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Sexual education. (62)

1 Name: Daikon !P.331RBvOM : 2016-05-06 05:04 ID:l9uq6kuu (Image: 800x778 png, 168 kb) [Del]

src/1462529072023.png: 800x778, 168 kb
Have you ever had been at school, and someone came to give your class a "sexual talk"? What did they talk about?
"Homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual". "Transexual".

They don't talk about "genderqueer", "pansexual", "asexual", "gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation".
They don't explain that some people can't feel sexual atracction. They don't explain that there are more than two genders. They don't explain that some people aren't girls or boys.

And students grow up. They don't know anything about that. Someone can tell them "I'm asexual!" and they'll think that it is impossible. —How can someone doesn't feel sexual atraccion?

But the worst thing is that there are people like me. Genderqueer, asexual, or something else. They'll grow up thinking that they are strange. They won't know what are them. Some of them'll die thinking this. People like me'll learn about it, they'll tell these to their family and friends. And they won't believe them. Because it is strange, and it is hard to understand. They won't be as compressive as they would be if they were taught about this at school.

So, this mission is about this. We should teach people about this, show them that there are more things than they think. Making pamphlets, talking to people, asking to school teachers, explaining it to children...

Thank you!

2 Name: Nothing. : 2016-05-06 06:28 ID:vKhBDgCu [Del]

It's something that i didn't know. Thanks for the information.

3 Name: Daikon !P.331RBvOM : 2016-05-06 06:37 ID:l9uq6kuu [Del]

I have only known all of those things since December, and because of most people don't know it yet, I've made this thread. Thanks for reading!

4 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-06 07:27 ID:qW9lMyk3 [Del]

>>1 you have a wonderful Idea, and thank you so much for the information..

but could you at least make a Specific mission?? something like you posting an image here that contains the information and we could just print it out.

or some text explaining about the LGBT thing so that we could just copy and paste it??

something like that.

5 Name: Kurym : 2016-05-06 07:41 ID:RuPllFY0 [Del]

i've only known all of those things since january ... and i'm ashamed of myself really .. thanks for this post it's really interesting god bless you !

6 Name: Law Liet : 2016-05-06 07:52 ID:XCTUsyG/ [Del]

In my country, It's impossible but I wanna try.

7 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2016-05-06 08:06 ID:CrDwQIuy [Del]

I knew some of this stuff before but only really began to explore it more in March? I'm so glad we have a thread for this because even with all the growing acceptance with LBGTQIA+ some groups like asexuals and genderqueers still get under represented or misunderstood

8 Name: Daikon !P.331RBvOM : 2016-05-06 08:13 ID:l9uq6kuu [Del]

>>4 I have images and text, but they are in spanish and I think that I should learn more english, I'm worried about having mistakes hehe...

>>6 You can try explaining it to your family and friends, and they could tell it to theirs, if you cannot give an official lessons, or teaching about it at your class...

9 Name: Daikon !P.331RBvOM : 2016-05-06 09:09 ID:l9uq6kuu (Image: 3508x2480 png, 198 kb) [Del]

src/1462543792076.png: 3508x2480, 198 kb
I did my best and I did ONE picture. I have to do three more, with more specifict information. Thanks!
Please, tell me if I had a mistake writing and I'll correct it!

10 Name: Shiro !FKk4keqK9w : 2016-05-06 16:04 ID:MuYPJu4E [Del]

Thankyou so much for this! im asexual and people always say "wtf that doesnt exist" it pisses me off greatly we need to spread the word of more sexualities other than Heterosexual, Homosexual and Transsexual.

11 Name: Leo : 2016-05-07 09:20 ID:oPFUHFQZ [Del]

This is a great thread! I just wanted to share that my school has been teaching more about all the different sexualities and gender identies/expressions. It's a big change from a couple years ago. Although not everyone is accepting of it, teaching about sexuality and gender at least does not make them ignorant to it.
If your school does not educate students about this, then I definitely recommend you put the above print outs around the school. Regardless of how many students are aware in my school, I know I'll be doing it anyways!

12 Name: Eithril Gear !NUlVfGWmEk : 2016-05-07 18:52 ID:DLr3hNlB [Del]

Thank god, I didn't know what to think when I answered I was asexual to a person. Sadly, most people don't think it exists. We really should have it being taught in schools about the other sexualities.

13 Name: Kotori : 2016-05-08 03:13 ID:0LHAYr7O [Del]

I could probably print out some panflits and pass them around bus stops.

14 Name: Daikon !P.331RBvOM : 2016-05-08 12:34 ID:l9uq6kuu [Del]

I haven't done more pictures yet because I was changing my pc. Now, I'll try to make time for the pictures.

