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Found a website by racist douchebags, or racist douchebags (21)

1 Name: MagicGolem : 2015-10-23 16:54 ID:O4p5OOD7 [Del]
So here's the link to the site, I suggest we troll the whole fucking lot of them. One page on said forum states that Jews are the number one enemy of the USA, and belittles other ethnic groups.

2 Name: Izanagi : 2015-10-23 17:08 ID:8xYVysnM [Del]

Fighting fascist count me in


3 Name: firelily : 2015-10-23 18:40 ID:h9gkUaY8 [Del]

no way wut?? 0_0
thats crazy...i need to look at this site....

though if we spam them they probably have ways to ban us or deactivate accounts or something, look into laws and stuff and see how well made the site is before you do something that can get you in real trouble
there are cyber bullying laws in some places and spamming can be considered bullying if you say certain things, keep that in mind...

i think the best course of action for this is to find someone really good with their words and have them make a petition to take the site down and then spread the petition around. or if it's possible in any way shape or form report the site to the people who own the domain and see if you can go around the site owner to see if you can get the site taken down.

though these things are easier said than done, because if this is an american website they can legally have it running because the right to free speech and the right of self expression...

4 Name: Izanagi : 2015-10-23 18:54 ID:8xYVysnM [Del]

@firelily I understand and totally agree with what you say.

5 Name: firelily : 2015-10-23 19:03 ID:h9gkUaY8 [Del]

>>4 okay i just wanted to warn yall before yall do something without thinking of the consequences....

i just looked at it, it doesn't seem too bad, but i only looked at the unlocked threads, those are bound to look nicer than the locked ones anyways...
(it seems a little more than rude though...) =_=

6 Name: Ignis : 2015-10-23 22:57 ID:7bhIA4mP [Del]


7 Name: Ignis : 2015-10-23 22:57 ID:7bhIA4mP [Del]

I've been looking around on the site for a bit and here's the gist of what I've found

8 Name: Ignis : 2015-10-23 22:59 ID:7bhIA4mP [Del]

The site itself seems to be a parody of anyone being biased against anything. I may be wrong, but I suggest you firmly checking your sources Mr. Golem >_> Before you commit small time libel :o

9 Name: Ignis : 2015-10-23 23:07 ID:7bhIA4mP [Del]

Also, one article is labeled "Trump pledges to take political correctness out of Christmas" <--- I'm a fan. Because fuck PC Principal. If you don't practice the celebration of Christmas then just don't. Fuck you, like you have the right to dictate whether others can practice or not. Fuck.... Political correctness is killing this planet.

10 Name: Ignis : 2015-10-23 23:21 ID:7bhIA4mP [Del]

Hm.. Upon me reacting to a thread on the site about "dem damn dirt immigrants" I posted this

"All of you. Are. Fucking. Stupid. Fucking. Idiots. Redundant? Sure. Accurate? Fuck yeah. First off. EVERY FUCKING WHITE PERSON IS A GOD DAMN IMMIGRANT. Or are you too inbred to fucking remember that shit? Boats? Spaniards? (who, usually, are white by the way) English?<-(NOT American). Y'know... Arrived. Killed the NATIVE Americans.. took land? Ringing a bell? Holy shit it's people like y'all that are what's wrong. Not little black Darius, or little brown Juan - Y'all. Ignorance doesn't even cover the half of it. Shut. The fuck. Up. Wanna bitch about immigrants? Well, as I said before, get on the fucking boats with the people you think need to leave because you aren't a fucking original American yourself. So stow it fucktards. And by the way, this BITCHIN' is brought to you by a brown Texan who is currently in the military. 'the fuck up and get your head your ass."

So it's 50/50 with this site.
Racism is fucking retarded.
Sexism is fucking retarded.
Feminism/misogyny is fucking retarded.
People are fucking retarded.

11 Name: 115 : 2015-10-23 23:23 ID:U4kb/iQR [Del]

Shut up

12 Name: Kazeki : 2015-10-24 08:12 ID:gCev1m3U [Del]

lol, just have 4chan raid them again-- xD

13 Name: anon : 2015-10-24 14:45 ID:gkGsJbUe [Del]


14 Name: Comet!65lgy9RiGc : 2015-10-24 21:26 ID:eUb17smG [Del]

Holy crap, is this site for real? Just read a song posted on there called "The Rape". That's not okay. Troll Mode engaged.

15 Name: Seirots : 2015-10-24 22:18 ID:9R5eAfuc [Del]

Ok this is a definite no-no here. Gather here trolls of all levels of skill and descend on this page!

16 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-24 22:34 ID:1n+t0q2A [Del]

Oh my god, lmao, the first thing I see is an icon saying "White Pride World Wide" XD

17 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-24 22:40 ID:1n+t0q2A [Del]

I can't even right now, this site is glorious XD

18 Name: !fAAOkAlae. : 2015-10-25 06:35 ID:rb5MxAy+ [Del]

It's very well known, and has been the target of many anon trolls. People of that forum are referred to as "storm-fags", as it's clearly a large haven conspiracy-tards and racists, it makes a lovely target as it embodies so much ignorance and negativity.

However, I don't feel this is the best use of DOLLAR efforts. Trolling idiots is fun and all but leave that to /b/. We should do something constructive ^_^

19 Name: Xeto : 2015-10-28 11:00 ID:nFdXk9rK [Del]

I'm down

20 Name: Kysheik : 2015-10-28 14:58 ID:1vMooEPP [Del]

This is not what the dollars are for I mean yea we need to be noticed by pple but not in this way..... :) be happy your with the dollars we always have your back but not for this and other bad stuff

21 Name: Carmine !E3bEmAD6bc : 2015-10-28 15:29 ID:MzulvyB6 [Del]

I agree with >>20. I would rather we not be viewed as immature online trolls. We are something much greater than that.