Dollars BBS | Missions




















Mizzou black students under attacks from KKK and Racist students. (28)

1 Name: mons : 2015-11-11 13:07 ID:Jd63mpKU (Image: 1484x1117 jpg, 332 kb) [Del]

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Dollars this is a real mission. Its been all over social media but news media hasn't reported on it.
Mizzou a University in Missouri has been under attack as threats and attacks to black students have kept these minority students afraid of even going out of their homes. There are more and more reports as these students tell their stories through twitter.

One of the things that are repeated on reports its that it started with a YikYak(an anonymous sharing app) post where someone stated they will kill black students. It later added as more and more Yaks around the area shared the same intentions.

Students have been sharing that it is a scary because the anonymity of the threats make it so they don't know who is after them.

Dollars we are anonymous and we can fight back with the same tactic. Using social media and us being colorless to fight back. How?

They used media to cause panic we can use media to show that we can make a difference.

For this mission, we need to make an anonymous Dollar account on twitter and #TheDollars and #Mizzou on it. We need to write tweets that #TheDollars are here and that we will protect anyone who needs help. That we will stop any threats on becoming a reality and that we won't stand for the KKK to take on students.

If we get a large number of us to tweet and social media we can make the KKK panic with their same fear tactic and members will think twice before committing an attack as they will also fear being stopped by this large community of unknown people.

2 Name: mons : 2015-11-11 13:09 ID:Jd63mpKU (Image: 540x960 jpg, 27 kb) [Del]

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3 Name: mons : 2015-11-11 13:10 ID:Jd63mpKU (Image: 538x960 jpg, 74 kb) [Del]

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4 Name: mons : 2015-11-11 13:10 ID:Jd63mpKU (Image: 538x960 jpg, 71 kb) [Del]

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5 Name: mons : 2015-11-11 13:10 ID:Jd63mpKU (Image: 592x960 jpg, 49 kb) [Del]

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6 Name: Shibasaki : 2015-11-11 15:41 ID:UNRiygyz [Del]

Il help dont have a twwiter, But Il make one.Are you going to oragnize this ? :)

7 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-11-11 15:41 ID:QP8uVyCg [Del]

Mon I like your idea of helping out and I support, but let me brush up on some things for this mission before that:

1. If we are going to use social media to help then make sure people don't start saying "well we'll kill white people then".

2. Maybe we don't need to use the name 'Dollars' when addressing these horrible people just in case they decide to rampage this website. But hopefully the admin will be able to ban them. I don't want to count on it however.

^ so just these things, otherwise I'm already to go! How do we start?

8 Name: Shibasaki : 2015-11-11 15:57 ID:UNRiygyz [Del]

Kokkuri-san thats true but will they know the password ? :)

9 Name: mons : 2015-11-11 16:10 ID:2uReYFrd [Del]

Kokkuri is right. We cannot say ignorant things like lets kill a whole demographic. What we should write is that we as a group have taken notice of the threats and acts of violence and that we won't tolerate them anymore. We can say that we are in town and we will intervene when we see any act.

You also made the point about whether to call ourselves the Dollars or not. We have to be aware that our password won't protect us to an extent.

and yes Shibasaki if I have to organize it I will.

As long as we have a big number of Dollars helping us and working together on Twitter we can make a big enough splash that we might make the KKK paranoic with the same weapon they used to scare students.

10 Name: Areigarei !5pdCi1JxAc : 2015-11-11 20:01 ID:n9few3pg [Del]

So let me get this straight, we are NOT doing this in the name of the Dollars right?
I'll make an account on twitter if this can possibly save lives.

11 Name: firelily : 2015-11-11 20:09 ID:yUbjQVvx [Del]

(wow its been so long i had to retype my name 0_0)

this is crazy, are you sure this is real?? i mean have you been on the app yourself and seen this?? screenshots can be edited (and some people do that for attention)

i will take this seriously though, i will post the news around (but the twitter idea will stay on the BBS so if this is real no one that is threatening these people will see it)

[but really get on the app and see what you find youeself if you have not already]
and if you give the the login to the twitter i will keep it running after this whole issue is resolved

12 Name: firelily : 2015-11-11 20:11 ID:yUbjQVvx [Del]

ps. i think the account name should be colorless instead of Dollars, the BBS is really easy to get into, we already had a troll problem for a few weeks (if yall remember)

13 Name: mons : 2015-11-11 22:40 ID:2uReYFrd [Del]

I agree firelily. We should go by Colorless. I don't know if we should call ourselves a gang or a group though. Areigarei we are not using the Dollars name as it would hurt us just like firelily said.

