America

4 Name: Koala : 2016-11-10 03:32 ID:YsWBcF1J [Del]

>>2 I also feel bad for America, and not only it's neighbours, but the entire world will be affected by the election results. It's being said that Australia will have to decide between siding with America, or siding with China.

Politics everywhere is kinda screwed up, for example, our Prime Minister just being weak and not doing much.
But thank you all for your support, with people like you guys, we'll get through this ~

~Peace and Love from Australia~

5 Name: Samwise : 2016-11-10 09:26 ID:krRoxS7l [Del]

If we continue to fight for equality, I'm sure that we can help make America great again. Because let's face it: Donald Trump has already failed.

~Peace and Love from Toshima

6 Name: Kouha : 2016-11-10 17:32 ID:HuYlKqoG [Del]

I thank you very much. We may end up needing it. So I thank you again. Thank you~

~Peace and Love from America~

7 Name: キティちゃん : 2016-11-10 20:18 ID:OZZ6IDbf [Del]

Thanks dude. Seriously! Trump... Ugh... Why did America turn into this corner?

~Peace & Love From North America (Texas to be specific)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-11 11:04 ID:Ttqkgwmp [Del]

I want you all to know you belong wherever your heart wants to be this world, it is for everyone and I feel we shouldn't divide it by parts
~ peace& love from America

9 Name: username1487 : 2016-11-11 12:46 ID:dXw0Cu2/ [Del]

well what is donald duck gonna do anyway he may be the president but he cant do whatever he wants

10 Name: Huin : 2016-11-11 17:01 ID:GGWf2ix5 [Del]

All that has happened is a disaster. The one thing that we can do is gather our selfs. Honestly I don't think it's even safe now.

11 Name: Anon : 2016-11-12 13:20 ID:krRoxS7l [Del]

Escape while you still can. I think most people are actually really worried about Americans. You would have lots of help from others. If one of my American friends, or even an acquaintance, wanted to move to Canada, I would legit let them live in my house and help them become citizens. (Just a warning, I actually do say "eh" all the time.)

-- A Canadian, eh?

12 Name: GloomsChair : 2017-01-20 16:19 ID:Q4DsADsm [Del]

Today was Trumps' inauguration. I don't know how I'll manage life for the next four years but thank you.

~ Peace and Love from North America

13 Name: o-o : 2017-01-20 17:19 ID:nHyqQ5dn [Del]

Yall need to grow some skin, trump will not make anything bad.

You cant really change anything so deal with it


14 Name: Kazuma : 2017-01-20 17:56 ID:wkEskI5l [Del]

Thank you so much, kind soul T^T
-Peace and Love from a Jamaican in America

15 Name: Kizi : 2017-01-20 20:57 ID:RG5LdM2s [Del]

hopefully it will get better

16 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-20 21:56 ID:laPH+lAY [Del]

As my undocumented Spanish teacher said: "We can not fight it anymore. He is already president, all we can do now is fight for our rights and tell him we won't let the things we've worked hard for, be taken away so easily way. We must not fight against him but instead fight for our rights."

As bad as we may all thing Trump to be, he is America's newest president. The time to try and stop him long ended when he won the elected. Now, all we can really do is make sure our voices are heard and do our best to fight for what we all believe is right instead of being over dramatic over the fact he is now in office. Yes, to some this is a very scary time and their future may be unknown, but that doesn't mean we should sit in the corners and cry over the fact.

We might not be able to change the fact he is president, but it is not like he can control America whatever way he pleases. We can and should fight for our rights. We don't have to cry over this for the next 4 years of our lives. Let's actually do something and make some sort of change.

This is not my call to action, this is my own way of giving everyone a reality check.

We may not be able to change how the election went, but this isn't the end of America as we know it. So please don't treat today as the start of an apocalypse.

17 Name: Ragz : 2017-01-29 12:53 ID:RFnvrs4Q [Del]

NEVER RESIGN YOURSELF TO SOMETHING AS BAD AS THIS. Trump has already exerted his influence with no real checks in sight. we can fight and we will. never ever resign yourself. Protest, shout, stomp, and FIGHT. Fight for your rights, fight for the rights of others. don't let this derranged egomaniac be the king he thinks himself to be. Presidents can be impeached, senators and representatives can be too, and they can be voted out as well. vote in the mid terms, get people in who can fight Trump and his policies directly. Holding a sign isnt gonna be enough this time.