15 Name: mons : 2016-05-09 09:56 ID:8ZPOpTk9 [Del]

Maybe this is just me but if you want to be inclusive to all the gender identifications while gender is extremely fluid, wouldn't that be extremely difficult to be inclusive with people who will never fit those prep-set labels?

16 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-10 22:44 ID:TZZVoWdi [Del]


17 Name: Daikon !P.331RBvOM : 2016-05-18 15:44 ID:5OjUoEeH [Del]

I'll make (not now, I'm busy and stressed) an image explainig about gender identity (I'll say it is fluid and there are a lot of combinatioms), sexual orientation, and gender expression. >>15

18 Name: Kazeki : 2016-05-25 06:37 ID:wdkVpy/U [Del]


19 Name: Itameio : 2016-05-25 14:28 ID:q6+CAAJ9 [Del]

There is more than two genders?, I've been lied to my entire life.

20 Name: Izaya Ohihara : 2016-05-25 16:24 ID:VpJZ8UiC [Del]


21 Name: Ammy : 2016-05-27 21:35 ID:oPFUHFQZ [Del]


22 Name: Radiant980 : 2016-07-19 12:16 ID:2x1ENejF [Del]

Wait I'm asexual does this mean I finally exist! lol

23 Name: Scarface : 2016-07-21 11:10 ID:Yq9ZgJ1U [Del]


24 Name: Kazeki : 2016-10-01 20:25 ID:wX2x2fEK [Del]


25 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-04 12:22 ID:VX4ryxlY [Del]


26 Name: Tumblristrash : 2016-10-04 17:57 ID:s4TaR0PL [Del]

no one cares stop being triggered

27 Name: Cifaire : 2016-10-04 20:46 ID:QVRB5PgM [Del]


28 Name: builder396 : 2016-10-05 02:15 ID:m0ueRS02 [Del]

Im transsexual, so I can sort of relate. To me it felt like during sex ed most topic, including being transsexual, were only skimmed and there was more time devoted to "fetishes are okay" than what couldve spared me years of unhappiness.
Being genderqueer wasnt even mentioned, but my sex ed is almost 15 years ago.

29 Name: Kazeki : 2016-10-14 13:57 ID:CaKkLrl6 [Del]


30 Name: deathraven33 : 2016-10-14 15:13 ID:gQt3z2Wo [Del]

Bump for all those who want to make a change in the education system.

31 Name: Fon LIka : 2016-10-14 19:39 ID:QZIOPlaT [Del]

definitely bump

32 Name: Edralos : 2016-10-15 18:53 ID:XF+wSrXE [Del]

Feels like a tumblr post...

33 Name: Edralos : 2016-10-15 18:58 ID:XF+wSrXE [Del]

Plus sexual education is about sex, not gender. Sex is something you are born with, gender is something you feel the more comfortable with. So I don't really think it has something to do in a sexual education class. But that is only my opinion.

34 Name: Klavier : 2016-10-17 07:32 ID:mlwYMEeA [Del]

go back to Tumblr pls.

35 Name: BSS : 2016-10-18 19:55 ID:K+kw801F [Del]

This is not Tumblr

36 Name: Ocean-Chan : 2016-10-19 12:19 ID:zBJAhaSx [Del]

there are only 2 genders. your genitals are what define this. How about we get someone to come to our schools to discuss internet intelligence so you don't make a ass of yourself online again.

37 Name: white lives matter : 2016-10-19 12:25 ID:zBJAhaSx [Del]

most people on the internet are dumb asses

38 Name: Shiro !ProbooBcQw : 2016-10-19 14:02 ID:AzgEoyB1 [Del]

Guys stop fucking hating these people and saying go back to tumblr. If you don't like it, leave.

There's a difference between biological gender and what you emotionally feel.

The dollars is meant to be an accepting group, not full assholes like you lot. You're the ones making an ass of your self here.

39 Name: Kazeki : 2016-10-19 20:36 ID:lOXlSO5p [Del]

>>36 Gender refers to belt up. Sex is what's below the belt.
>>33 What about transsexuals (people who've transitioned from their original sex)? What about other orientations besides straight?
I'm personally glad that my health classes have touched upon topics such as different body types/shapes, Swyer syndrome, and homosexuality.

40 Name: Yoongi : 2016-10-20 11:31 ID:L5iYchVz [Del]

So cool! ^bump

41 Name: Maybe_ : 2016-10-20 17:57 ID:MFRiaB4X [Del]

I know the feeling.
I've been forced to only going to catholic schools and they're all about being exactly who you are as long as "god" created you that way and gay and trans isn't what "god" created you as.
I hate it and I wish I could leave but the pressure of parenting has always been strong,
Wishing I was a better dollar,

42 Name: hunted8708 : 2016-10-21 18:06 ID:/wqul8gP [Del]

>>41 So unbelievably relatable, they always seem to link everything back to god one way or another. Heck my Religion teachers always seemed to be such a hypocrite. Saying one thing and than quoting the bible in an attempt to prove herself wrong or right. I seriously support this because people need to be made aware that these people are indeed real. I'm bisexual and the most annoying thing that I have to experience is the all round annoying question "So what gender do you prefer?" I don't prefer either I feel the same way about both.

