Dollars BBS | Missions




















Help stop bully (13)

1 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 10:07 ID:2XSu7VHp [Del]

This girl goea to a different school than me and has been repeatedly bullied and harassed for 5 years by the same girl. She has sent me messages asking what she should do numerous times and I don't know what to do other than ask for the dollars help. This girl points her out to the entire school calling her a slut and a whore and writes terrible things on her locker even though she is nothing but nice to anyone she meets. I am asking you to help me do something about it. soccer_chic_15 this is the bullies Instagram account. If you could get the message a crossed it would be appreciated. Dollars for Life

2 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 10:10 ID:2XSu7VHp [Del]

This is my first time posting a mission but I do not like bullies no matter the kind. this is my email if anyone has any questions.

3 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 10:15 ID:2XSu7VHp [Del]

Be sure to post here if you helped me complete my mission. I will message her at the end of the day to ask if this will make her change her ways.

4 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-06 10:25 ID:9FP7gWeH [Del]

This isn't something we really have the power to do. I think it would be looked at as harassment if a bunch of strangers suddenly start messaging her, calling her a bully. The most we could really do is offer you advice on how you can help your friend. If I were you, I'd post your friends story on Personal, and ask for advice on how to help your friend. Good luck!


5 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 10:39 ID:2XSu7VHp [Del]

I saw a video of annonymous doing the same thing on YouTube and then one of them called the person the next day after they got a flood of messages asking them to change their ways or they would be exposed and they stopped. So I told myself we aren't that far off from them we could do that.

6 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 10:40 ID:2XSu7VHp [Del]

I'm not going to go around to dollars members harrassing them to hack this person or anything like that. It's just a simple message to the person saying that bullying is wrong it totally optional you don't have to do it.

7 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 10:43 ID:2XSu7VHp [Del]

I see where you are coming from but I think you are underestimating the power the dollars have in number right now. This is something we can do it's simple and effective and a for a good cause which is what the dollars is all about. I will put this on personal but I am also asking you to reconsider your thought for a second and help me out as a member of dollar FAMILY and not a colleague please.

8 Name: anonymous : 2016-07-06 11:10 ID:/g646H+0 [Del]

got your message im going to try to help,long live the dollars!

9 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-06 11:18 ID:9FP7gWeH [Del]

I understand your dilemma, but the thing is, we aren't Anonymous. We have the numbers, sure, but not the strength of that organization. It would be bad to get caught for this. I understand it is not actually harassment, but the person will look at it that way if a bunch of strangers messaging them. The best thing you can do for your friend is help her get through it. We don't have the same pull in the world as anonymous, and we also have quite a few trolls on this site. Seeing that Instagram account is going to draw them to it, and they will most likEly troll and threaten them. Perhaps invite your friend to this site, have her tell her story, and maybe let us give her advice upfront.

Also, please limit it to one comment. Bumping my previous reply away helps no one.


10 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 12:00 ID:2XSu7VHp [Del]

We don't have the attacking and hacking strength that they have you are definitely right but this task does not require strength or any knowledge at all.All we are doing is empty sending a message that bullying in wrong and she should stop and apologize. Also this is not negative harassment we are simply encouraging her to change her ways for the better (bullying is a crime). She is a real life troll messing with people real life's ruining their self esteem. Doing things that people kill them selves over if she gets one or two comments about how she is a bad person for being a bully so be it its true and that shall be her karma. I also hell my friend through this daily we had a 6 hour talk on the phone last Wednesday about this subject. I have referenced our group to her but she sees it more as a gang than a family and doesn't really want to be part of that. So if we can help stop this bully in a peaceful manner I think we might be able to change her mind and have her join.

Again this is optional if you want to do it I have an example of a message that I sent her it is non threatening and gets the point a crossed. Heck you can even copy and paste it if you want it go to personal and get it.

11 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 12:02 ID:2XSu7VHp [Del]

I ask that we end this dispute with this message Ryukagoka and let the cards fall where they may if they want to help a fellow dollar they will if they don't then oh well I have no hate towards them.

12 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-06 12:11 ID:9FP7gWeH [Del]

Have you ever thought that maybe she doesn't want us involved? Look, I agree with your idea in spirit, but it will cause problems for the members of this site who participate. It could even spell trouble for your friend; this girl could go to the principal or the police and say that you or your friend contracted an anonymous online group to harass her. It might even anger her further, and she could bully her further. It might not seem like harassment on our end, but it is almost like we are stalking her. I think a better idea would be to stick to personal to get advice and some inspirational words for your friend. In the end, it will be better for her to give her the confidence to stand up for herself, then to allow some group to fight her battles for her. Trust me, even if this bully goes away, there will always be another one. What will she do thenot? We can't help her in every case. It might be hard for her to do, but this is something she needs to for herself. Again, the most we can really do is point her in the right direction, and stand behind her for support.


13 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 12:20 ID:2XSu7VHp [Del]

Your right sadly. So participate at your own risk (danger seekers needed)