Dollars BBS | Missions





















1 Name: Slash : 2016-08-06 23:24 ID:joLzvV7U [Del]

Basically, I think that us Dollars should be able to communicate more with each other. Of course we have the chat rooms but it's always a group chat and shady people lurk everywhere... Which brings me to my idea!

Overview: You send me an email to with a brief description of yourself and I will give you an email of someone else who has similar interests as you (of course everyone will be from this group). Ex: If person A emails me and says they enjoy swimming and like the anime one piece, and person B also emails me saying they like swimming and one piece, I will email person A and B, giving them their respective emails, and sending them their brief description of them self.

Goal: Dollars BBS will have a friendlier environment because people will be able to get to know each other better!

What to send me in your email:
-your email
-brief description of yourself (age, gender, personality type, birthday, random stuff about yourself)
-your interests (running, painting, sleeping, eating, whatever you guys like to do)
-who you hope to find (someone who likes watching anime, someone who lives in Texas, someone who plays league of legends, etc)
-who you don't want to find (someone who plays league of legends, ect)
-basically whatever you want to put/ extra info :D

-Where to send your bio:

-what I am not responsible for: IF YOU MEET LIKE A MURDER I'M SORRY xD I will do my best to make sure your interests match, and if you have any complaints you can send me an email and I will send you a new email!

Any comments, questions, concerns, send me an email or post a reply! Otherwise, LETS GO FRIEND MAKING

2 Name: Slash : 2016-08-06 23:26 ID:joLzvV7U [Del]

ALSO: I do not know for sure how long the waiting time is going to be, but I will always send you an email back saying I got your email to keep you updated!

3 Name: Slash : 2016-08-07 20:13 ID:joLzvV7U [Del]

Keep in mind that if you keep this thread at the top, people will be able to find their mat h faster! =^.^=

4 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-08-07 20:26 ID:1jfKDBZi [Del]

Okay I see a lot of instant flaws here...
1. It's not really a mission? It seems like more of a Suggestion/Personal sort of thing..
2. You'll get tired. Any system that relies on you having to manually do something will eventually burn out. I speak from experience
3. Why do we really need this? I mean we have enough various chatrooms to get to know each other so I don't think individual matchmaking would be useful...

Just my 2 cents though and that's why I think it should be moved/removed


5 Name: Thane : 2016-08-07 22:18 ID:UOtSZ88V [Del]

Blanc with no faith or hope smh. Believe in him, or her.

6 Name: Slash : 2016-08-07 22:56 ID:joLzvV7U [Del]

A mission is basically something people accomplish to reach a goal, and my goal is for us dollars to become more familiar with each other, so you can't say it's not a mission if it has a goal. At the same time, I dont think it would suit under suggestions because suggestions are more for advice and looking for ways to fix things without having a suitable plan. Personal is more for personal problems and this isn't exactly a problem nor is it for personal gain.
Also, whether or not I get tired depends on me. If I get tired then I might just pass the job on to someone else, who knows, but that's my responsibility and job as the matchmaker.
If you want a response to your third point I guess it would be that maybe you don't need this but someone else might. Some people don't want to jump right into a group chat where they know nothing about anyone, so by making this system of getting some information before hand it would make some people feel better. The more people communitcate, the better the enviorment is, and the friendlier everyone else is ^-^ Having a friendly enviorment is the key to a healthy community!
Thank you so much for your advice though, I appreciate your help in making this better ^-^. If you have any more advice on how to make the system better though, please tell me, I'm all ears! :)

7 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-08-08 10:11 ID:Euvg/x30 [Del]

If people start posting their emails directly to the thread instead of sending them to you. Will you still set them up? It happens often.

8 Name: Slash : 2016-08-08 11:43 ID:joLzvV7U [Del]

>>7 I would prefer to get an email because I star the emails that still need a match, but it's kind of hard to keep track of threads. But if you post to the thread, I'll still find you a match, just that the odds of me forgetting are probably higher xD

9 Name: Slash : 2016-08-18 23:38 ID:joLzvV7U [Del]
