Dollars BBS | Missions




















Make someone's day better (70)

1 Name: Shigure !AfAAE1aoP2 : 2016-02-07 10:54 ID:97eT1cHV (Image: 379x500 jpg, 38 kb) [Del]

src/1454864081396.jpg: 379x500, 38 kb
Ok so I found these ideas on an other website and I wanted to share them here so that people could do something simple and easy near them to make someone's day better.

1. The sticky notes
We could make notes with "The world isn't as bad as you think" or "The world could use more smiles like yours" written on it
and stick them at school, in town, anywhere around you. At the end of the notes you could write "- The Dollars" and at the back maybe, i'm not sure about this though, we could put the password "baccano".

2. The "Take What You Need"
It's simple and probable a really good idea. Just do like the picture below and stick the whole paper somewhere around you. Don't forget to sign at the bottom "- The Dollars" and maybe just like the sticky note we could put the password at the back of each tab.

The reason why I thought we could put the password is that if someone needs help or anything else, just want to join, he knows our name and so with the password and a little bit of research he could find his way here.
These ideas are simple and easy to mak so let's do something real to bright up someone's day.
If you have any questions email me at

2 Name: Scarlet : 2016-02-07 11:33 ID:xaY5BDhG [Del]

I honestly like this I want to do this XD I think i probably will

3 Name: Mask : 2016-02-07 12:57 ID:0kc16ci6 (Image: 250x250 jpg, 13 kb) [Del]

src/1454871456082.jpg: 250x250, 13 kb
that is lovely~

4 Name: Lily : 2016-02-07 13:56 ID:0otvkeX2 [Del]

This sounds like a really good idea. But I don't get it that much. Can someone email me and give me another explanation?
Email me at

5 Name: Tsukiko !95cc4zsk.c : 2016-02-07 19:42 ID:ZAcpBaRv [Del]

I would just like to say thank you. I did not know the password and I was very frustrated. I will definitely do this.

6 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-02-07 20:15 ID:Scn3c/JH [Del]

We have an entire thread full of these message ideas. Keep all discussions about them there:

For ideas about sharing the site, they go here:

7 Name: Tsukiko !95cc4zsk.c : 2016-02-07 22:09 ID:ZAcpBaRv [Del]

BarabiSama, there can be more than one thread about this. May I remind you that you are not in charge and I'm not saying I'm in charge either. I'm just saying comments like that really piss me off and you have no right to give orders. Next time you could say it a different way like "Hey there's another thread of ideas, you should check it out." Alright? Sorry I know that's not really what this thread is about but I just had to say that. '\'(^o^) bye~~

8 Name: Dosama : 2016-02-07 23:39 ID:Iye7bu2p [Del]

I am going to do this and put it at the local board in my town. Its a public thing were anyone can add anything. I always see things for houses and stuff but this is better.

9 Name: Quantum : 2016-02-07 23:43 ID:iHO9lLVw [Del]

Thank you so much for sharing! I'm doing this. Mask on.

10 Name: Shigure !AfAAE1aoP2 : 2016-02-08 10:23 ID:97eT1cHV [Del]

I'm happy you all like the idea :D

11 Name: Madraihws : 2016-02-08 11:22 ID:vW7d0Us+ [Del]

It's an awesome idea. As soon as my classes start again I'll buy some stick notes and put those all over the university.

12 Name: Kane : 2016-02-08 12:08 ID:6MIL2LY1 [Del]


13 Name: Mikia : 2016-02-08 15:26 ID:mZ9iNapK [Del]

Awe I love this idea! Bump!

14 Name: Blight : 2016-02-10 19:07 ID:sokMD5oI (Image: 727x1257 jpg, 124 kb) [Del]

src/1455152855782.jpg: 727x1257, 124 kb
Hey everyone! Great news (Or, at least, I think it's pretty sweet)! The other day I made my own version of the "Take what you need" paper, and printed out a few. Although I am still going through the stages of being able to put more up, have to run it through with the principle and all that, I was able to convince one of my teachers to put the first instance up.

I checked at the end of the very next school day, and 3 tabs are already missing! Picture linked.
(speaking of which, I must apologize for the picture's low quality... Trying to keep my status as a dollar as anonymous as possible, so I had to take this picture from across the room.)

Honestly, kind of pessimistic at first about how well this would work... Kind of figured everyone would just ignore it, but, at least as far as first impressions go, that isn't quite the case.
Doing small things like this goes a lot farther than you would think, at first. Hopefully, I improved someones day with that paper. Wish me luck on getting it approved to have more!

15 Name: IvyLeaf33 !FhK2WnH0kg : 2016-02-10 19:29 ID:XUm1yOff [Del]

My main worries are (1) Whether the school will allow it, and (2) Getting caught if the school doesn't. There are cameras in the hallways, and I don't want to get in trouble for things like this. I also do not have many chances to post these outside of school. I have considered posting these in the bathrooms to avoid detection, but then I am afraid it will be ignored. If you have any tips, please tell me, I really like this idea~

16 Name: Blight : 2016-02-10 19:39 ID:sokMD5oI [Del]

>>15 As far as I can tell, the school allowing it or not shouldn't be *too* much of a problem generally... Every teacher I've asked so far has been totally on board with the idea. If the school doesn't allow you to, then the hallways/bathrooms are off limits. However, as long as you keep the amount low, Teachers can put up things in their classroom without having to ask permission- as long as it isn't obscene, of course. So, if it's not accepted, I would recommend playing it safe and only keeping the posters(?) up in a few classrooms.