43 Name: Maybe_ : 2016-10-22 09:39 ID:rXVy4b3E [Del]

>>42 my sister is asexual, my brother is gay, my other brother is bisexual, and my parents only know the one of my brothers is gay. They don't know about my sister or other brother, and it's terrible because my father goes on and on about how it's his fault we don't go to church and that "god" would've helped us Korea in our time of need, but really his "times of need" were when his parents died and when he found out his eldest son was gay. My other brother said my dad freaked but the sad thing is he is at work so often I never noticed.

44 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-02-24 11:39 ID:sisyt5Wq [Del]


45 Name: Kazeki : 2017-09-17 20:16 ID:mEuEvzKI [Del]


46 Name: Kiritsugu Emiya : 2017-09-17 21:53 ID:bRzfj0He (Image: 600x600 jpg, 62 kb) [Del]

src/1505703182732.jpg: 600x600, 62 kb
Lemme get this "straight":

There are 2 genders, male and female.
Also there is people like you that are completely fucked in their head.

Because i got cancer off this shit and the bs that you just posted you have to be a female .... couldn't give less of a fuck. Do you have short red hair, are you fat/insecure and wear those stereotypical walmart glasses? Please kill yourself or get someone to do it for you, pretty sure people would be up for that.

"Because it is strange, and it is hard to understand. They won't be as compressive as they would be if they were taught about this at school."

Have a good day

47 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-09-17 22:44 ID:Z0q0nOBy [Del]

>>46 Hate speech isn't tolerated here.

Shut up or fuck off.

48 Name: Kazeki : 2017-09-18 08:33 ID:LttpjUYh [Del]

>>46 Gender is what's above the belt level (mind)
Sex is what's below the belt level (body)

Also, there's such a thing as intersex (person born with both)
or if you mean just x and y chromosomes, some people born with completely functional female genitalia are also born with xy chromosomes.. so, not even that is a constant

also, it's not just humans.. there have been cases of transgender animals.. as well as, some animals have more than two sexes... some have over 500 different sexes, others over tens of thousands lel

49 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-18 20:35 ID:HvW2xI3H [Del]

While >>46 was very harsh on the way they worded their point, I have to agree with them. There are in fact only 2 genders. Bisexual, homosexual, transsexual, etc, those things are sexual orientations, not genders. I get wanting people to be more aware on those things and such, but don't be dumb. There are only x and y chromosomes, and people who have both and vaginas and such, those are deformations, not genders. For wanting to spread awareness of the whole sexual orientation stuff, that thing should be optional to learn, it shouldn't be manditory. It shouldn't be shoved in people's heads by force, because if it's by force, of course people will get hostel and start arguments. That's all I basically want to say, so yeah.
Also, as for >>48
Sorry, but you're an idiot. Of course there are animals who fuck an animal of the same gender but that's because it's usually to display a form of dominance over the other animal.

So with all that said, please educate yourselves and don't eat up the fucking lies and bullshit the mainstream media is spoon feeding you. Thank you.

50 Name: Kazeki : 2017-09-19 08:46 ID:LttpjUYh (Image: 530x360 png, 373 kb) [Del]

src/1505828807790.png: 530x360, 373 kb
>>49 There have been cases where lionesses grew a mane, larger than usual, roared and acted like a male lion, fooling some prides ..some do mount females tho
There are other animals that blur the line, like clownfish and hyenas...
ah, well, anyways, there's been multiple studies on the human brain structure before taking hormones (although some have sample sizes that are kinda small), neuron count, sizes of certain structures, brain activity (phantom limbs and stuff).. they usually correspond to their identified gender instead of the biological one

51 Name: ♥Nunnally vi Britannia♥ : 2017-09-24 02:35 ID:9920JxDv [Del]

Before I started looking into non-binary genders I felt like something was wrong with me. Some days I felt "girly", some days I felt like a "tom-boy", and some days I didn't feel like ether. I'm Pangender because it's what I am. I don't think I'm "a something" because I've only ever been what I am. People who say there's only 2 genders aren't "wrong" they're misguided, like I was. I thought something was wrong with me for most of my life, but about 5 years ago I learnt that it's not something "wrong" it's something different about me. Sometimes I still feel like there's something wrong with me, but then I read things like this, and remember that there's no such thing as a standard human. There are more kinds of people than there are colors in the eyes of a rainbow shrimp, and just as many ways to experience being alive. Just figured I'd throw in my 2¢ about gender, have a good (insert time here)!

