Dollars BBS | Missions




















Spread the word (20)

1 Name: Kazuto Kazuya : 2016-02-11 00:23 ID:JtQDKW2W [Del]

So on february 22, lets make dollars posters and hang them up at random places like schools, universities, or just around town to show that we exist. Is it a good idea? (Btw, this idea was originally by a user named macabre)

2 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-11 00:24 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

First we would need to do something good to get people wondering who it was and then we would state who we are

3 Name: DKazuto Kazuya : 2016-02-11 00:31 ID:JtQDKW2W [Del]

Good point, what do you suppose we do?

4 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-11 00:33 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

Start small like all the other posts on here are saying. Make peoples days better by putting inspiring quotes on them and then have our name on it

5 Name: Kazuto Kazuya : 2016-02-11 00:38 ID:JtQDKW2W [Del]

Sounds great, thanks

6 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-11 00:49 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

Hey, you wanna join my chat room?

7 Name: Kazuto Kazuya : 2016-02-11 00:52 ID:JtQDKW2W [Del]


8 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-11 01:02 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

Its on the first one in the chat rooms and the name is kiba k.

See ya there!

9 Name: Kazuto Kazuya : 2016-02-11 02:43 ID:JtQDKW2W [Del]

Sorry i didnt join, my internet wouldnt work for some reason. Im really sorry.

10 Name: Lockwood : 2016-02-11 04:41 ID:hMITdWsJ [Del]

I will put posters up in the UK!

11 Name: Soku : 2016-02-11 05:15 ID:Znm+c8mJ [Del]

I will put. Posters up in New York! ^_^

12 Name: Kazuto Kazuya : 2016-02-11 09:44 ID:JtQDKW2W [Del]

Thanks a lot you guys!

13 Name: Kaspod : 2016-02-11 10:21 ID:WLvPfQ7r [Del]

I will put some around My town, Natick

14 Name: Kazute : 2016-02-11 10:36 ID:KMp/a8ta [Del]

I'm in

15 Name: Kazuto Kazuya : 2016-02-11 10:55 ID:UvtacmIu [Del]

should we add the URL to this website?

16 Name: Izaya : 2016-02-11 11:01 ID:Adp37Z0e [Del]

there is a mission the exact same as this happening on the 14th

17 Name: Kiru : 2016-02-11 13:23 ID:zJ2K+N+t [Del]

Let's Do It

18 Name: Shiro !FKk4keqK9w : 2016-02-11 13:37 ID:DAcrnLlQ [Del]

please dont make a decision for all of us.
Some of us dont want to be known.

19 Name: Macabre : 2016-02-11 13:53 ID:7XOcNtQI [Del]

Yes that was me CX. And yes it's a great idea. If some of you do not want to be known, you can do it online or even if it's in you town, just wear Something so that no one will recognize you, or do it at night. Have a nice night or day or whatever :)

20 Name: Val'Jean : 2016-02-11 22:30 ID:Wtx9kYG0 [Del]

I think people will appreciate our work not because people know where it came from, but because of what it means to them personally.