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Help Save the Earth (12)

1 Name: Sanura Usotsuki : 2015-10-02 19:15 ID:VIEaRmZj (Image: 249x202 jpg, 8 kb) [Del]

src/1443831311927.jpg: 249x202, 8 kb
I know this is probably stupid, but I'm gonna say it anyway. I was doing a biology project recently for school and we had to collect certain leaves. My whole class came across the problem of finding the trees. There were two trees, Walnut and Ash, that were especially hard to come across. It turned out that these trees had diseases and that they were slowly dying. I don't know if any of you have these kind of trees, or if you even know how to identify one, but it'd be great if you guys could help. I only joined recently, so I feel kinda stupid, but I'm going to ask for your help. If you could try to plant one of these trees, or if you have one, take care of it. Thanks guys! (Sorry if you think I'm weird for caring about trees XD)

2 Name: fanny : 2015-10-03 02:41 ID:oZrRPZjx [Del]

We take trees for granted so much, that we often forget to take care of them. Your request/reminder to help them is really necessary. There's no reason for you to be ashamed of it :)

3 Name: Sanura Usotsuki : 2015-10-03 08:55 ID:1qvnAri2 [Del]

Thanks, Fanny

4 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2015-10-03 09:40 ID:QKjjrk6u [Del]

We dont think you are weird for caring about trees, nor do we think that is stupid. We should care about our trees and we take just about everything for granted. This is a very important topic, im in.

5 Name: Kazeki : 2015-10-03 10:10 ID:MGFrVgPq [Del]

you can actually get paid planting tree too ovo!

6 Name: RedWolf16 : 2015-10-03 13:03 ID:kTxfbP8e [Del]

It's not weird I love nature too there are a lot of people like you in the world so don't feel shy in new too but I got used to it

7 Name: Sanura Usotsuki : 2015-10-03 13:43 ID:f52EER+t [Del]

Thanks guys.

8 Name: cats : 2015-10-04 16:32 ID:MNzscbgy [Del]

Ahh.... I heard about this , around the area where I live , almost all the ash trees are already dead .Wasn't there an invasive speices of beatles eating away at the ash trees? It's wiping the ashes from North America.

9 Name: cats : 2015-10-04 16:32 ID:MNzscbgy [Del]

Found it.

10 Name: koroyuuki : 2015-10-05 15:20 ID:WOQjz6k2 [Del]

this actually threatens Ireland particularly because we use ash in hurls which we need to play our native sports so i think this has to be dealt with quickly. My family is very big into hurling and its a tradition for us to make our own hurls rather then buy them like the rest of the we already have 10 healthy ash threes on our property ^_^

11 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-20 19:58 ID:1n+t0q2A [Del]

It's not at all weird that you care about trees; in fact, more people should care. I'm bumping this because it is indeed important.

12 Name: cats : 2015-12-25 17:30 ID:MNzscbgy [Del]

bumping it again.