52 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2017-09-24 14:06 ID:NfANhxgF [Del]

I will say this now. To all people who are not considered "normal" in the public eye, I apologise if this offends you in any way. That is not my intention.

But, after reading all this, it made me think, and want to straighten out everything. There is two different sexes (not including mutations) and those have XX and XY chromosomes. So, you are born with either a penis, or a vagina. That is your sex.
Your gender, is what you identify as to the public eye. Your sex could be male, but your gender could be female, orange, tofu, other, apachi helicopter, it doesn't matter. Gender is what you choose to identify as.
Then there is sexuality. Sexuality is, put basically, what you feel lust towards. It could be men, women, both, neither, personality, body, skillset, it doesn't matter. It is a part of the person that they can discover throughout their lives. Other people have no right to try and force someone to act how they want them to, without the other persons consent. It is not only rude, but disrespectful.
All of these factors put together, sex, gender and sexuality, create the person. In (most) schools, they teach you about the penis and the vagina, but nothing, or next to nothing, about anything else. They don't usually tell you about how Bill is attracted to his next door neighbour Tom. Only how Bill is married to Janet and has three kids, all normal. It annoys me a little bit. And as well as that, I went to an all boys school to learn this. When we were learning about how sex works in sex ed class, only one student could stand up and explain what sex was without laughing. And, to make everything worse, for 5 years I was forced to go to school with only boys, almost all of which seemed to be homophobic. One of my best friends came out as gay, and he was ridiculed by almost everyone, and was forced to leave the school.

My point from all this is, PEOPLE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. Judging someone based on what they identify as, or what they fall in love with is wrong, and disgusting, in my opinion. Thank you for your time.

53 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-24 22:20 ID:BkTAT8u/ [Del]

>>52 Schools teach the biological aspect of sexuality and we don't need any Bill who is attracted to Tom living next door to explain how biology works.
What you are talking about is the psychological aspect of sexuality - all these points are irrelevant when you want to teach how humans reproduce.

OP is an idiot.
People will get more fucked up inside when they learn bullshit like that in school.
Honestly, do you want to teach 12 year old kids that they could be boys although they have a vagina?
What do you think will happen then? lol
You'll just confuse them. That's idiotic!
Everyone will find out their sexual orientation on their own you don't need special education for this subject.

People, the fact that the LGBT community is discriminated and not treated equally is only in your head.
You're creating the problems yourself by trying to forcefully get accepted by people who almost wouldn't care if you wouldn't spell it out for them every time you find a possibility to do so.
It's comparable to these people who say "I'm discriminated because I'm black". Mostly those people are that annoying that they don't leave us another option than to discriminate them, got it?
I guess everyone could live a more satisfied life if you would just stop these topics.
There is absolutely no need to tell others that they could be transgender or whatever - who is transgender will notice and who is not notices too.
Really, there are more significant problems in the world.

54 Name: SuckMyDick !aaWI/nsBfU : 2017-09-25 07:36 ID:pYI6xdRT [Del]


55 Post deleted by user.

56 Name: Greyscale : 2017-09-27 10:17 ID:oXuNmxJl [Del]

I can relate to this so much. I'm genderqueer and pansexual and at my school they didn't even mention being transgender or other sexualities besides homosexual and heterosexual, even though I live in a pretty accepting city. Because no one is really taught that there are other options for them besides being straight and cisgender, people like me get a lot of weird looks. Luckily that's all I get, because in some places trans and queer people are treated horribly.

57 Name: Haro : 2017-09-30 03:37 ID:SSHp5R8r [Del]

I don't think we should expose children to this kind of information.

58 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2018-01-02 12:35 ID:L6A7zoU6 [Del]

bump ^-^

59 Name: Ghost : 2018-01-04 21:57 ID:6JAtSx2y [Del]


60 Post deleted by user.

61 Name: yellow : 2018-01-05 11:02 ID:9OIPid0x [Del]

Just reminding people "sex" is whats in your pants gender is what you identify as.
A persons gender doesn't affect you in any way so why do you hate them for it.
Im not advertising lgbt stuff or hating on it. Just a vocabulary lesson.

62 Name: Suruga : 2020-09-08 17:30 ID:/sq8/FYv [Del]

Westerners ruin yet another thing with their identity politics. Please do actual good and maybe root for education not dooming kids for life and maybe actually teaching them how to develop skills and survive instead. If you think a thousand new genders or rare sexualities is something that NEEDS to be taught to kids, you're clearly living a spoiled life with few actual concerns.