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1 Name: Miku Nagasaki : 2016-07-15 23:03 ID:/KkCuxkj (Image: 625x418 jpg, 41 kb) [Del]

src/1468641804084.jpg: 625x418, 41 kb
Miku here and i want to say something: Women are being discriminated, paid less, are given rules to follow, and much more that makes me want to scream louder than i already am in my heart. It it not fair that women are being paid less, because a white woman is getting paid a quarter less than a dollars a man makes and it goes down hill for women pay from there. WHY ARE WOMEN CALLED SLUT AND WHORE? AND MEN CAN GET AWAY WITH DOING BAD THINGS AND ARE NOT CALLED WHORE OR SLUT. I do not think that all men are bad just the ones who think women like being in a kitchen, married, with children, cooking and cleaning, everyday of their lives. Please help me with this stand and help me with women´s rights. I need the dollars family that showed me safety and a place where i feel calm and can run away from troubles i have and be able to face them knowing that i am not alone. Please help me with my stand. I need the dollars to help me. Women are told that they can´t do certain things because of their gender, that is wrong. PLEASE HELP ME AND THE WOMEN WHO FACE PROBLEMS EVERY DAY. I have a link to a video i think should be watched. there is the link.

2 Name: MrWolfe : 2016-07-16 07:41 ID:rDafzKLx [Del]

is this in america or world wide? if world wide i agree. if in JUST america, please stop. A: Women's rights. B: children usually go to the mother in a divorce. C: the MEN pay for alimony and child support. D: Labor laws and education opportunities are being tipped heavily in favor of women, giving them MORE opportunities. World wide? sure, this wrong and needs fixing. America? please stop. there's enough shite in this country going on as is right now.

3 Name: Ithaqhua !6CfFwUwo.6 : 2016-07-17 11:10 ID:s48WvGGk [Del]

On a worldwide scale, I also agree. But if focused on America or other "first-world"-nations who already HAVE those things set into motion, then it's time to think about balance. Sure, women were discriminated against for a LONG time, but these days things are looking differently. Women have gained rights, raises, TOP positions to the point where it's time to see the other side of the medal and move things into the direction of balance, because men do have their share of troubles too, and they usually don't get mentioned.

What we need to do is strive to spread this balance. In many cases it will mean empowering women and stripping men of their power over them. In rare cases it will be opposite. So the thing we should do is not "help women be equal" but rather "create balance and equality between men and women".
And if we want to be REALLY accurate here, there's also those who live an entirely different gender identity.
So I think the correct term would be to create "balance and equality between all genders".
I'm not saying "all humans" since, to be honest, that's a step too far ahead, it won't happen anytime soon.