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anonymous tip (10)

1 Name: kris : 2016-03-06 08:21 ID:9g17oW6W [Del]

recently I have begun using the skills i learned in anonymous and some things that my aunt (who is a journalist) to track down drug operations in my town . now i know what you're thinking:omg he thinks he's batman. well no i don't i'm not fighting these guys i gather evidence and call the police to handle that as a result for my multiple successes i have been given a full ride through college after which i plan on being a detective anyways the point of this mission is that we all know someone either currently or in the past who performs illegal activity. my mission for you is to call that person in anonymously but first gather evidence of their illegal activities evidence (and i'm sure you know what evidence is but just to be clear) can be:a video
a picture
a sample of drugs that someone is selling
an eyewitness statement and so on and so forth

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-06 09:12 ID:KtvqpIbY [Del]

I made a thread a while ago discussing becoming active with local police. Just thought I'd mention it if you wanted to take a look and maybe discuss it more.

3 Name: Kibou : 2016-03-07 15:03 ID:Gw3Qxy6C [Del]

Omg id also like to do that.

4 Name: 'done : 2016-03-07 17:18 ID:LxK3lKoQ [Del]

Stop the criminalization of drug users. Catch the real dealers...or honestly just leave it to the police. If you're snitching on people with a drug problem, you're just asshole and you're not doing the job you think you are.

5 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-03-07 17:25 ID:DBJd7UJq [Del]

>>4 Drug cartels and dealers exist because there are people willing to buy. And the unfortunate truth is there will always be people willing to buy. By catching the users (buyers), you can sometimes catch the dealers. Both are criminals, both made a conscious choice to pursue buying/dealing.

6 Name: 'done : 2016-03-07 17:30 ID:LxK3lKoQ [Del]

When youre an addict, you dont really make the choice. These people need help, not jail time to make things worse for them. If they manage to stay out of the system, these people still have a chance because once youre in the system, no one gives a shit about you. Criminalizing drugs was a stupid move to begin with, spending over a trillion dollars with no goals met.

7 Name: 'done : 2016-03-07 17:37 ID:LxK3lKoQ [Del]

You will never eliminate drugs or drug dealers unless the government starts providing that service itself. There are a lot of sad, miserable people that get mixed up in all of this business and once they are captured, they are replaced in a second. If you think you, or anyone, is even making a dent in drug crime, you're mistaken.

8 Name: Saizaku : 2016-03-07 17:44 ID:Irk1P66P [Del]

>>5 Well both are criminals, vut at the same time those with addiction to drugs are not criminals. Somebody can get an addiction to drugs if somebody plantad somtehing in their drinks, which is common method to get people addicted and to make them your costumers and make money, it is made possible because many clubls are run by drug cartels. But it's true that in most cases the reason people get addicted is because they decide to do it themselfs. Although that doesn't make them criminals, they may have taken the drug by their decision but they got addicted so they can't help but by more - they're desprete, it's wrong to call them criminals, but they are guilty for acctualy the drugs. But everything they go through when they're out of drugs for some time makes up for it. Beleve me i've met many people that are victims of drugs and most of those who make the decision to take them are talked into it by the Drug dealers so that they could have a profit they ruin peoples' lives whitput a shred of regret, they are the real criminals.

9 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-03-07 18:42 ID:DBJd7UJq [Del]

>>6>>7 Not saying they shouldn't be helped. They should actually.
Throwing them in jail won't help 'em of course. Treatment will, as long as they are willing, because you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. (I would guess most want help though.) However, they still chose to begin using drugs, so they are just as criminally responsible IMHO.
That doesn't mean they don't realize it was a mistake or that they shouldn't get help.

I don't know whether legalizing drugs would solve anything, although I often talk with my family and just say "yeah, just legalize it all, let the ones who wanna get high do it" but there are other things to consider, like safety for example.

>>8 What I said above, pretty much my response :) And yes, the "evil ones," if we can call them that, are the dealers, I agree. The buyers might have problems they believe that drugs will solve, while dealers know they're literally destroying lives and don't care about it.

10 Name: Obsession Obsessor "!nMMTDJBSxM : 2016-03-07 21:07 ID:PvCjwQmc [Del]

Well, at least I know that this group has practically the same mindset as Tumblr.