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stop the clowns (31)

1 Name: clown killer : 2016-10-04 08:45 ID:qIE7QQXw [Del]

we need to do something to stop this clown epidemic i anyone has any ideas lets make a plan

2 Name: Clayton : 2016-10-04 09:06 ID:+O3SSjq2 [Del]

No idea but just be ready for anything. A lot of crazies out there. Be safe. Also this Halloween should be interesting since these clowns are around. Keep an eye out. You never know who's behind the make up. Again be safe everybody. No way to stop this scary trend. Only to be prepared. If a clown lures you somewhere sketchy or tries to. Do not go. I have to say this again BE CAREFUL THIS HALLOWEEN!!

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Ruby : 2016-10-04 09:52 ID:tV42+VTt [Del]

Be careful, guys. Don't leave you house in the Halloween neither you or your childs. I don't know what they want, but this clowns are so scare! Maybe this is just a prank, but I no have a good feeling about this.

5 Name: Cryx : 2016-10-04 09:53 ID:5PudPlqA [Del]

We should make a video or something to let people know there are bad clowns out there and to be careful. And finish with our logo, also letting people know we exist.

6 Name: Marks : 2016-10-04 10:41 ID:jg5DG6Uy [Del]

>>5 I'm sure someone already has, but it's not a bad idea to try.

7 Name: fghb : 2016-10-04 16:31 ID:VX4ryxlY [Del]

i like the video idea alot

8 Name: BirdDogKatie : 2016-10-04 19:17 ID:94vojqs2 [Del]

I also like the video idea

9 Name: Cifaire : 2016-10-04 20:11 ID:QVRB5PgM [Del]

Actually, could be interesting to see how the clown thing evolve this month, i mean, considering it would be Halloween

10 Name: thexfiles : 2016-10-04 20:35 ID:VX4ryxlY [Del]

We could designate people to areas to do reports on. Each of these designated could record/create a video segment relaying the information about the clown in the area they've been assigned. Then everyone could send their clips to one person who could edit them together and put the Dollars' logo at the end and a message to stay safe. Everyone could share it on their preferred social media platform. It sounds kinda complicated, but it could totally work if we had enough people on board.

11 Name: 100%Strider,AJ : 2016-10-04 20:43 ID:VX4ryxlY [Del]

the vid could also rly focus on street safety at night, or more specifically on halloween.

12 Name: Valdr : 2016-10-05 00:44 ID:ncolYLXI [Del]

Here's a plan: ignore it. The rush season is ending, so the original perpetrators should be ending their antics. Take care while out at night just like always, but if people would stop talking about the damn clowns, they'd go away already.

13 Name: Onigiri : 2016-10-05 01:21 ID:W7OIfrvH [Del]

I feel like with Halloween coming at the end of the month, people might try to purposely scare others by pretending to be one of the clown killers. I agree with thexfiles and 100%strider,Aj and take pre-cautions just to make sure of everyone's safety.

14 Name: Cryx : 2016-10-05 01:59 ID:d0VheDzM [Del]

I could edit the video, but who's gonna do it?

15 Name: Newdirek : 2016-10-05 08:19 ID:VX4ryxlY [Del]

I wouldn't mind contributing, as long as my face doesn't have to be in the video.

16 Name: Maeryn : 2016-10-05 17:18 ID:TpXa5k79 [Del]

I can do it, I don't mind

17 Name: Mrq294 : 2016-10-05 19:14 ID:5W/AnKDT [Del]

Clown hunting?

18 Name: Cryx : 2016-10-05 22:42 ID:5PudPlqA [Del]

>>16 Do you have skype, discord or something to talk about how we're gonna do it?

19 Name: sT10 : 2016-10-06 02:13 ID:YROAW4fy [Del]

The problem is that some members are pasifists so beating these clowns up ,while an option, is'nt for everyone so we need a way to solve this problem but a way that is not violent. ~sT10

20 Name: Maeryn : 2016-10-06 08:08 ID:OhLqKnHH [Del]

>>18 I have discord not skype though

21 Name: Newdirek : 2016-10-06 13:39 ID:VX4ryxlY [Del]

>>18 >>20 I might have Skype? Not sure.

22 Name: TheBlueNinja15 : 2016-10-06 15:07 ID:LqTe+B37 [Del]

I'm surprised the police have not done anything yet unless they have and i just haven't heard anything.

23 Name: Tubbs : 2016-10-06 19:13 ID:irQeIuyz [Del]

They came to Fort Lauder dale High School, and Northeastern High. In Broward county of Florida they plan to attack again on Oct. 10 spread the word please if you know anyone in Broward, Florida.

24 Name: AL : 2016-10-06 22:09 ID:hyXnROKc [Del]

Thats an police job as i say, too risky.. scary clown is the last thing i wanna see

25 Name: notedAlex : 2016-10-06 22:27 ID:xpfzZrz5 [Del]

People should just carry guns with them.

26 Name: LeamMcGleam : 2016-10-06 22:53 ID:VX4ryxlY [Del]

>>25 Not everyone can just carry around a gun. The clowns aren't just in America. I know it seems "totally ridiculous" that some countries don't allow people to carry around firearms, but it's true and from what it seems like, they're targeting children. A child can't carry a gun to school and use it for self-defense.

27 Name: sT10 : 2016-10-07 02:27 ID:YROAW4fy [Del]

>>25 this might work for America but what if your from England or another country that doesn't allow people to own or carry guns?

28 Name: $s : 2016-10-07 03:43 ID:7WnjdCDO [Del]

Ahaha there are clowns walking around in Canada as well. Luckily we ride polar bears or armoured moose, so we're ok.

29 Name: Info broker_16 : 2016-10-07 08:04 ID:LGx3dbg4 [Del]

I think the best thing to do would be to calm down and ignore it and if you do see one for yourself in some circumstances you should report it to the police and let them handle it. Yet if something happens to you defend yourself we can't live in fear all our life's there's probably too many clowns to handle so might as well stay away as much as possible

30 Name: Newdirek : 2016-10-07 09:22 ID:VX4ryxlY [Del]

>>28 If only, eh? Can you imagine if people actually did that?

31 Name: EmperorOfDarasu : 2016-10-07 09:48 ID:J7ypGXwQ [Del]

I'm super interested in why people are doing this trend though, did people finally snapped?