Dollars BBS | Missions




















Teaching the dollars (4)

1 Name: Cool Kid !0YKiTvjPJ2 : 2016-10-01 09:56 ID:o39HSe3g [Del]

I know what you're going to say, this does not belong in main! This belongs in q and a, introduction, etc, but I'm going to give an important message to you, we got to teach the dollars. I know we have a whole post about what to do in the dollars, but that's not enough. I’m thinking every day; we should have a meeting in this post and teach the dollars everything. I know you guys are all going to sage sage sage, but if you want this website to be safe, we must do this. We must have people in ranks. I see it here already, FindMuck, Blanc, Dusk46 etc. You guys are in charge of teaching them. We knew you guys for a long time and you guys are much respected. Other people like me have some experience, but not respected enough and don't have a great amount of experience unlike you guys. The next thing is that we should limit inviting. Inviting is good. It makes our website more active and stronger, but we should limit it. More people=more trolls, random people saying they are the leader, etc. Bring people you can trust. Bring strangers less and less. Delete all the videos and yahoo answers of the password. The next thing is that we should stop annoying people. We must respect fellow dollars –Relitar . The more respect we give, better we are. Another thing I also want to talk about is that tell people tricks and communities we can join. It really makes the dollars a better place. I love the dollars; I really do, so if you don’t just press sage, just bump k? Appreciate this. Thank you!

2 Name: DerpyDog : 2016-10-01 10:32 ID:0TkOqeRl [Del]


3 Name: firelily : 2016-10-01 13:49 ID:8m0ewi4E [Del]

you basically summarized the read this if youre new thread tbh

and to teach the dollars, thats what info brokering is for, to spread info and teach dollars things they dont already know

i am in fact working on the recruiting thing (see the bottom of the current RTIYN) and i do limit the ppl that i allow in, i dont accept everyone, but i cant control what other members do, some ppl will recruit randomly just to be rebels just because they saw this thread

we cant do anything about the yahoo answers and youtube things unless we petition to have them removed (and that likely wont work either)

and we know who the real leader is, so it dosnt matter if ppl pretend to be him, we know they are not him

this shouldnt really have its own thread because its just bits and peices of threads that we already have, i think this should be saged but thats up to the other members of S.A.G.E. and not just me
so for now, ill just not bump it...

4 Name: Khersy !UKCNWE97ds : 2016-10-01 13:55 ID:vxT6nuRl [Del]

Oh hey there it is, I thought it'd be on the other thread 😅