Dollars BBS | Missions




















Geo Caching (27)

1 Name: Pach !GyIDQLQMWI : 2016-07-03 00:00 ID:g4jcJi1s [Del]

So I looked through and I don't think anyone's mentioned this yet.

Mission: Set up new Dollars geocaches and start making your mark in the geocaching community.

So like the dollars, Geocaching is basically a secret game that everyone already knows about. Here's a video that explains it pretty well, but I'll use words to do so anyways:

Basically, a geocache is a small to large box hidden somewhere out in public. People keep a log inside, so you can sign it to prove you've been there, and they either put an item inside the cache or trade items.

It's a lot of fun to do, and I feel like it's pretty dollar-esque. You never know who could be geocaching when you're out, just like how you can never tell who is a dollar.

So the exact mission? Like I said earlier, just start setting up geocaches around where you are. Make them dollar official by putting a sticker on it, or even by just writing on a piece of paper inside the cache "Dollar's cache"

Based on what you guys want to do, we could even set up our own geocaching system, instead of using the mainstream geocaching websites and have caches out in the world just for the dollars. Let me know what you guys think.

Here's the main geocaching website that I use, along with some good videos to get you started.

Happy Hunting!!

2 Name: Akatsu !eLvF064DS. : 2016-07-03 05:14 ID:63ShDhBw [Del]

I've been geocaching every now and then around Sydney, AU. It's quite fun, and even though I normally don't have anything to leave, I'll always place a motivational note in the cache.

3 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-07-03 13:09 ID:ZqwfB1iN [Del]

I think I'll make/find one when I get back to Atlanta. Should be fun to visit and see who else in the Dollars has found my stash.

4 Name: Kit : 2016-07-03 18:54 ID:2UwjeVK1 [Del]

I'm gonna try this out, I honestly like the whole odea, and hey, maybe it's a chance to know that maybe you're not the only Dollars in the area you live. Leaving you confidence, who know :)

5 Name: Pach : 2016-07-03 19:54 ID:g4jcJi1s [Del]

What we can also do it set up our own dollars exclusive caches. Hiding them and then marking them on a google map, kind of like how we did for the member locations

6 Name: Levi'sEren : 2016-07-05 08:14 ID:94doY3wP [Del]

I sure wish I had seen this earlier! I just went geo caching at a camp I went to recently!!

7 Name: LxveMix : 2016-07-06 22:12 ID:yb7k4+OQ [Del]

I'm going to try to do this it seems like fun!

8 Name: Bri CD : 2016-07-09 17:09 ID:NsoMBoMu [Del]

This is an awesome idea! It'd be really cool to find some Dollars geocaches. But how do we know if there is one? Anyone in Texas planning on geocaching?

9 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-07-10 23:21 ID:Aad8OVfZ [Del]

So if I want people to find my geocache, do I tell anyone here?

10 Name: Yukki : 2016-07-11 22:40 ID:xw89Icff [Del]

Ill try it anyone in Illinois doing it

11 Name: Kazeki : 2016-07-27 07:29 ID:wdkVpy/U [Del]


12 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-28 17:46 ID:9FP7gWeH [Del]


13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: Tyler : 2016-07-29 15:44 ID:OlGKPb1G [Del]

Bump. Do we have any maps or vague locations? I'm thinking about going Geocaching soon, in Pennsylvania, and I want to know if there's any around. If not, I'll see to setting some up.

15 Name: Leif : 2016-07-30 15:13 ID:FpQwa+uW [Del]

I'll set some up in the Twin Cities area. Maybe we should make a universal design for all of the Dollars ones, so it could look more official.

I just need money to get started...

16 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-30 20:35 ID:GFnzoLFh [Del]


17 Name: 7Ren : 2016-08-01 11:05 ID:e/C5iLJi [Del]


18 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2016-08-01 23:21 ID:wqcC7DON [Del]

SOrry guys, don't do this, someone will call a bomb threat on you or some shit.. maybe time capsule with some friends or something or leave notes around your town or something on napkins and shit but.. this is a tad too suspicious. be smart lil guys

19 Name: Leif : 2016-08-01 23:32 ID:Q9fA13xs [Del]

Archadmiral makes a good point, people wouldn't know if what we're doing is dangerous or not.

20 Name: Kazeki : 2016-09-01 06:03 ID:wdkVpy/U [Del]


21 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-07-20 19:17 ID:vnhVagws [Del]


22 Name: GinamiMayu0202 : 2017-07-21 02:54 ID:neLsYWE6 [Del]

I know it was already agreed upon that it's a bad idea, but for anyone who is curious or still wants to know I'll address the questions. Of course you could do the google map thing like with the members or however, but there's an official app and merchandise and guidelines;etc. To have an official geocache that is placed on the map of the app, it goes through a process of approval.
The app shows all of the geocaches in the area.
I haven't traveled far, but I've seen the map show me basically my while city and all the caches with the clues given by users.

23 Name: Kazeki : 2017-09-26 09:18 ID:LttpjUYh [Del]


24 Name: Diasuke : 2017-09-26 14:02 ID:V333jQu7 [Del]

darn! I was just in Alaska in june and unintentionally found one... if I could fly back there sometime idk when, i'll definitely do it.

25 Name: Kazeki : 2017-12-05 21:01 ID:6xADNr3N [Del]


26 Name: [UNKNOWNUSER] : 2017-12-06 06:50 ID:SezuBSLo [Del]

Depends on what people plan to put around, maybe a string bomb? Battery bomb? Actual peaceful items? Decline peaceful.

27 Name: G$W : 2017-12-09 07:55 ID:RWbfr5L7 [Del]