Also I checked sources from the multiple news sites. Just Google Mizzou and you will find the person who got caught and all the tweets from students and videos of people in pick up trucjs yelling racial slurs.

14 Name: Issa : 2015-11-12 00:19 ID:K1X1VVqz [Del]

I will help and I have many friends that want to help as well. Before we do anything though, I would like to clarify the tags we will be using. Also, how about just calling us "The Colorless Ones"? Then we wouldn't outright be calling ourselves a gang (since the term 'gang' is rarely used for groups who aim to do good, but the word 'group' doesnt sound... I'm not sure how to put it... Like we mean business?) I think in this situation, vagueness on that topic could be a good thing.

15 Name: Issa : 2015-11-12 00:30 ID:K1X1VVqz [Del]

I think maybe vagueness should also be used in terms of what is said towards the racist and harmful students. I also agree with Kokkuri that we should not be giving brutal threats. We do not want to lower ourselves to their level. However, maybe saying things like "Cease your blatant racism and discusting acts of brutality or there will be consequences" or "We will not stand for this unjustified and disgustingly cruel behavior" could be a good idea. The implication is there and implication alone could be enough to freak out the harmful students. Maybe even directing messages towards specific people without anything implied, but just saying "(name), stop. We see you." To make them realize that the way they act isn't going unnoticed and is looked down on.

16 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-11-12 02:14 ID:QP8uVyCg [Del]

>>15 Those sound good Issa! And all of us repeating these sentences towards these racist and abusive people will get them into some form of fear even if a little bit. We hope that it might even make them stand down, even if not we will try.

>>14 Instead of 'gang' we could say "community"

>>13 btw I made a twitter account if that's what we needed, I just need to learn from you guys how to go about using it for this mission.

I don't think I should mention my twitter account here because it could pop up in a google search very easily. However if we need to give each other our names then maybe we can organise a time to meet up at the Drrr chatrooms titled 'Twitter movement' or something like that. That way we're anonymous, the Dollars can stay safe and the chat history will be deleted after we leave, for our own safety.

17 Name: Shibasaki : 2015-11-15 15:50 ID:Us1a3Iw0 [Del]

Hell yeah lets do It :) Lets get a time and we can get down to buissnes :)

18 Name: Klemma : 2015-11-15 16:03 ID:t8xLn+IO [Del]

>>16 we are a gang

19 Name: SilverGhost : 2015-11-15 16:31 ID:SZktEUm6 [Del]

That sounds good, I say we do it!

20 Name: Nozomi : 2015-11-15 16:34 ID:I78COstM [Del]

Yeah! Let's do it~

21 Name: mons : 2015-11-15 19:38 ID:2uReYFrd [Del]

Ok lets call ourselves The Colorless and lets write stuff similar to what Issa wrote. >>14 Lets all post tomorrow mid day. It seems like a fairly good time.

22 Name: Kira : 2015-11-15 19:45 ID:SWeL8zr2 [Del]

Yeah lets do it, whats the twitter account name going to be

23 Name: L : 2015-11-15 20:09 ID:Z+whBcvA [Del]

So I'm kinda confused on what we're gonna be doing here...what are we gonna post?

24 Name: mons : 2015-11-16 08:25 ID:2uReYFrd [Del]

Ok so #TheColorless #Mizzuo and something like >>14 mentioned.

25 Name: HarukaTsuki : 2015-11-16 09:50 ID:CjOCjKTe [Del]

@mons Im kind of confused of this whole thing. I want to join but r u suggesting we should make a twitter account f the whole dollars with the name the colorless one?

26 Name: mons : 2015-11-16 10:08 ID:HFBS8vMT [Del]

Make a Twitter account using your dollar Gmail. That way it is not tracked to your personal email. Use your dollar name and #TheColorless and #Mizzuo when you post. Write something to show support and somewhat scared the KKK that there is another group who is not ok with what they are doing.

27 Name: burnMEalive : 2015-11-16 18:49 ID:T+PPJON8 [Del]

don't think this group is big enough to scare anyone yet, maybe we need to do things big enough to give the dollars some recognition

28 Name: soran : 2015-11-16 18:54 ID:NFbJF9Sa [Del]

>>12 i really like the colorless idea