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Video for Paris (23)

1 Name: Nichi : 2015-11-13 18:49 ID:vFCRZcBT [Del]

Hey, guys! So here's an idea that's been thought up by a few of us, but to make it work, we're going to need some support.

Here's the basic gist: we want to make a video reaching out to those in Paris affected by ISIS. We want them to know that there are people out here who know their struggles and who are sending their love to them and praying that they stay safe. First we need to find out how many people would be interested in such an idea, though. It wouldn't take much on y'all's part, simply record a video with your best wishes to Paris, or if you don't want to record yourself, then maybe put together an awareness video or make/take a picture of a pro-Paris sign.

This is still in the planning phases, so for right now I'm just checking to see who would be interested in sending in content for a video like this. Can you please comment if you are? If there are enough people, then we can get it started!

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Warui Ookami : 2015-11-13 18:53 ID:dkCcajpi [Del]

I'll try to come up with something.

4 Name: Nichi : 2015-11-13 18:59 ID:vFCRZcBT [Del]

Oh, also please be sure to thank KanraChan for the amazing idea in the first place!

5 Name: Klemma : 2015-11-13 19:02 ID:t8xLn+IO [Del]

I'll try my best

6 Name: Nichi : 2015-11-13 19:19 ID:vFCRZcBT [Del]

All right! For those of you who are interested, since I didn't expect such a fast reply, could you just send your submissions in to ? With your handle/username and your region (if you want to!). Things might change later, but for now, please send them to that email!

7 Name: Maya : 2015-11-13 19:30 ID:/iqMuNAe [Del]

8 Name: Nichi : 2015-11-13 20:20 ID:vFCRZcBT [Del]

UPDATE: I've received several videos/sound clips so far, and please keep them coming! That being said, it would also be great if some of you can send some pictures, as well, for the sound clips that don't have videos. Pictures of signs, or digital art, illustrations of any sort showing support for Paris in their time of need.

9 Name: Eclipse : 2015-11-13 21:06 ID:yPQYGbO0 [Del]

I'll have one by tomorrow

10 Name: estehangat : 2015-11-14 02:08 ID:KPgI32my [Del]

Is this only for dollars member or perhaps, just perhaps, if i can ask my friends to join this mission too?

11 Name: Cynthevil : 2015-11-14 07:02 ID:iweNLuF8 [Del]

Thank you guys, you are all awesome, France gives you all the love we left!!! <3

12 Name: Chloe : 2015-11-14 12:27 ID:ZpDX/TET [Del]

je suis de France et je vous remercie pour tout ce soutient. Hommage aux victimes et à leurs proches. #PrayForParis

13 Name: Shuto : 2015-11-14 12:53 ID:mjvGghNK [Del]

You got my support

14 Name: Takasi : 2015-11-14 13:05 ID:Zc+ujEW4 [Del]

You have my vote I would love to support France in anyway i can

15 Name: Nichi : 2015-11-14 13:14 ID:vFCRZcBT [Del]

>>10: If they don't mind the Youtube video being affiliated with the Dollars, then that would be great!

UPDATE/BUMP: We still definitely need more video clips/sound clips/pictures. We received some last night, but we want as much as possible to be able to compile and send France our love. "What should I send?" Anything showing support for Paris! "When should I send it?" Now! Or when you're finished recording/taking pictures, of course. "Where should I send it?" !

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18 Name: Maya : 2015-11-14 20:38 ID:/iqMuNAe [Del]


19 Name: Shiro !FKk4keqK9w : 2015-11-14 20:54 ID:VAXzw6cS [Del]

(corrected i am 10/10 at typing trust me) i could send a picture although i used in a very similar one like this

My email is :

20 Name: Oceankiller : 2015-11-14 20:54 ID:b6NRuUr7 [Del]

If I can get my friends help I'll do it, I'm going to ask him to translate it into French for me and teach me how to say.

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22 Name: Maya : 2015-11-15 12:01 ID:/iqMuNAe [Del]


23 Name: Nichi : 2015-11-17 18:27 ID:H+2lGIDD [Del]

One final bump: I'm going to be closing submissions for the video in TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS. Then after that, I'm going to compile them all into the video we're all waiting for! So if you want to still send stuff in, then this is your final call!

Remember, my email is !! If you've already sent something, then I should have already replied with an A-OK. If you haven't received a reply, then I didn't get the email!
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