Dollars BBS | Missions





















1 Name: leet : 2016-01-29 19:16 ID:YJ1/aGvE [Del]

Hello fellow dollars. I need your help. 
The situation is that it has been some incidents in Stockholm where gangs have been attacking civilians and immigrants. I have has enough of this now and I'm not going to sit back and wait for police. However I need your help. So please if you want to meet up at least make up a plan tell me here and I shall be back with more information

2 Name: Azzy : 2016-01-29 23:50 ID:DWPy5MYT [Del]

The only thing here is be very carful, these other gangs are obviosly violent, so just be careful

3 Name: Kibou : 2016-01-30 00:06 ID:L9E5PZLL [Del]

I'm sorry I can not be a lot of help since I'm far away... But I do hope it comes to an end & people support you.

4 Name: Mr.White : 2016-01-30 02:30 ID:yohWn6Tg [Del]

Hey, we can't stop you, but just be careful. If you see a gun then you run, don't try to be a hero unless you're 100 percent confident. I don't advise you do this but if you do, take a non lethal weapon of some kind, and absolutely on no circumstance are you to kill anyone, we are the dollars. that's not what we do, or shouldnt do i guess. Be safe.

5 Name: Mr.White : 2016-01-30 02:32 ID:yohWn6Tg [Del]

sorry for the double post. Email me here maybe i can help with a safer plan.

6 Name: Raseruuu : 2016-01-30 06:44 ID:Oz7l7W3N [Del]

Please be careful! Learn a Martial art for Self defense or something just in case... but just as Mr. White said... If you see a gun pls run away!
far away from Stockholm so bah:P

7 Name: Aze : 2016-01-30 11:21 ID:oJNaCT6Q [Del]

Just don't die-
I don't know if you ever get involved in a fight, but trust me it isn't simple to end it whiteout some bone broken. I practice karate for 13 years. Although my taring today i'm not sure if i can win a street fight against 3 or 4 guys- Your idea is worthy but you must have some taring and a good group. Don't risk your life in a useless fight, you can do different things like record the aggression and show them to the police. You can make the difference in may ways, and sometimes the direct way isn't the better way.

Good Luck.

8 Name: Leet : 2016-01-30 12:30 ID:PDbC+d3t [Del]

Hello and thanks for all the replies!

These gangs aren't normal kids going around, it's nazis and facists. Police have been involved but the thing is that they are not simply listens and here in sweden you can do much without getting in jail. Some of them have killed and yet they are free. It won't help to tell the police. The majority of us has to run them over and eliminate them. I'm not going to stand and look while they're destroying this city!

It's true that i wont be able to take them on myself but i'll figure out something.

It would be nice if you outside of sweden could spread this around because, trust me it's serious. I have a feeling that these pople are going to get pretty damn serious eventually go crazy.

9 Name: Gus : 2016-01-31 10:19 ID:TB7JkzhM [Del]

In my city it`s the same. They too have lethal weapons and attacked my friend during school and police didn`t do anything nor the teachers. I suggest you put down a team of friends since The Dollars are scattered all over the world or if they`re any Dollars living near you. Me and my friends were planing to sabotage their motorcycles but it was far to dangerous

10 Name: knug : 2016-01-31 12:15 ID:UIZTitla [Del]

hi, these "gangs" might be (im not really sure...) neo nazis and are very violent. end what theyre doing is attacking arriving immigrants in stockholm central (train) station. i cant be there to support you but i wish you luck...

11 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-31 13:00 ID:ZankFjGI [Del]

sadly I am too far away to do much for you. my email is let me know if things work out. I shall spread the word to bring awareness to the problems that are being kept hush hush in some parts of the world.

12 Name: Leet : 2016-01-31 15:57 ID:PDbC+d3t [Del]

Hello and thanks for your support everyone!

These gangs are a mixture of racists and nazis. However The big problem here is that "normal" people are sympahtising with these bastards (even though they are a minority). And it's not only nazis that is harming innocent people. Normal people with racist views are promoting this violence and have been stealing from refugees and stuffs.

Like i said. I'm not going to give up, i'm going to expose these people and make them pay!

13 Name: Nostalgia : 2016-01-31 19:08 ID:GjAA2HZB [Del]

Neo-Nazi's, huh? It's 2016 and racism is still a thing? Pathetic really. Contact a police or something, just try not to get in a physical fight. Work your way around. Just be safe, alright?

14 Name: SKULLKID : 2016-01-31 22:28 ID:GOl2mCQJ [Del]

If you had back up is one thing but alone, well information is
important and knowing how the gang work is also important. Depend how fragile it is you could always make them fight each
other but that would be to much blood, unless you have
100 percent sure way of preventing that

15 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2016-02-01 00:36 ID:wqcC7DON [Del]

Well just walk in groups don't be dumb, and know danger timings don't walk through corners don't look people in the eye, if a situation is occurring don't stay too long to be a witness unless you actually can do something about it

16 Name: Raseruuu : 2016-02-01 05:33 ID:7E4lXDEA [Del]

I think I found some news on this one..
This is legit, guys. This is legit.
About time someone did something about it!

17 Name: leet : 2016-02-01 06:54 ID:PDbC+d3t [Del]

They wrote about it in The Guardian as well

18 Name: Nen : 2016-03-14 17:14 ID:KJH4IC/1 [Del]

Hope you stay safe. I think to do something about the gangs you need more than just brute force. An email adress or Facebook page is of more value these days

19 Name: Mazuko : 2016-03-14 22:47 ID:2lBY5xEX [Del]

What would be a good time? I might be able to help, but I'll need to find a way....

20 Name: Juji Kabane : 2016-03-14 23:18 ID:eJtLGNum [Del]

Just be safe and remember, Retreat is an option if you live to fight another day.

21 Name: X : 2016-03-15 03:01 ID:Ahwv9oLN [Del]

Stockholm has also previously been a place with a high crime rate and a history of notorious gangs. My advice - don't get too involved. I lost a lot of my friends in gang attacks and investigations. I know the police seems very laid-back but,unfortunately,we can't do much about it. Stay safe.