Dollars BBS | Missions




















'We´ll change the system' (9)

1 Name: Saku : 2016-05-24 10:27 ID:EjQ18ePp (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 895 kb) [Del]

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Hey Guys!

Another Dollar needs your Help! v__v

!First, I apologize me for my english xD I´m from Germany and english is not my best subject (you will notice xD)!

We all know the problems of our society.
Someone is born, has to go to school and lean under big pressure. The system is hard:
You´re bad at maths? Or in english?
Most of the teachers think you´re silly.
They judge you, because of your school grades and that´s the point.
Many people are bad in school but very talented. Learning a new language, playin instruments, writing storys,
Most of them have potential for more important things!
But the grades fix your future.
After school you have to work.
You wake up in the morning, go to wotk and go to the bed in the evening.
No time for hobbys, for friends, for travelling and for dreams.
You have to work, until you´re old and then?

Who said : Humans live to work?

We have no choice.
We need money to survive, so we study like idiots (Stuff we´ll never need later) and we work like robots.
It´s your turn now!

My philosophy class wants to change something. Nobody is stupid. Everyone has strenghts and weakness. We want more individuality for every student. We want more chances in working environment without failing because of grades!

For example: In China its omnipresent fot students to commit suicide. Because of what? Pressure? Bad grades? We say No.
I really hope, you got my point!

Do you agree? Write down : > We´ll change the system < and post it here to show your support. I´ll drop your pics into my presentation to indicate others. We already were in our lokal newspaper. We really want it and everyone is welcome!

I count on you, Dollars! <3

2 Name: Clatyrs : 2016-05-24 17:04 ID:xJFBH8nt [Del]

True. It is a difficult environment that we live in. (-_-)

3 Name: Robo !W8aVZtVN3M : 2016-05-24 21:13 ID:O6J6f0Yz [Del]

There's already a thread about helping others with their grades. But of course you wouldn't know because you wont look for previously made threads.

4 Name: Shibasaki : 2016-05-25 05:30 ID:8CwtS8iL [Del]

its hard yes but if it wouldnt be we would all be layzy idiots doing nothing at all.
You dont like working hard ? Your not the first
You dont like studying ? Your not the first
Preferably you dont change anything
Where THE FUCK did you get the idea that nobody is stupid that is one of the stupidest ideas I have heard in a long time
/Sagines 4 lifu

5 Name: Saku : 2016-05-25 11:13 ID:EjQ18ePp [Del]

Pls read my post.. ._.
It's not about helping with grades.

6 Name: Briar_Moss : 2016-05-25 12:46 ID:IcLBWD8t [Del]

This is a great idea. I personally have a hard time with new languages and writing bit give me some complicated math, science, or sheet music and no problem at all. People are predominately either left out right brain thinkers and forcing the other way is tantamount to torture. I would love to see a mass education reform.

7 Name: Ryukagoka (school) !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-25 13:09 ID:y/Hw10Sq [Del]

>>5 I think this is too vague to actually constitute a mission. No petition, not really much participation, and no concrete method to bring about the change that you are talking about. Perhaps if you were to find a petition of some sort in favor of your issue it could be a mission, and you could post it under the petitions thread and get people to pledge their support. At this point, it is a really nice thought, but doesn't offer any clear cut method to motivate change.


8 Name: !29VjXEDWP2 : 2016-05-25 15:07 ID:4FRWwAfn [Del]

We'll change the system!

((ich liebe dein Idee! :3 Danke sehr! Schule in Amerika ist sehr schwer... Ich haße es. Wir haben über zu viele nicht wichtige Dinge gelernt...

9 Name: Izaya Ohihara : 2016-05-25 16:24 ID:VpJZ8UiC [Del]

Nice Idea!