Dollars BBS | Missions




















Missions (12)

1 Post deleted by user.

2 Name: Dusk46 : 2016-05-29 10:59 ID:KYVGyq9J [Del]

'Not seen any that we can do'

are you blind?
is for signing any relevant petitions [ that may be in your country + others]
Freerice, a click/donate type, all you gotta do is answer questions
this one is fun, its for chrom, everytime you open a tab, it raises money

this is an anonymous BBS, how would you distribute this apparent wealth?!
walk 10 old ladies across the street, $1! zomg im so rich
this is not feasible.
now for the part i love :3
You should have taken this to the "Suggestions" Board


3 Name: firelily : 2016-05-29 11:05 ID:WNbkhmWw [Del]

waiting for robo XD

this shyt was dumb


4 Name: Hisoka : 2016-05-29 11:08 ID:dBPLs7oW [Del]

If you had read the whole entire thing. I do need photographic proof... That would be a substantial way to prove that you did walk those said "10 Old Ladies." Furthermore you can get an area location from a picture. Say you take a picture of a cat in front of a white building. You would take that building and run it through a series of programs to find out the location. Then finding "you" is the easy part.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: firelily : 2016-05-29 11:26 ID:WNbkhmWw [Del]


its dumb because you are offering momey with no proof you have any money for all we know you could be a homeless person with a library card you got from somewhere

and on top of that, the missions arnt supposed to reward you, they are to help the community, giving a reward defeats the point

and you just said finding our location with pics is easy, this is an anon group, giving our location is one step closer to giving our identity, why would we do that???

ps please hit sage if you reply

7 Name: Hisoka : 2016-05-29 11:38 ID:dBPLs7oW [Del]

If you would have let me explain without interrupting. I never said I was giving the coin. I am just making the bulletin list. Wait patiently for my list to come out and I will explain everything. Also this is the only time I am hitting sage.

8 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-05-29 11:40 ID:KtvqpIbY [Del]



9 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-29 11:50 ID:GrANm0Ub [Del]

>>7 Then who the hell do you think is going to pay out? Not Reltair, that's for sure. If you post on the missions board, post some actual goddamn missions, not this vague and not very well thought out bullshit.


10 Name: Dusk46 : 2016-05-29 11:53 ID:KYVGyq9J [Del]

let me explain without interrupting'
dude its the interwebs, type everything out the first time, wait for reply, respond, i cant see how we could interrupt your train of thought anyways.
if you aren't giving the coin, then who?
dude, if you could find me from a cat and a white building, i'd probably label you a stalker, who else besides government agents have access to that specific software?!? Google might return on a specific building, i.e the Eiffel tower, not a brown bricked residential.
" read the whole entire thing " oh i did, and re-read it- twice.
just to make sure i wasn't mistaken.

the idea has potential, your way of going about it has flaws,
make your bulletin list, but explain it before releasing it, just so people can't "interrupt" you

"Only time i am hitting sage" Dont act childish, use sage so it keeps these boards clean, there's more important crud on this missions board that actually belong here, move the thread over to suggestions if you don't want to hit sage

11 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-05-29 16:27 ID:1jfKDBZi [Del]

The reason there are 'no missions' is because people such as you choose to create systems of missions rather than actual missions.

Also, as everyone has mentioned, there is no way you could generate even nearly enough funds to provide a worthwhile incentive, not to mention all the people that would cheat and con you.

Put simply, this idea isn't logical and while I do like the format you're suggesting, I don't agree with the hypothetical monetization.
Maybe, if you actually came up with all the missions to do on your task board and made a 'prototype' of sorts...But for now,


12 Name: Scarface : 2016-05-31 08:47 ID:5wk4x608 [Del]
