Dollars BBS | Missions




















The Dollars (11)

1 Name: Sora : 2016-03-28 09:47 ID:HoNxLwGY [Del]

Hey I want to talk about the dollars we have fallen apart most people here are just here for the chat room but dont you guys remember makeing the world a better place one mission at a time but no ones doing anything so why dont people I mean the dollars was made to make the world a better place but here were just siting here doing nothing. I think its time for a change we can start by griffeti clen ups just like in the Durarara anime.

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-28 09:58 ID:KtvqpIbY [Del]

You're the one sitting around doing nothing by making this post. Quit complaining and pick a mission.

3 Name: firelily : 2016-03-28 11:41 ID:JzdHE7QB [Del]

we do the missions, we just dont brag about them since no one has bumped the achievement unlocked thread in so long


4 Name: Rika Funika : 2016-03-28 11:47 ID:4uxC/2TC [Del]

I think ur right!
So I told my german friends in the chat about it. ;D

Of Course I do good things for the place ho I life but not every one do that!

5 Name: Senpai : 2016-03-28 12:04 ID:4uxC/2TC [Del]

Alright!! I will do this and my little sister too, for a better world the world will be better if we all do the mission!!!

6 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-28 12:09 ID:KtvqpIbY [Del]

There is a pre-existing thread for this. Please use it.

There are pre-existing threads for most mission ideas. Be sure to check before creating new ones.


7 Name: SheronSmiff : 2016-03-28 12:29 ID:3hZk0J6z [Del]

YEAH!!! You´re right!! What is dollars about if you´re doing nothing?!!! Why are here to make world a better place!! Having fun together!! Wake up people!!

8 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-28 12:40 ID:KtvqpIbY [Del]

>>7 Noooo. You wake up, look around, and see how much there already is for you to do. This is in no way an original idea.

Please stop discussing it.


9 Name: firelily : 2016-03-28 15:57 ID:NOK8pUyh [Del]

adding to >>8 read the about page

missions are OPTIONAL

you basiclly just rewrote the about and just changed it to wher we have to do missions and we DONT

the ppl on the missions board are the ones who DO missions, preaching to the choir


10 Name: HoLo : 2016-03-28 18:59 ID:pihhMu2w [Del]

SheronSmiff is just trying to say that we need to make a difference where it counts! I for one agree with him.

11 Name: firelily : 2016-03-28 19:15 ID:NOK8pUyh [Del]


please stop bumping this, even if you agree with this, its only an opinion not an actual mission

it woudnt be saged if there were a mission somewhere in OP and there is not, unless its the graffiti thing and even still there is a graffiti thread and a smaller missions thread, making this a repeat =__=

we dont need useless threads with no missions, and we dont need repeats, dont bump this

if you wanna do a mission, just DO ONE you dont need our go ahead, fanfare, or huraahs to back you up

/sage of annoyance

(hoping yall stop before robo shows up)