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Dollars Secret Phrase Debate! TIMED POLL, JOIN IN! (54)

1 Name: CHROME : 2015-11-07 18:17 ID:++4l3Diy [Del]

Glad to see so much discussion!

We are gathered here today for a timed poll, as suggested by Raziel. The debate will be on a secret phrase only REAL Dollars will know of, to show legitimacy in the outside world and online, and to find fellow real Dollars!

A lot of discussion and debate was made, and the phrases are hereby finalized. There are two.

CHROME's: Dollar: "What's the world like to you?" Dollar being asked: "The world isn't as bad as you think."

Akira's: Dollar: "A dollar's color is green" Dollar the phrase is being stated to: "But I am invisible" (colorless is also an acceptable answer)

Whichever Phrase wins is also accompained by a wave/hand gesture. If you need or want to grab that person's attention, wave with the sign language for "D", similar to the A-OK gesture (All fingers except the index touching the thumb, and the index finger pointed outwards) and then ask the secret phrase. (As suggested by Raziel and Lysander)

For extra clarification or security, prod at them a little bit: ask about the Dollars website, their Dollars email, etc.

If that person understands the hand gesture, knows the secret phrase and basically passes all tests, you have just met a fellow Dollar!

Vote by saying either CHROME or Akira.
Vote ends 11/10/15, at an undecided/anonymous time (from suggestions by Raziel and mrsqueaky)

Thank you to all who joined in on the discussion, everyone's opinions, feedback and bumps helped form this thread!

**This was unfortunately permasaged from the Main tab, but I want to keep this alive.

Yes, using the phrase and gesture is optional, the Dollars don't have rules, but seeing as this has become popular, if youd like to find other Dollars, this would be a sure fire way to do so.

**Current votes (with help from Eclipse)
Akira: 9

2 Name: Fenress : 2015-11-07 18:41 ID:JG95/Pqc [Del]


Just in case you haven't counted mine yet. If you already have, please disregard. Treat this comment as a bump, then.

The hand gesture is discrete too, cool!

3 Name: Em.Cana : 2015-11-07 19:19 ID:5EGgYPN5 [Del]


I like the hand gesture, too! It's really cool.

4 Name: Diozaya : 2015-11-07 20:58 ID:G0oMSQ7y [Del]


5 Name: The_Monkey_House : 2015-11-07 21:34 ID:CPlGcUIr [Del]

Chrome all the way

6 Name: Kanra-Chan !c3Be7u15KM : 2015-11-07 22:10 ID:d1GwA9BT [Del]

They're all so cool! I think you should do the sign language for "D" then ask the secret phrase....And this is hard for me to choose from but probably Chrome's.

7 Name: The fool : 2015-11-07 22:10 ID:8z8dHIFf [Del]


8 Name: Meliodas : 2015-11-07 23:11 ID:42WHJQYX [Del]


9 Name: Toast : 2015-11-07 23:36 ID:Dd5btrEz [Del]

Chrome has a bit of subtly I really appreciate.

10 Name: Oberon : 2015-11-07 23:36 ID:QY1rne7Z [Del]

Akira. Both are very good suggestions though.

11 Name: Chrome !FzAyW.Rdbg : 2015-11-08 00:09 ID:PsPWaJgt [Del]

Did this guy just steal my name?

12 Name: Chrome : 2015-11-08 00:21 ID:R9csHwl4 [Del]

@Chrome unfortunately, the way that this place runs right now Chrome is not 'your' name. Anyone can be anyone.... IMO we need a site with accounts. The anonymous thing is a neat gimmick, but it actually sucks. It really puts a kink in our efforts to unite. Everything is too disjointed.

13 Name: CHROME : 2015-11-08 00:28 ID:++4l3Diy [Del]

I see. Well, I've logged on as CHROME for about 1 week, and so far counting you, I've met 6 different "chromes". I didn't exactly steal your name, your Chrome, and I'm CHROME xD I just rely on the ID for similar names.

14 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-11-08 03:46 ID:QP8uVyCg [Del]


Dang, Akira's one sounds cool though, but it might not be practical, just in case you say it to someone who isn't a part of the Dollars...Awkward, kinda 😌

15 Name: Fenress : 2015-11-08 04:08 ID:JG95/Pqc [Del]

>>12 Well, we can say that the IDs are our actual identity (unless we use different devices BUT having multiple accounts imposes thr same problem).

16 Name: Hidden !LjhheuuNPg : 2015-11-08 12:59 ID:oMnna+EG [Del]

Chrome. I think the handsign is kinda pointless though, breaks the colorless idea. Having some kind of dollar related symbol is enough, we don't need to be walking around flashing gang-signs. Although asking a question dollars related is kinda iffy too, because even a Durarara fan can answer them (granted they wouldn't expect it to be a question like this, so it would prob still work)

This is what tripcodes are for. Since number 11 there actually has one, I'm more inclined to believe he is the original.

Tripcodes are like passwords, that show a random text, this way if your text is always the same, they know you're the real deal, if suddenly the text changes or vanishes without notice, then possibly an impostor.

17 Name: Uhlecksis : 2015-11-08 13:35 ID:t5XYRCZj [Del]

I like the first one

18 Name: Xue : 2015-11-08 13:39 ID:TjxKfHUG [Del]

Akira, I think; however, I have a better variation, one that I'm already using actually.

"What is a Dollar's color?"
It's subtle, like Chromes; but only a true fan and one who is part of the dollars would think to answer with Transparent, Colorless, or Invisible. Even with the other gangs, their first thought wouldn't be of the Dollars, but of actual currency.

