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Sick friend (10)

1 Name: dracosquiddy : 2015-06-04 12:26 ID:aEigwcIm [Del]

One of my good friends from high school has become very sick. He has put up a page for donations to help out him and his family in this time. He was diagnosed with leukemia. Anything you guys could do to donate would help so much, even if it's only a dollar.

This link is to help donate.

A lot is people I know recently have been getting sick. My brother, along with one of my best friends. In my brothers case the doctors can't find what's wrong with him. He can't stomach most food without getting pain all through his stomach. An has passed out on several occasions. My best friend, got sick from an old company me an him worked at from inhaling chemicals without our employer providing us with proper ppe. Causing both of his kidneys to shut down on him causing him to come only a few steps from death. He survivor on a thread of life thankfully. So that he could take care of his little girl, he had to be put on dialysis. So I've had some rough spots with such friends and family. So I ask you all to please do anything you can to help my friend with donations

2 Name: Richard-sama : 2015-06-04 13:46 ID:Kg8QrBI6 [Del]

haha, its a big coincidence, just right now my university make a "blood donation week" so i´ll go there thinking the best for your friend (maybe i from another country but i would like to help anyway)
PD:sorry is my english is horrible

3 Name: Shizuko : 2015-06-04 15:28 ID:37a/viXa [Del]

I hope your friend gets better. I can't donate any money now but I'm praying for you, your friends, and family.
I don't know you in real life but I bet you are a wonderful person to do this for the people you know.
I hope the best for your life

4 Name: dracosquiddy : 2015-06-04 22:44 ID:aEigwcIm [Del]

Thank you guys for the support, this is one reason why I love being a dollar.

5 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-06-05 18:58 ID:NPky57AM [Del]

ugh! the rage! i wish i had money to help all you people but it just is not so :(

6 Name: firelily : 2015-06-06 14:23 ID:CP2eIKXZ [Del]

okay i cant donate myself (because im broooke DX)so i will help out by spreading the word...

i will put this on G+ and tumblr, and ask the people in charge of the FB and twitter accounts to post there too...

if nothing else we will have spread the word to someone who can help

7 Name: Entropy : 2015-06-06 15:18 ID:Ph26xP1d [Del]

Spreading the word!

8 Name: dracosquiddy : 2015-06-06 18:36 ID:LhqBouv7 [Del]

Thank you all so much, yet again
You guys are just awesome. I'm thinking of starting a go fund me for my brother because as of the time being he has no real medical insurance. Am he needs to find a good doctor. He lost so much weight because of it. An I just want him to get a good doctor who can help figure this out for him. He can barely eat anything at all because if he does it'll make him sick and cause him to be extremely faint and puts him in a lot of pain. An so far all the doctors he has seen just tell him they can't figure out exactly what's wrong.

9 Name: Shiro !zo111XfQF6 : 2015-06-06 19:10 ID:fZ3DA3ih [Del]

Damn i would love to help out. . .but sadly im broke

10 Name: Akano : 2015-06-30 21:22 ID:KLU7aqEd [Del]

Im really sorry....I cant donate money and I would love to but I cant. Im going to do the same as FireLily. I will do my best.
I will pray for your friend and I hope he will get better.

Im really sorry.