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Pencils of Promise (8)

1 Name: Katoteshi !W7Ng7emKvY : 2015-07-27 13:05 ID:8yq19O5R [Del]

The Founder's Story:
It began with a question. A small boy begging in the streets of India. “What do you want most in the world?”

“A pencil,” he replied.

I reached into my backpack, handed him my pencil, and watched as a wave of possibility washed over him.

A smile erupted and his eyes brightened. I then saw the profound power and promise brought through something as small as a giving a pencil to just one child. Over the next five years, I backpacked through more than 50 countries, handing out thousands of pens and pencils across six continents. These pencils, these small pieces of potential, led to powerful conversations with local parents and children across countless cultures and languages. From years of listening to their words, it became clear that there was a need for an international nonprofit that was led on-the-ground by a staff of locals from within each country, required village participation in each school, and deeply supported, trained and tracked each student to ensure their success. These are the guidelines on which PoP was founded in October 2008.

Since starting with just a $25 deposit, we have now built more than 200 schools.

In the process, we have learned a lot. We’ve learned that education is a living, breathing entity that with the right nurturing, evolves into something spectacular. We’ve learned that every piece of its growth is a challenge and that each pencil, each dollar, each supporter is essential. Pencils of Promise is now a global movement of passionate individuals, many of which are the most dynamic and impactful leaders we have ever seen. They are committed to supporting a world with greater educational opportunity for all. Thousands have joined us, making contributions through acts both large and small.

We fundamentally believe that a day will come in our lifetimes when every single child will have access to a quality education, and we will continue to work tirelessly in breaking down the restraints of today to enable the possibilities of tomorrow.


I have been reading the founder's book titled "The Promise of a Pencil" and I wanted to share this with you all. Donating a small amount can go a long way and help children across the globe obtain an education. As members of The Dollars, we can make the world a better place. We can significantly impact and change the lives of many. I have already decided that I am going to give monthly to Pencils of Promise because I want to make a difference. If this interests you, please think about it :) Have a wonderful day!

~ Katoteshi of The Dollars ~
Loving, Serving, and Caring for Others in Order to Show
The World isn't as Bad as You Think
So Smile; Spread Joy and Kindness Throughout the World
Together We Can Make A Difference
We Are The Dollars

2 Name: Blue : 2015-07-27 13:46 ID:xlJh+Pmy [Del]

That is amazingly inspiring! Thanks for posting that.

3 Name: Katoteshi !W7Ng7emKvY : 2015-07-28 14:16 ID:8yq19O5R [Del]

Yep, no problem :)
please share this with anyone you know! I think this is an amazing organization as well, and the more people who know about it, the better :)

4 Name: Mudial : 2015-08-01 04:57 ID:FxgAREcZ [Del]

Wow. Never though something like that could happen in this heartless world.

5 Name: Kazeki : 2015-09-29 10:30 ID:JaQAAVwG [Del]


6 Name: Jikan-sama : 2015-09-29 11:16 ID:985n6YTx [Del]


7 Name: Sunahilde : 2018-01-11 23:11 ID:d+Dfq48A [Del]

This is a pretty old thread but oh well, still bumping it up. At least in my eyes, education is pretty important and it's kinda sad that not all people can have one. Here is a link to the pencils of promise website ->
Have a nice day/night!

8 Name: :/ : 2018-01-15 22:47 ID:5OlYdIHC [Del]