19 Name: SilverGhost !Sfv1qGAH5A : 2015-11-08 16:16 ID:SZktEUm6 [Del]


20 Name: Tauran : 2015-11-08 16:46 ID:dDrKkJh6 [Del]

I like Akira' comes off as a pretty cool phrase, for me. Makes me feel like I'd be a little mysterious when answering, keke

21 Name: Constantine : 2015-11-08 16:58 ID:rt7GoGwG [Del]

I like Akira's the best but i don't like the handsign idea

22 Name: dragontamer1050 : 2015-11-08 17:07 ID:VqTcsfLL [Del]

I'm gonna have to vote for CHROME's. They are both good suggestions, but I think that CHROME's is the better one.

23 Name: Nichi : 2015-11-08 17:21 ID:2fo975wm [Del]


Definitely agreeing; saying that a Dollar is green is pretty conspicuous, as though you're trying to provoke somebody into giving a different answer.

24 Name: Blackbird : 2015-11-08 18:06 ID:j+E5SJ65 [Del]

Akira's just seems like it would sound better than "What's the world like to you?" because someone could just say that because it sounds cool or something and I don't want to take that chance. So Akira's wins by default in my book.

25 Name: Blackbird : 2015-11-08 18:06 ID:j+E5SJ65 [Del]

by the way let me know which one wins. Please and thank you.

26 Name: GokuOnAcid : 2015-11-08 19:07 ID:fLU7vkry [Del]


27 Name: Koneda : 2015-11-08 19:58 ID:HpPOqDXz [Del]


28 Name: mrsqueaky : 2015-11-08 20:19 ID:4SCQquB6 [Del]

WOOHOO i got mentioned

also i vote for chrome

29 Name: Aya : 2015-11-08 20:26 ID:jP8k1sbG [Del]


30 Name: Griffin : 2015-11-08 20:27 ID:YifJC8+g [Del]

I like Akira's

31 Name: Hisoka !PrPJygT39E : 2015-11-08 22:13 ID:TkiTjMdn [Del]

Oh, man! This is really hard!

They both have their pros and cons.

Chrome's is really subtle so I like it, but the answer doesn't really flow well, in my opinion, and there is a chance that someone might actually give the correct response by mere coincidence(though, I know there isn't a very high chance of this happening, it still could).

The response to Akira's is really cool (it makes me feel like I really am a part of some secret organization), but it's definitely not as subtle and, like Kokkuri-san said, it would be extremely awkward if the person that you're asking ends up not being a dollar..

If there was a way to make Akira's less awkward(maybe like Xue's suggestion), then I would definitely pick it. But, since I have to choose between the two finalized phrases, I'll have to choose Chrome's.

32 Name: MikiAri1437 : 2015-11-09 00:07 ID:mYLd/gbk [Del]


33 Name: Areigarei !5pdCi1JxAc : 2015-11-09 01:05 ID:n9few3pg [Del]

cant it be interchangeable? -_-
I mean they both get the meanings across. I mean how many people out of the blue ask what color is a dollar or whats the world like to you. I mean if anyone asked me either of those questions I would make the assumption they're Dollars members xD

34 Post deleted by user.

35 Name: BK201 : 2015-11-09 02:03 ID:Y1QEcHi4 [Del]


36 Name: Fenress : 2015-11-09 02:05 ID:gNNhxI5b [Del]

>>33 Areigarei's idea is feasible too! We can use them interchangeably OR we can use them both (double assurance... but I dohbt it's necessary).

37 Name: Lux_Blade : 2015-11-09 05:56 ID:97gkipK8 [Del]


38 Name: Clash : 2015-11-09 07:06 ID:H04lpfeO [Del]



39 Name: Shirai Iku : 2015-11-09 08:35 ID:Og9gbw8d [Del]


40 Name: oh : 2015-11-09 08:53 ID:M1U+t5oj [Del]

This is one of the cringiest things I've read.

41 Name: Lysander : 2015-11-09 09:14 ID:f6UPFPuO [Del]

What is a dollars color? I like it >>18

42 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2015-11-09 09:20 ID:CrDwQIuy [Del]


43 Name: Guardian : 2015-11-09 10:05 ID:y7gZNFC1 [Del]


44 Name: PureWater100% : 2015-11-09 10:25 ID:EE98M9/t [Del]


45 Name: sebasuchon : 2015-11-09 13:35 ID:FAbEKn9z [Del]

Akira...only becuase the other one my be taken the wrong way...even by a dollar

46 Name: Lybrith : 2015-11-09 14:19 ID:03119j1V [Del]


47 Name: OroseC !puodSbGaRU : 2015-11-09 14:41 ID:wQuDb2FY [Del]

I vote Akira because it is something different rather than using our motto for everything

48 Name: Haru : 2015-11-09 16:22 ID:5s6BQYN0 [Del]


49 Name: memeteam100 : 2015-11-09 19:54 ID:6FRHdJbY [Del]


50 Name: memeteam100 : 2015-11-09 19:54 ID:6FRHdJbY [Del]

Its easier to remember.

51 Name: HoNk :0) : 2015-11-09 20:01 ID:6cHvzyue [Del]

Chrome for sure

52 Name: CHROME : 2015-11-11 11:18 ID:++4l3Diy [Del]

The timed poll is now over! Results coming in soon...

53 Name: Kirai : 2015-11-11 11:32 ID:909/eWAD [Del]

I'd say Akira's because it is a more specific answer. There is more of a chance that someone could say the first one without being part of the dollars. Although, can't we just do both. Just pick which ever you'd like to say.

54 Post deleted by user.

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