One of the teachers I asked also recommended I run it by one of the clubs, like art club or something, since they have considerably more power when it comes to things like this.
I'm other people are willing to try this out! Good luck, Ivy!

17 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-02-10 21:36 ID:SSdZV8CD [Del]

Most school staircases don't have cameras (or have lots of blindspots), and they also receive a lot of student traffic. If you are trying to remain anonymous while also making people notice the sign, then this would be the perfect place for it

18 Name: IvyLeaf33 !FhK2WnH0kg : 2016-02-11 00:14 ID:XUm1yOff [Del]

Thanks for the tips, I'll consider them~

19 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-11 00:21 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

I take freedom, not many would come out and say this, but the United States needs more freedom, did you know that in some big corporations that they can take your 1st amendment away just because its a law? Well they can, if one or a group is protesting they can have you arrested. And isn't protesting practicing your first amendment?

20 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-11 00:23 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

But yes this is a great idea! I'll be looking forward to working with everyone who decides to do something about it!

21 Name: Kazuto Kazuya : 2016-02-11 00:33 ID:JtQDKW2W [Del]

Sounds awesome, im in

22 Name: Blight : 2016-02-11 22:25 ID:sokMD5oI [Del]


23 Name: Izaya : 2016-02-11 22:54 ID:TCdw3f2P [Del]

mission like this happening on the 14th so if you want to help lets get it done.

24 Name: warpina : 2016-02-12 01:12 ID:IkMwWRw8 (Image: 960x720 jpg, 190 kb) [Del]

src/1455261144935.jpg: 960x720, 190 kb
guys i have an idea for a design for this poster. i think it would be nice if it's uniform and scatter all over the world :D

it's pretty plain and i made it on microsoft word.
and at the back of each strip, we can write the website and the password, to show our sincerity? xD lol something like that.
if you would like to have a copy, email me :)

25 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-12 01:13 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

Yes! That is a great poster!

26 Name: warpina : 2016-02-12 01:17 ID:IkMwWRw8 [Del]

thank you! would you like to have a copy? :D just email me and i'll send it to you :D

27 Name: Raseruuu : 2016-02-12 02:52 ID:7E4lXDEA [Del]

Hello! can someone please post a soft copy in JPG form...
Of this thing so It'll be easier to print and spread? Thanks!

28 Name: warpina : 2016-02-12 06:53 ID:IkMwWRw8 [Del]

i dont know how to convert it into JPG. is pdf ok?

29 Name: Blight : 2016-02-12 17:29 ID:sokMD5oI [Del]

I would like to express a tiny concern I've been having about these posters, more specifically, putting the website and password on the back of each slip. What really worries me is how that might effect the emotional impact it would have on someone- if they see a website and password on the back, then it may seem more like an advertisement than a "just know, there are people out there that got your back," you know? I feel like there is a strong potential loss there, and that defeats the purpose.

Now... that doesn't mean we have to be completely anonymous, of course. I personally put a simple small "-The Dollars" on the paper, the idea being that people that were truly interested in why this paper was up or were really affected by it would look it up and find this site.

Not gonna try to force this down anyone's throat, but I feel like helping these random people through their tough times should be our first priority, recruiting comes later.

30 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-12 17:43 ID:KtvqpIbY (Image: 155x155 png, 0 kb) [Del]

src/1455320619103.png: 155x155, 0 kb
I suggest using the QR code instead of revealing the link and/or password.

31 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-12 18:02 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

I agree with Blight. And maybe the QR code from FindMuck could work. Lets give this a go

32 Name: warpina : 2016-02-12 18:51 ID:IkMwWRw8 [Del]

well it's up to you if you want to write the link and the password xD atleast we have different ways in doing our mission :D let's spread the love <3

33 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-12 19:31 ID:KtvqpIbY [Del]

A lot of members would agree with me in being more discreet and deliberate when inviting new people.

Sending a message is one thing, bringing them here is another.

34 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-12 20:36 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

Theres a part of me that wants to put the emblem of our logo on something and thats it. Make their curiosity find us. But then again there are those lazy people who will see it and probably throw it in the trash. You know?

35 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-12 21:20 ID:KtvqpIbY [Del]

I feel it's better to bring in the kind of people that are looking for this sort of thing, and make them actually look around a little. Two google searches and you're in.

36 Name: Blight : 2016-02-12 21:51 ID:sokMD5oI [Del]

>>34 My design, although only barely visible in the picture I sent, does incorporate the signature black/white circle of the Dollars- although not the actual word located in the center... The hope is, when they google "The Dollars," they'll recognize that symbol from the poster.
This way, I'm still giving visual, stylistic clues that they have found the right place, but I still haven't given them the password or actually told them anything directly... That should hopefully weed out all of those that aren't actually interested in joining but still give enough information for those that we do want.

