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The Planet Venus Project (16)

1 Name: Lareth Huff : 2016-02-23 20:14 ID:pB6Iqh9v [Del]

Aims and Proposals

The plans of The Venus Project offer society a broader spectrum of choices based on the scientific possibilities directed toward a new era of peace and sustainability for all. Through the implementation of a global Resourced Based Economy, and a multitude of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies directly applied to the social system, The Venus Project proposals will dramatically reduce crime, poverty, hunger, homelessness, and many other pressing problems that are common throughout the world today.

One of the cornerstones of the organization’s findings is the fact that many of the dysfunctional behaviors of today’s society stem directly from the dehumanizing environment of a monetary system. In addition, automation has resulted in the technological replacement of human labor by machines and eventually most people will not have the purchasing power to buy the goods and services turned out.

The Venus Project proposes a system in which automation and technology would be intelligently integrated into an overall holistic socio-economic design where the primary function would be to maximize the quality of life rather than profits. This project also introduces a set of workable and practical values.

This is also in perfect accord with the spiritual aspects and ideals found in most religions throughout the world. What sets The Venus Project apart, however, is that it proposes to translate these ideals into a working reality.
Phase 1: Research Center

The first phase of The Venus Project’s long-term plans has already been completed. Jacque Fresco, futurist, inventor, industrial designer and founder of The Venus Project and his associate Roxanne Meadows have completed the construction of a 21-acre research center in Venus, Florida to help present the proposals of The Venus Project. Videos, CDs and DVDs, posters, brochures, models, renderings and books, such as “The Best That Money Can’t Buy: Beyond Politics, Poverty, & War”, have been created to help raise awareness about this project and its many proposals.
Phase 2: Documentaries and a Major Motion Picture

Phase Two includes the production of documentaries to help introduce this direction to the world. Two major documentaries have already been completed Paradise or Oblivion and The Choice is Ours.

Phase Two also includes a full-length feature film that will depict how a world embracing the proposals advanced by The Venus Project would work. This film would provide a positive vision of a peaceful society in which all human beings form a global family on planet Earth. A civilization in which all people are engaged in the pursuit of a better understanding of the world they share. This film has been designed to be an entertaining and educational experience for both adults and children.
Phase 3: Experimental Research City

To test its designs and proposals, The Venus Project is working towards putting its ideals into practice by the construction of an experimental research city. Blueprints for most of the initial technologies and buildings have begun. We are currently working towards the construction of this first experimental city. This new experimental research city would be devoted to working towards the aims and goals of The Venus Project, which are:

Realizing the declaration of the world’s resources as being the common heritage of all people.
Transcending the artificial boundaries that currently and arbitrarily separate people.
Replacing money-based nationalistic economies with a resource-based world economy.
Assisting in stabilizing the world’s population through education and voluntary birth control.
Reclaiming and restoring the natural environment to the best of our ability.
Redesigning cities, transportation systems, agricultural industries, and industrial plants so that they are energy efficient, clean, and able to conveniently serve the needs of all people.
Gradually outgrowing corporate entities and governments, (local, national, or supra-national) as means of social management.
Sharing and applying new technologies for the benefit of all nations.
Developing and using clean renewable energy sources.
Manufacturing the highest quality products for the benefit of the world’s people.
Requiring environmental impact studies prior to construction of any mega projects.
Encouraging the widest range of creativity and incentive toward constructive endeavor.
Outgrowing nationalism, bigotry, and prejudice through education.
Eliminating elitism, technical or otherwise.
Arriving at methodologies by careful research rather than random opinions.
Enhancing communication in schools so that our language is relevant to the physical conditions of the world.
Providing not only the necessities of life, but also offering challenges that stimulate the mind while emphasizing individuality rather than uniformity.
Finally, preparing people intellectually and emotionally for the changes and challenges that lie ahead.

Within the experimental city, a theme park is also planned that will both entertain and inform visitors about the possibilities for humane and environmentally friendly life-styles planned by The Venus Project. It will feature intelligent houses; high-efficiency, non polluting transportation systems; advanced computer technology; and a number of other innovations that can add value to the lives of all people – in a very short period of time.

A circular city would be a transitional phase and could evolve from a semi-cooperative money-oriented society to a resource based economy. This could be the prototype for a series of cities to be constructed in various places throughout the world. The rate of progress will depend on the availability of funds raised during the early stages and the people who identify with , participate in, and support the aims and direction of The Venus Project.

As these new communities develop and become more widely accepted, they may very well form the basis of a new civilization, preferably through the process of evolution rather than revolution.

No one can actually predict the future. We can only extrapolate on present information and trends. Population growth, technological change, worldwide environmental conditions, and available resources are the primary criteria for future projections.

There is no single philosophy or point of view whether religious, political, scientific, or ideological, that someone would not take issue with. We feel certain, however, that the only aspects of The Venus Project that may appear threatening are those which others project onto it.

The Venus Project is neither Utopian nor Orwellian, nor does it reflect the dreams of impractical idealists. Instead, it presents attainable goals requiring only the intelligent application of what we already know. The only limitations are those which we impose upon ourselves.

