Dollars BBS | Missions




















The Abolitionists (7)

1 Name: *Saphira* : 2016-05-17 00:28 ID:ou3UW5D/ [Del]

Hey guys. I'm new to the Dollars, and I was originally going to wait until I had been a member for a longer time before posting anything. But I just saw a movie called The Abolitionists and I was moved to do something. So I thought, why not call upon my fellow Dollars? This could be right up our alley of what we work for in the Missions section.
What The Abolitionists is, is it's a movie about sex trafficking. It's a documentary about these people who go out to rescue girls and boys that have been kidnapped or even sold for trafficking. This documentary raises awareness to the realness of this situation and I believe it will move many people to do something, anything, to help stop sex trafficking. But we have so many people on here right now that could do something.
I was definitely moved to do something, this post being proof. I have already made plans with a friend to start both a YouTube channel and a blog to raise awareness and, maybe sometime in the future, to raise funds to help support the other organizations that are working to free these boys and girls and stop sex slave trafficking.
Some of you might think it's a stretch for us, but I believe we can do it. This is an all around the world thing, not just one country.
Well, Dollars? What say you to this crime that is happening as we sit here and look at our screens, wondering what can we do to help our cities, our states, our countries, and our world? I send out this call to all of you to help those in need. Please help.

For more information on the movie and the topic, click this link:
One organization is Operation Underground Railroad, they are the organization that is featured in the documentary:

2 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-17 00:39 ID:rREzJhGr [Del]

If you have a mission idea, read this helpful thread first. You may comment your idea there and other members (including yourself) can discuss if your mission is detailed and organized enough to have a thread of its own.

3 Name: *Saphira* : 2016-05-17 13:53 ID:JHTdDADu [Del]

>>2 So I just post this message on the thread you linked? I read the help thread before posting this and tried to follow it, but I think I forgot some things...sorry

4 Name: Mako : 2016-05-17 15:19 ID:zyULJr5r [Del]

I think this mission could definitely go places, but you should talk it out and plan a specific course of actions with people. Check out the thread Kurosuke linked you to, since people should be able to help you there. Also, if you want, I can help you out as well. Just email me here:

5 Name: Eclipse : 2016-05-18 08:21 ID:pvm8Ou4e [Del]

this mission seems alright but its gonna be hard if you need help email me at

6 Name: Truth : 2016-05-18 16:51 ID:Mri09Kkj [Del]

It's a stretch, but you can contact me here:

7 Name: Truth : 2016-05-18 16:52 ID:Mri09Kkj [Del]
