Dollars BBS | Missions





















1 Name: Lucianfell !wh3utfclrU : 2015-11-02 18:20 ID:2ILdT7Dq (Image: 180x180 jpg, 31 kb) [Del]

src/1446510055421.jpg: 180x180, 31 kb
as both a Dollars and Anonymous supporter i think that the Dollars should join the Anonymous groups in their respective cities in support of the Million Mask March that will be taking place november 5th. I am attaching a link with my post and hope that the Dollar support Anonymous in their activities and the push for equality and change

2 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-11-02 23:35 ID:qfbxmG4O [Del]

Could you sort of explain what Guy Fawkes day is about? It seems to be related. Can't participate unless I know the full story, y'know?

3 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-11-03 02:16 ID:qfbxmG4O [Del]

btw, how about representing the Dollars while wearing the Anonymous mask? Maybe wear a t-shirt with our logo on it, or holding up a sign with the Dollar's symbol saying with it 'I support'. Form a little group in your area this way!

4 Name: YaroShien : 2015-11-03 03:20 ID:c/SYSLyg [Del]

November 5th is Guy Fawkes Day. Its basically where the masks come from. The mission statement of the march is to remind this world what it has forgotten, that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than just words.

5 Name: Shinji : 2015-11-03 09:30 ID:ZayA3j2A [Del]

Im already joining once the weekend comes lol

6 Name: Ichigo : 2015-11-03 11:59 ID:TCdajQBm [Del]

Is there one in south carolina and if there is, is anyone going?

7 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-11-03 16:35 ID:qfbxmG4O [Del]

I want to come so badly, but I've got exams going on the day after. I'll wait for next year then I guess :|

Someone representing the Dollars there would be nice, because we are still on the justice side of Anonymous, we've got the same goals.

8 Name: Lucianfell !wh3utfclrU : 2015-11-03 19:37 ID:2ILdT7Dq (Image: 600x381 jpg, 42 kb) [Del]

src/1446601053241.jpg: 600x381, 42 kb
there is a march in every major city in every state province and country, for those of you with facebook simply type "[the name of your city/country] Million Mask March"
and for those of you who are unsure about what annonymous and guy fawkes is about basically let me say it like this, annonymous is about as close to a real life ideal version of the dollars as we will likely ever see. they are activists for enviromental concerns, fighters of justice, they work towards ending government corruption across the globe aswell as avenging people hurt by government corruption aswell as police brutality. some members are also part of a hacking group that raids government files and releases this information to the public. anything else you are free to research yourselves, all i can say is that both as a Dollar and an Anon i will be supporting my local march and encourage all of you to do the same. a Mask is recommended but not necessary. simply find the one in your city and please attend and support your group

9 Name: Lucianfell !wh3utfclrU : 2015-11-04 08:49 ID:2ILdT7Dq [Del]

bumping since this event starts tomorrow

10 Name: Kirigaya : 2015-11-04 09:09 ID:nNSJh2t/ [Del]

while i cant stop anyone from joining anonymous and i wont judge u if u do i would advise not affilating with anonymous they have bad blood surrounding them and personally i agree with what they stand for but an orginization which relies soley on fear isnt one we should associate with.

11 Name: Lucianfell !wh3utfclrU : 2015-11-04 09:16 ID:2ILdT7Dq [Del]

i dont really see how the operate on fear, they explicitly state that they do not tolerate or condone violence in any form and especially not towards civilians, but they do use warnings and threats on the governments atleast within my own country threatening to expose corruption and secret government files. but if you have any other information about the group or personal reasons to think the way you do then you are free to think with that opinion. but i still believe they are as close to real life dollars as we will see in our lifetime i think

12 Name: Lysander : 2015-11-04 11:13 ID:f6UPFPuO [Del]

Given that the dollars are the first real group that I have committed to, I obviously support us. I'm not to quick to just jump into a group such as anonymous but I do think what they stand for is a good ideal. As said before I'm not sure I quite support their methods to Achieve the goals but I won't say I'm completely against their organization. But again I will stick to being a dollar specifically because I believe we can help make the world a better place.

13 Name: Lysander : 2015-11-04 11:14 ID:f6UPFPuO [Del]

The dollars are a good group of people trying to help the world become a better place and I will stick with them.

14 Name: Lucianfell !wh3utfclrU : 2015-11-04 11:43 ID:2ILdT7Dq [Del]

that is a fair point, im not asking anyone to give up the dollars for anonymous, and im also not asking anyone to join anonymous, but if you go to the march then you are helping to support and give strength to those people who are already fighting, im afraid to say the dollars are scattered and few and far between, for someone to notice and try to find the dollars they must have watched an anime and liked it enough to look up the real life dollars, anybody on the internet has heard of and is likely to support anonymous. anonymous is also a group of people trying to help the world become a better place and i encourage anyone to research how they operate and listen to their speeches, it might help change your mind about some things

15 Name: Lysander : 2015-11-04 11:48 ID:f6UPFPuO [Del]

That is a very fair point to make. I will check it out a bit then. Dollars word.

16 Name: Kirigaya : 2015-11-04 14:53 ID:6s6wwzi4 [Del]

I have to agree with Lysander on the points he made but my direction of using fear wasnt directed towards anonymous motives as much as it was talking about the people who do the media work and acctually carry out there missons i would personally suggest that the groups merge on account of The dollars moral side and anonymouses numbers and close ties to our own motives
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