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-23 20:23 ID:dcdldeXC [Del]

Interesting, but I find it a little idealistic. They don't offer much to explain what they're doing.

3 Name: Robo : 2016-02-23 20:25 ID:O6J6f0Yz [Del]

Take this to News and add the fucking link, there literally is nothing it says that we could do to further it or improve the venus project.

4 Name: Lareth Huff : 2016-02-23 21:38 ID:pB6Iqh9v [Del]

There is so much for you to learn look up the Zietgiest Movement and the Zietgiest movies on youtube.

5 Name: Tanaka !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-02-23 22:09 ID:aWN2CT8+ [Del]

I concur with >>5 this is not a mission. Remove it to a more suitable board such as news.


6 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-02-23 22:09 ID:O6J6f0Yz [Del]

Then fucking take it to News and start the discussion or add something the rest of the people can do.

7 Name: Lareth Huff : 2016-02-24 00:01 ID:pB6Iqh9v [Del]

This is only an introduction... This here is a way to convince people to change the world in this way. i can't just make this into a holy crusade. This just happens to inform people at the same time. I honestly think I'm not breaking any rules. I think you are taking this the wrong way. Please reconsider what you are saying Tanaka. This here is my mission and i am very passionate. Let this be where it should.

8 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-02-24 07:57 ID:qYX2nHXG [Del]

Literally how the flying fuck is this a mission? Add some fucking shit for people to do or get the fuck off and shut the fuck up. This isnt a mission, this is breaking the rules of the board, and no, I am not taking it the wrong way. The idea itself is fine and I give no fucks, but what I do give a fuck about is that your not giving anyone something to do except read your fucking dream. Thats not a fucking mission.

9 Name: Tanaka The Moon Flame !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-02-24 08:00 ID:8NagAoaV [Del]

If it's "your mission" then it doesn't affect the rest of the Dollars and thus doesn't belong here. Besides, if you were to post info about something like this on NEWS, where it BELONGS, people will care and you will recieve more positive attention. I'm all for changing the world mate but for the sake of moderating I can't just yell at certain people, anyone (including yourself) that breaks the rules must be punished.


10 Name: Akiabo : 2016-02-24 10:06 ID:K6QiSCVg [Del]

>>8 >>9 Sorry about this but I don't think the dollars are supposed to put down other dollar members. I've actually seen quite a bit of this lately and I think it should stop. Just because your a dollar doesn't give you a free pass to be an asshole.

11 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-02-24 11:49 ID:GMniOAhY [Del]

And just because your some newbie shit doesnt mean you cant follow the fucking rules you cum bucket. Shut the fuck up or get the fuck off.

12 Name: Tanaka The Moon Flame !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-02-24 11:58 ID:8NagAoaV [Del]

You are completely correct. The fact that I am a god damned human being gives me the right to be an asshole. People have free will for a reason you dipshit, and that reason is that if we didn't and we had to be nice and respect people's FEELINGS literally noone would ever get anything done. Furthermore, the only reason we ever get mad in the first place is people not following the BASIC GOD DAMNED RULES OF THE SITE. If people would take five minutes to think, there would never be a problem. Except they don't. So we tried to correct them politely, and still would if it worked. Except it doesn't. Sure, one or two people would listen if we asked nicely, but the reason we are such cunts is because in most cases, IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT WORKS. And unfoutunately, we all have real life to deal with and can't trust that someone else will do the job of correcting newbies, so we don't have the time to do everything on a case by case basis. But hey, if you in your two weeks of experience on this site think you somehow magically know better than people who have been here for years, you are more than welcome to take some of the work off of our hands and correct people yourself. Go right ahead, no one will stop you. If however, you are judging us without the will to take up our work yourself, you can fuck right the hell off because you then have no right to speak on the matter. It's your god damned choice fuckwit.


13 Name: Bashino : 2016-02-24 12:42 ID:K6QiSCVg [Del]

>>11 >>12 Bro chill your being a little harsh

14 Name: VinegarLove !Y1PNLRTAcY : 2016-02-24 12:47 ID:Zazk/4q1 [Del]

>>10 Totally agree with this. I get that it's annoying that people post on wrong sections but that doesn't mean you've got to talk like that. What is this? Elementary school?
You, Robo, literally started your first reply with an offensive and bashing comment.

Just do as >>5 and /sage. Doesn't cost much to be polite.
Regarding the main topic, it's as they say. It doesn't belong here.


15 Name: Marx : 2016-02-24 12:49 ID:mBD2izJ7 [Del]

>>10 >>13 >>14 They are actually just really annoyed, so excuse them for being annoyed with people not knowing how the page works.
Anyways, yes this does belong on news


16 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-02-24 12:51 ID:GMniOAhY [Del]

No but bashing people seems to be the only fucking way to work. And as Tanaka already stated above. People dont seem to listen to us being nice, so instead we be as horrible as possible and bash the fuck out of people so they stop, otherwise your welcome to try your own fucking hand at this shit. Now again as Tanaka stated, if you havent even TRIED to fucking moderate. Now shut the fuck up and get the fuck.