37 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-12 22:46 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

Thats what i meant when i last commented. Curiosity. That would be good either way

38 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-12 22:54 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

and if they just search "The Dollars" would it pop up dollar bills?

39 Name: Blight : 2016-02-12 23:06 ID:sokMD5oI [Del]

>>38 Surprisingly enough, this BBS is the first result when you search up "The Dollars," which is incredibly useful.

40 Name: Kiba Kirishimi : 2016-02-13 00:17 ID:g4mcEeY7 [Del]

It is, okay well we could do it then

41 Name: formedfish : 2016-02-13 23:25 ID:7b+/B1iJ [Del]


42 Name: Mizuki : 2016-02-14 17:43 ID:OVJ6oYjE [Del]


43 Name: Zan Kizuna : 2016-02-21 05:08 ID:XpekQkac (Image: 2474x3153 png, 907 kb) [Del]

src/1456052904071.png: 2474x3153, 907 kb
I converted the File to .png! :/ jpg is too mainstream
always using .png coz game development gets you like that :)
Here you go, guys!

44 Name: Grim : 2016-02-21 15:06 ID:8mC+E2U/ [Del]

The Grim Dollar is in on it.
Gonna put it up tomorrow.

45 Name: Siena : 2016-02-21 20:50 ID:rm9WXrOc [Del]

If we are going to put the password on the back we should also put the website address so they know where to type it in

46 Name: Akiabo : 2016-02-21 22:10 ID:DLeWKtxe [Del]

Time to make the world smile, Ah thats my dream

47 Post deleted by user.

48 Name: Secret51 : 2016-02-21 23:51 ID:PB2vQFva (Image: 564x730 jpg, 111 kb) [Del]

src/1456120306086.jpg: 564x730, 111 kb

49 Name: Y/N-chan : 2016-02-22 04:51 ID:Fl5FMMSU [Del]

That has got to be the cutest mission I think I'll do this one

50 Name: Nessir : 2016-02-22 07:33 ID:SM5Xnksw [Del]

That sounds like a good idea BUMP ^^

51 Name: evan : 2016-02-22 10:42 ID:IyxiM4k+ [Del]

i agree lets do this

52 Name: Akiabo : 2016-02-22 13:05 ID:K6QiSCVg [Del]

I did this today. I had a lot of people smile. Made my day.

53 Name: eric : 2016-02-22 13:26 ID:CO5GCHm7 [Del]

yes yes yes support all the way

54 Name: Vinegar Love !Y1PNLRTAcY : 2016-02-22 16:17 ID:8v+Msgnb [Del]

>>48 That's some cool design right there!
Why not, seems a good idea.

55 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-02-22 18:19 ID:CmTrAVpy [Del]

I think I'll join in on this idea. It'll be a pretty good idea to spread word about the dollars.

56 Name: Rex McKey : 2016-02-23 08:24 ID:buLyd4cC [Del]


57 Name: X : 2016-02-23 09:23 ID:fiiPVMcT [Del]

I like that sticky note idea I will do that tommorrow :)

58 Name: Eleross : 2016-02-23 10:13 ID:ozohund7 [Del]

I like the general idea but let's not put the password

59 Name: Dengen : 2016-02-23 13:12 ID:SPtv9ak3 [Del]


60 Name: Wolfpack : 2016-02-23 13:14 ID:K6QiSCVg [Del]

This is fun lets do anither like this one

61 Name: Kazeki : 2016-05-14 21:49 ID:9tzjOhUS [Del]


62 Name: Raven : 2016-05-14 23:26 ID:E28A7A68 [Del]

I LOVE the more physical missions like this, lime yes the charity extension on Chrome is nice but some of us (myself included) like ms physical missions.

63 Name: Imthehatter : 2016-05-15 00:27 ID:ctrUVZeO [Del]

I did something like this on Valentine's day this year, but I might actually do this. :D

64 Name: Kuroka : 2016-05-15 12:32 ID:KbFZ2pGX [Del]

I love this! I just gotta find a place to put this up...

65 Name: Virgil : 2016-05-15 14:03 ID:HFDsUWFC [Del]

I really like the sticky note idea. The take what you need is cool too but if someone takes all if it then it's no longer useful.

66 Name: ミセス B. : 2016-05-15 15:21 ID:zGaTFQVT [Del]

It´s a lovely idea!! I´ll try to do it too!! we can do more this kind of mission!! (@^^@)

67 Name: Kaoru : 2016-05-17 13:18 ID:Fzuvrkg/ [Del]

I did it today ^^

68 Name: Dati : 2016-05-17 16:24 ID:Al8xf046 [Del]

That's a great idea, i'll probably do it.

69 Name: Regkan : 2016-05-17 20:38 ID:JJJsDtuj [Del]

This is a great idea and I just made a whole bunch and am going to secretly hand them out tomorrow at school. Hope I can spared some smiles!

70 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-05-17 22:16 ID:6O8YZCyd [Del]

Love the idea, but I'm afraid my particular area is not so open minded.... if you know what I mean